Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5847

Luo Yan Xiao at this time looking at Liu Ning Ning, eyes are a little at a loss, before the eyes bright light also slightly dim.

Liu Ningning looks at the look of Luo Yanxiao. She knows that her unconscious actions hurt Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning's heart thumped, then suddenly grabbed Luo Yanxiao's hand again and said, "I'm sorry, but in the village, I have some reflexes. When I was at school, the teacher didn't allow boys and girls to contact each other. At that time, the boys and I didn't talk much."

In fact, all of her reactions are conditioned reactions. She didn't mean to.

Liu Ningning doesn't know what's going on in Luo Yanxiao's heart. She's really afraid of losing Luo Yanxiao.

She is very nervous to pull his hand, very hard to hold, "Yan Xiao, I'm sorry, you Are you angry? Don't be angry... "

After all, this is her home. It's actually a strange place to Luo Yanxiao. If she treats Luo Yanxiao like this and makes Luo Yanxiao sad, he won't feel warm.

Liu Ningning knows how a person feels about a strange place.

That's why she was so flustered and scared.

When Liu Ningning was nervous, he really used a lot of strength, and grasped Luo Yanxiao tightly.

Let Luo Yan Xiao can feel Liu Ning Ning's that care, that strength.

Luo Yan Xiao looked at Liu Ning Ning's pale face, Mou Guang Shan Shan, "are you afraid that I am angry?"

Liu Ningning eyes are red, "how can I not be afraid, not worried about your mood?"

If I didn't care, I wouldn't have taken him home.

But when she was in the village, she paid attention to everything.

She doesn't want people to gossip.

"You and I are male and female friends. Why can't we hold hands?"

"You don't understand the customs here. When people walk on the street, they don't hold hands. Their thoughts are feudal and they will laugh."

When Liu Ningning spoke, he lowered his head, just like a pupil who made mistakes.

She didn't realize how much she cared about Luo Yanxiao, so when she realized that she might have hurt Luo Yanxiao's heart, she was so miserable.

Luo Yanxiao actually understands the customs here, and he doesn't mean to blame Liu Ningning.

But at that time, it was also an instant reaction. Maybe his expression changed slightly, which made Liu Ningning see it.

I didn't expect her to blame him so much, so nervous.

To tell the truth, Luo Yanxiao is happy because he can feel that Liu Ningning really cares about him and has feelings for him. Before, he always felt that Liu Ningning was quiet, just that kind of gentle feeling, so that he could not feel her inner heat.

In fact, his heart is hot, so he also wants to feel her heart hot.

This time, he felt it.

But seeing her sad, he will also be distressed.

He wanted to comfort Liu Ningning in his arms, but realizing the customs here, he could only restrain his inner enthusiasm.

He only gently touched Liu Ningning's hair, "fool, how can I be willing to be angry with you for such a small matter, don't think so much, you are sad, I will also be distressed."

Hearing these words, Liu Ningning's heart seemed to live all at once.

She suddenly looked up to the Luo Yan Xiao, she on the Luo Yan Xiao serious look, found that he is serious.

Her eyes were red.

Luo Yan Xiao's heart tip trembles and frowns. He reaches out his hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes. "Don't cry."

Luo Yanxiao is not very good at comforting girls, but for Liu Ningning, it seems that some actions are done naturally.