Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5849

Luo Yan Xiao mind move, way: "rather rather rather, I give you take a few photos?"

Liu Ningning did not expect that Luo Yanxiao suddenly jumped out of such a sentence.

She quickly shook her head, "stop taking pictures, I I'm not photogenic. I'm not good-looking. "

Liu Ningning doesn't like taking pictures. She is afraid of taking ugly pictures and let Luo Yanxiao look at them. She is not natural in her heart.

She naturally wants to look good here in luoyanxiao.

"Who said you're not good-looking? I'll take a picture for you."

With that, Luo Yanxiao takes out his mobile phone and takes a few pictures for Liu Ningning.

"I'm not even ready."

"I'll take the most natural pictures for you."

Before Liu Ningning could react, Luo Yanxiao took a few photos, and Luo Yanxiao began to check the photos on his mobile phone.

Liu Ningning also ran to his side, looking at his mobile phone, want to see if her photo is good.

Luo Yan Xiao slightly a side eye, can see Liu Ning Ning, he smile Wen Sheng of looking at Liu Ning Ning way: "very good-looking."

Liu Ningning looks at herself in the photo, she feels very silly, what she says is that she looks very silly in the photo, why does Luo Yanxiao feel good-looking?

Liu Ningning blinked his eyes and looked at Luo Yanxiao suspiciously, although she didn't say anything.

But the meaning in her eyes was so obvious.

Luo Yanxiao explained: "I think it looks good. You are not confident in yourself."

Liu Ningning blinked. Isn't she confident in herself?

But she really didn't think that she was good-looking in the photos, but Luo Yanxiao said that good-looking still made her more confident.

In the evening, the two went back together.

Now Liu's father and mother are really satisfied with Luo Yanxiao. This young man is not only handsome in appearance, but also very well cultivated. The key is that he is very attentive to Liu Ningning.

They can all see it.

What's more, the things they bring are all good and expensive.

Ning Ning's younger brother and sister also want to eat those snacks, but let her say live, how also have to wait for Liu Ning Ning after they go back to school, those things can be torn down, or they have not seen the world, children also have to be polite and sensible.

When going out in the daytime, there are still people in the village competing to inquire about Luo Yanxiao.

Their family is not a high-profile family, that is to say, two people are simply known by classmates, nothing else.

But there is envy in the big guy's tone.

Although she didn't show it on the face, she was proud in her heart.

Dinner, she also made delicious, how also want to be in Luo Yanxiao at home, well treat them.

In the evening, Liu Ningning asked Luo Yanxiao to go back to her mother's house early to have a rest.

Mother began to pack her things, packed a lot of local products, as well as her own dried sweet potato and so on, and stuffed the buns into Liu Ningning's bag.

And her own pickles.

Liu's mother hates to give Liu Ningning everything she can do.

"These are for Yanxiao. Remember to give them to him when you go back."

"Mom, he's from a family. He's never seen anything like this. It won't take long to take it back."

Liu Ningning is really afraid of Luo Yanxiao and dislikes these things.

Although she knows Luo Yanxiao won't, if he doesn't like to eat these things and has to give them to him, he will blame himself for having to eat them for her.

"You child, you can't buy these outside."

After thinking about it, Liu's mother hesitated and said, "do you want to bring something for his parents?" But it doesn't seem appropriate. His parents don't know that you two are together... "

Liu's mother thought and said to herself.