Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5848

Liu Ningning sniffed and shook his head. "I didn't cry."

Luo Yanxiao looks at such Liu Ningning, only thinks that she is so lovely, really is lovable incomparably.

Let his heart so soft up.

Luo Yan Xiao couldn't help laughing, "just like a child."

"I'm not like a child."

"Cry, not a child, what is it?"

"I'm a girl. Girls can cry."

Liu Ningning's head is chaotic at this time, so he instinctively says so.

She didn't want Luo Yanxiao to think she was naive.

Although she was just a little naive.

Luo Yan Xiao looks at Liu Ning Ning's lovely reaction at this time, eyes all light up.

Such Liu Ningning is something he has never seen before.

It's as if she came back to her hometown and showed her true temperament.

On weekdays in school, she is always quiet, people always feel that she is lack of something.

Although it's very gentle, it seems to lack some vitality.

At this time, Luo Yanxiao felt, he had some surprise, the Mou light is bright, "glib!"

Liu Ningning deep respiratory tract: "I used to be a debate team in junior high school, I'm still very good."

But later I knew that I had to study hard, so I had to bow down and study hard, and then I didn't say much.

"Well, you are very good!"

Luo Yan Xiao heart more soft up, originally she is such a character, let him very surprised.

He thought, maybe it was because when she was in college, she was under too much pressure, so her true feelings could not be shown.

It turned out that when she arrived at her hometown, she relaxed and was so lovely and frank.

Liu Ningning said that before, just don't want to have a bad impression in Luo Yanxiao's heart.

But at this time, listening to him praise himself according to his own words, she was a little thin skinned and embarrassed.

"You You are much more powerful. I don't know much about you. "

Looking at such Liu Ningning, Luo Yanxiao couldn't help laughing. It was a cheerful smile.

Liu Ningning suddenly hears Luo Yanxiao's laughter, all muddled.

She has never heard Luo Yanxiao smile like this, that kind of happy smile, so bright sunshine, let her shake God.

Liu Ningning muddled, "what are you laughing at? Do you laugh at me? "

Luo Yan Xiao couldn't help holding out his hand and pinching Liu Ning Ning's cheek, "you are so lovely."

Hearing Luo Yanxiao say so, Liu Ningning's face is all red.

And she can see the light in Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

Liu Ningning's face was very hot. She felt that she wanted to find a topic, or she would hate to find a hole in the ground.

"Well, everyone is going to finish school. Let's leave here first. I'll take you to the woods over there."


Liu Ningning and Luo Yanxiao are walking along the roadside path. She can't help talking to Luo Yanxiao a lot.

"When I was a child, I didn't have anything to play with, so I would take a small shovel to dig wild vegetables in the mountains, with a small basket. Sometimes I would go to the river to wash clothes. When I had nothing to wash, I would take a small handkerchief to play by the River

When I was a child, I really didn't want to worry about anything. "

Luo Yan Xiao listens, actually in the heart is Pan painful.

In the country road, no one, Luo Yanxiao still can't help but take Liu Ningning's hand, want to use this way to convey warmth to her. Liu Ningning's hand was stiff, but this time Luo Yanxiao was allowed to hold hands, as natural as in school.

They were walking on the country road, talking.

Luo Yanxiao looks at Liu Ningning. Her face is quiet and soft. She thinks she is so beautiful.