Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2110

Listen to a Mo suddenly so ask, Bai Yuexi all froze.

Even Bai Yuexi didn't know how to answer a Mo's question.

But to cheat a Mo, she really can't do it.

Bai Yuexi is unable to deceive a Mo, so in the face of a Mo's eyes, for the first time, she has no idea what to do and what to say.

Bai Yuexi's eyes trembled with the light of her eyes.

Does Mo know something?

In fact, Bai Yuexi did not want to deliberately hide a mo.

When arranging subordinates for amo, Bai Yuexi will arrange them directly in front of AMO.

She is to think to wait time almost, tell a mo.

But this suddenly a Mo asks, she does not know how to do, some have no idea.

Even, Bai Yuexi in a Mo deep eyes, some retreat.

She slowly lowered her head, fingers intertwined, do not know what to say.

A Mo looks at Bai Yuexi this appearance, almost everything understood.

Mo was silent for a while, looking at Bai Yuexi deeply, then sighed.

After sighing, amo walked slowly to Bai Yuexi and gently touched Bai Yuexi's hair, "Miss..."

A Mo just called two words, with a sigh, with gentle.

Bai Yuexi feels a Mo's tenderness, and her mood stabilizes. Then she quietly looks up at a mo.

At this time she looked up at a Mo, just on a Mo gentle eyes.

At this time of a Mo, eyes with a gentle light like water, very gentle.

Bai Yuexi felt relieved at the sight.

At this time, Bai Yuexi understood that a mo was not angry.

"Ah Mo, you Don't you blame me for keeping it from you? "

Bai Yuexi said this, which is to admit that she knows the life experience of a mo.

A Mo eye ground flits a ray of light, he deeply looks at Bai Yuexi way: "I how willing to blame miss, I know miss is good for me!"

Yes, he knows everything Bai Yuexi has done for him.

Just a Mo is worried that Bai Yuexi is good to him and does so much because of his identity, his life experience, not him.

Yes, that's what amo is entangled with.

Because he cares too much about Bai Yuexi, he will care about Bai Yuexi's thoughts and why he is good to him.

Once upon a time, he always wondered why the young lady was so good to him and why she was so unique to him.

He even asked several times.

But miss's answer is the same.

Later, he didn't think much about it. He thought he would be nice to the lady in the future.

But now, when the young lady knew his life experience from the beginning, his heart was flustered.

Yes, at that moment, amo's head was chaotic.

Mo deeply looking at Bai Yuexi, but also want to see her thoughts through Bai Yuexi's eyes, see what she thought.

But a mo can't see the thought in Bai Yuexi's heart.

Especially seeing her nervousness, his heart was also pulled up.

He is thinking, is Bai Yuexi really because his identity is good for him, so he knows, she is nervous and worried?

But even so, how could he be willing to blame her.

At this time, amo even thought that even if the young lady knew that his identity was good for him, he was happy.

As long as the lady can stay with him.

In particular, when he recovered his childhood memory and remembered those dark hatred, Bai Yuexi's position in his heart became more important.