Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

V1.Chapter 2109

The faint cold light flashed in amo's eyes, and his eyes were all red.

Two flames were burning in his eyes, with a strong murderous air.

There was a strong murderous spirit all over him.

At this moment, amo wants to kill people.

There was darkness in his heart.

When Bai Yuexi came in, she saw a Mo like this.

Seeing such a Mo, Bai Yuexi was shocked.

Bai Yuexi with a change of face, worried to the bedside, "a Mo, what's the matter with you?"

See white moonlight appear, the look of a Mo just a little bit moderate.

"I'm fine!"

A Mo doesn't want Bai Yuexi to worry, so at this time, he hasn't told Bai Yuexi.

Because amo has to figure out how to deal with it.

At that time, the whole southeast area was the place of the king's residence.

Now that place is also fragmented.

But amo also knows that his father's old forces are still scattered around.

A Mo naturally wants to avenge his parents.

Bai Yuexi holds amo's hand, but finds that amo's hand is so cold.

Feel the coolness of his palm, Bai Yuexi is distressed.

"Ah Mo, didn't you have a good rest?"

"Don't worry, miss. I sleep well."

On the white moonlight gentle worried eyes, a Mo look better.

Because see Bai Yuexi care worry, a Mo's heart can feel a trace of warmth.

It's also because of Bai Yuexi that amo can calm down.

Also because of the white moonlight, amo can control the dark mood in his heart.

After the rain stopped, Bai Yuexi and a mo were on their way again.

After arriving at Huadu, Bai Yuexi let people listen to him and knew that Wei Shaowei Kangwu was locked up in the dungeon and would be beheaded in two days.

Bai Yuexi knew the layout of the dungeon and the time to change the post through her detailed work here.

So Bai Yuexi took the dark guard to action that night.

Because Bai Yuexi has medicine, she gives it directly and makes the guards faint. Then she takes Yingwei to rescue Wei Kangwu.

Today's Wei Kangwu is unconscious, and his injuries are very serious, and they are all bloody.

Looking at such Wei Kangwu, Bai Yuexi is a little angry.

The emperor is really cruel.

The Wei family is loyal. How can the emperor be ruthless.

Bai Yuexi felt her blood boiling.

However, no matter how serious Wei Kangwu's injury is, Bai Yuexi has a way to cure him.

After rescuing Marquis Wu of Weikang, Bai Yuexi and amo left overnight. Don't wait until they are found the next day. The whole Huadu is under martial law. At that time, they may not be able to walk out of Huadu.

Take advantage of the night, everything is easy.

On the way, Bai Yuexi used medicine for Wei Kangwu. Wei Kangwu didn't know he was saved until he woke up.

Wei Kangwu expressed his thanks.

Bai Yuexi reported on her identity and said to Wei Kangwu, "if you follow a Mo, you can take revenge for your Wei army and your parents."

This time listen to Bai Yuexi this words, a Mo look move.

When Bai Yuexi saved Gongsun Lue, he also made Gongsun Lue loyal to him.

Now that Wei Kangwu has been saved, Bai Yuexi still asks Wei Kangwu to be loyal to him.

Now, a Mo seems to know something vaguely.

When staying at night, when there were only amo and Bai Yuexi in the room, amo asked: "Miss, do you know my life experience?"