Revenge to The Devil

Chapter 90: Back to each Other’s Arm

It was a new beginning. The light of the first full moon shone and ethereal music could be heard coming from the street.

His love rushed in like the tide, and his passion broke down my last defense, I indulged in his enchanting tenderness, holding and kissing him. I claimed to the world, "You are mine! You are mine!"

"Desiree…" he leaned over me, his heart beating intensely, "Why did you come back?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to come back!" I replied.

He held my body in his arms, his fingers stroking my brows and lips…And his eyesight was fixed on his moving fingers.

"When will you leave?" he asked.

"I..." I started saying.

"Tell me frankly!" he insisted.

I bit my lips, gazing at him, "Are you sure? Truth? You said that you would never see me again, so I tried my best to endure the suffering. Do you know the reason?"

He looked at me in silence.

"Because you dominate everything: whether your decision is right or wrong, I have no choice but to obey you. Since you asked when I will leave, would you let me go if I said I am leaving now?"

"No!" he said and hugged me eagerly.

As for me, I felt the same! Then I said to him, "Jonathan, you have the power to dominate my world, why do you bother asking me?"

"I just don't want to force you any longer. If you want to leave, I would not…" he said.

I sighed and gave him a reluctant kiss on the cheek, "When I had nothing, it was the professor who told me that I had music. During the two years, he put all his effort into helping me become a better musician. I can't live up to his expectations, so for the competition next month, I..."

"You called me?" he asked, suddenly.

I was a little confused by the abrupt question, nodding obediently, I replied, "Yes, many times."

"To say what?" he said.

"Tell you about my life. Let you know I'm fine, and not to worry about me."

"Oh..." I said. Then, his hands slid down my delicate curves, and a significant smile filled his face.

"Desiree... I've devoted myself to you. Don't you think you should pay me back?"

"Pay you back?" I said. The extinguished flame in my heart was rekindled by the suggestion, and my body has shuddered with anticipation. I buried my face in his shoulders and nodded shyly.

"I mean, I won't let you leave me! Even in death!" he exclaimed.

It's the words that I had been waiting for!

With a hint of sweetness on my lips, I asked deliberately, "If I remember correctly, you just said you wouldn't force me."

He smiled and pinched my face, "Don't talk like that. Tell me directly what you want to do."

"Could you please accompany me to the competition?" I asked him.

"Are the tickets expensive?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes! But I can give you a free ticket," I replied.

"That might be considered," he added.

"Really? Don't lie to me!" I said, feeling excited.

"When have I ever lied to you?" he asked me.

Pleasantly surprised, I held his sleek neck and said, "Have I ever told you that you are the best husband in the world?"

"Yeah... Well, someone's going to divorce me this afternoon," he said casually.

"I'm sorry, or I..." I smiled sweetly and circled my fingers on his chest, "Shall I do my duty as a wife?"

"Duty? I think the best way you can compensate me is to deliver a son to me. It will be wonderful to have a son," Jonathan told me.

I saw an expectation on his face which I had never seen before. "Why do you want a son? I have thought you would prefer to have a daughter?" I queried.

"I will tell you the reason tomorrow," he said.

After he said that, he flung himself onto me, in an effort of achieving his dream- having a son.

Dazed in the amorous and sweet atmosphere, I could not think of anything more insane. He seemed to let me pay back the duties for those two years to comfort his pain.

During the long night, I closed my eyes to hear his unrhythmic breathing, which was a charming rhythm to me.

We did it the whole night until we were exhausted, he hugged me and chatted about our life. When we got excited, we continued making love. Then the dawn came, and the rising sun shone over our entwined bodies.

"Tired?" He asked me.

"Not really," I said.

"Then have a rest," said Jonathan.

When I saw him get up to put on his clothes, I quivered and hugged his strong back from behind.

"Don't leave, could you sleep by my side?" I asked, hoping that we could fall asleep together.

"Oh," I loosened my clasped fingers slowly. Seeing him rubbing his forehead wearily, I gave up. We were exhausted from our passionate night, and I realized that there must be an urgent matter waiting for him to deal with.

"Then you go," I told him.

He put on his clothes. When he had cooled off from the bathroom, his face looked tired.

As he approached the door, he turned around to look at me, waiting for my words.

I thought it over, then spoke out:" Be careful."

"Alright," he said. A little disappointment flashed through his eyes, then he went out of the bedroom.

When I heard the door lock opening, I ignored the pain in my ankle, rushing to him, covered with the duvet. "Jonathan…" I said.

He gazed at me quietly and I smiled at him and said, "I am waiting for you, however late you come back!"

He smiled, which moved me more than Mozart's music.

Eventually, I understood why he didn't like to smile too much, it was because that kind of smile was so enchanting, and no woman could resist it.

"I will be back before six o'clock tonight, wait for me so we can have dinner together!"

It was the last words he left me, and it was also the first time that he told me the exact time he would come back!

I loved him so much that when I just sat on the bed, recollecting his tone, I couldn't help laughing. I held my watch in my arms. Staring at the running second hand, I was too excited to sleep.

Later, impatiently, I turned the o'clock one hour ahead, again and again, then I lay on the soft bed, smelling his lasting scent. It was unimaginable that I was a woman falling in love!