Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2111

For a Mo, Bai Yuexi is the sunshine in his heart, illuminating the bottom of his heart and dispelling the darkness in his heart.

Had it not been for Bai Yuexi, amo would have lost his mind and calmness after he recovered his memory for hours.

Maybe there is only hatred in my heart.

But because of Bai Yuexi around, because of the sunshine and warmth, he can keep calm and rational.

Not to do too impulsive things.

For amo, Bai Yuexi is very important, very important to him.

This kind of important degree, a Mo cannot say, but a Mo in the heart understands most.

Mo will see Bai Yuexi very heavy, how also reluctant to say to Bai Yuexi.

See Bai Yuexi helpless appearance, a Mo even some remorse and heartache.

Self blame is that he makes Bai Yuexi nervous. He loves his young lady. He doesn't want to make her nervous and unhappy.

Bai Yuexi listen to a Mo just this sentence, just have a kind of relaxed feeling.

Ah Mo doesn't blame her.

Bai Yuexi is aware that the character of a Mo is actually more delicate and sensitive.

Sometimes a little thing, he will think.

Or because of some of his experiences, he is sensitive to many things, and his heart may be fragile.

Bai Yuexi is always worried that she will hurt amo, or make amo unhappy.

Generally speaking, Bai Yuexi is also very nervous about amo. She cares about amo's mood, so she is just so nervous and helpless.

Although Bai Yuexi was relieved, she still explained: "ah Mo, I'm sorry, I know your identity, but I didn't tell you. I'm worried that you'll be confused when you know it, and some things are just my guess. I'm not sure if your identity is like this, but I always want to do something for you, so that you can be more relaxed when you recover your identity in the future. ”

when she said this, Bai Yuexi was also very serious.

She is very serious looking at a Mo, eyes so sincere.

A Mo looks at the eyes of Bai Yuexi and understands everything.

A Mo's heart mercilessly trembled, he stretched out his hand to hold Bai Yuexi, and then tightened his arm a little bit.


When he said these two words, amo's voice was full of sigh.

AMO's heart is full of emotion.

Some emotions, like a flood, want to submerge him.

At this moment, amo can't calm down at all.

But slowly, a Mo mood gradually calm down.

Holding Bai Yuexi, it's easy to calm down.

At this moment, amo suddenly felt that he had such an identity, he could become stronger, can not inferiority complex, can really hold Bai Yuexi firmly in the hands.

He wants to give Bai Yuexi everything better.

Bai Yuexi also reaches back to embrace amo.

"Ah Mo, no matter what, I will help you, stand by your side, help you revenge, help you get everything back."

When she said this, Bai Yuexi's voice was firm.

A Mo hears these words, the eye socket is hot, the eye eye eye is slightly some red.

"Thank you, miss."

"We all agreed not to say thank you." At this time, Bai Yuexi seems to be able to hear it, and a Mo's voice is choked.

Bai Yuexi loves amo.

Although I don't know what happened to amo, Bai Yuexi probably knows.

So she wants to protect a Mo, help a Mo get everything back, he is the king of this country.