Revenge to The Devil

Chapter 91: Gossips

Just after a short rest, the noise outside woke me up. The first thing I did when I opened my eyes to look at my watch. It was already five o 'clock!

Then I saw the bright sun shining through the window, it struck me that I had messed up the time on my watch.

"Are you Jonathan's bodyguard?" I heard someone say.

It was the reporters who spoke. I ignored them and took a mirror to look at the black circles around my eyes. Then I got up to take a hot shower and dressed up in front of the mirror.

It was noisier outside, and I heard another voice, "Listen! Is it true that Jonathan Li spent the night here?"

I put my lipstick on, and the conversation outside continued, "Last night a waiter saw Desiree Li lying on the sofa, improperly dressed."

The lipstick in my hand fell to the floor.

"I heard that they are in a father-daughter relationship, does that mean it is incest?"

I resisted the impulse to drive them away, picking up the lipstick to continue putting on my make-up.

"Miss Desiree Li." Someone outside shouted, "I know you are there. You have just publicized your engagement with Shawn Donovan of Entertainment Company, but you spent the night with Jonathan Li. What's the relationship between you and them?"

After I heard that, I couldn't remain calm any longer. I opened the door quickly and shouted "Engagement? Who is engaged?"

Reporters crowded around, and the bodyguard scrambled to shelter me from them.

One of the reporters passed a newspaper to me. When I took it, I saw two pictures: one was Shawn holding me as we walked into the elevator; the other was when the elevator was slightly open, and our lips were almost touching.

More abominably, below the pictures, there was a smaller photo of Jonathan holding my hand, and I was lifting my head, looking at him with affectionate eyes, expressing our deep love.

If someone said there was nothing between us, you would not believe it.

I turned my eyes to the name of the newspaper hurriedly. It read "Entertainment Company"!

I was amazed when a microphone belonging to Entertainment Company was put in front of me, a male reporter asked: "Since it's said that your music is pure and moving, should you rather not be a flirtatious woman? Dreams of being famous…did that cost you your virtue?"

"There is no relation between Shawn Donovan and me. It is hype!" I blurted out.

"Then is it hype that you spent the night with Jonathan Li?" he asked.

I shook my head, daring not to say anything else.

"According to an anonymous source, you wrote him a note to invite him to the hotel. Did you mean to seduce him?" the reporter questioned. I stepped back and leaned against the cold wall.

He continued to bother me with more questions, and said, "Is he your father or not?"

I looked at their faces and listened to more and harsher questions, clasping the newspaper tightly in my hands. I finally realized the cruelty of the world. Some people controlled everything, they would help you up, and then just push you back down again.

The entertainment world was much crueler than I thought. "Miss Li, it's said that many female stars in the entertainment circle were lovers of Jonathan Li. What has he promised you?" a reporter asked.

"No!" I shook my head hard, "The reason I stay with him is that I love him, and I am different from the other lovers!" I said.

"And to him, are you different from other women?" he asked, again.

His words hurt me. As an ordinary woman, even I was spoiled by him, when speaking of his previous lovers, I felt sour. Now compared to his other lovers, I could not retort. "How couldn't I be indignant?" I thought.

I raised my hands furiously, intending to slap him in his face. However, I knew the terrible consequences if I did it. But he humiliated me in such way…

While I was hesitating, a gruesome voice was heard, "Who asked that question?"