Revenge to The Devil

Chapter 92: Revealing their Relationship

Suddenly, the noisy corridor became quiet. Jonathan, in a black suit, stepped onto the white marble floor and came towards me. Every step he took increased the fear of people's faces, except me. I became more eager and reassured as he approached me.

He came close to me, and turning around to the reporter opposite me, he said, "Are you asking the question?"

"Mr. Li..."

Jonathan raised his hands abruptly, slapped the reporter, who then fell to the ground.

He covered his swollen face, looking at the men around him, terrified, he dared not to stand up. Jonathan crouched down to pinch his fingers and asked, one word at a time, "What question did you ask?"

"I... " the reporter swallowed and answered in a quivering voice, " I asked Miss Li whether she is any different to the other women of yours?"

Jonathan took the microphone that had dropped on the ground and put it in the reporter's hand. Then he spoke into the microphone:" Yes, a big difference. She is my wife. Listen clearly, when you ask her a question, calling her Mrs. Li!"

The reporter nodded ceaselessly. "It is clear! Clear!"

"You go back and tell Shawn Donovan that Desiree Li is my wife!" Jonathan seized his collar and took a red notebook from his pocket, giving it to the reporter. "Carry it to show Shawn Donovan, clear! He should know the consequences of offending me!"

"Yes, yes!" said the reporter.

"Run!" Jonathan shouted.

As he finished his words, all the reporters disappeared. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Didn't you promise to come back later? Why are you back now?" I asked and pulled his hand towards me.

"Isn't it clear?" he grabbed the newspaper in my hands, waving it before my eyes. "Desiree Li, how do you want me to deal with you?"

"No way!" He replied.

"Then my punishment is to stay by your side your whole life," I said.

He turned around and smiled. "That sounds like a good idea," said Jonathan.

Others feared him because they didn't know him. It was easier to please him than any other man. I raised my jaw and licked my lips which were just covered with pink lipstick. "You can do whatever you want, ok?" I said.

"Good idea!" He bent down to pick me up, then walked to the bedroom.

"Now?" I asked.

"Don't you want me to sleep by your side? I am coming back especially to satisfy you," he said.

I stroked his hair and tried my best to please him. "Jonathan, why you are so kind to me?" I asked.

"I'd be kinder if I hadn't seen the picture of you being so intimate with another man," Jonathan said.

Once we sat on the bed, I began to take off my clothes, piece by piece.

"What are you doing?" When he asked me, he looked at my bare skin.

"Going to sleep," I said.

"Put on your pajamas," he told me.

"Why?" I wasn't in the habit of sleeping with clothes on because I enjoyed the feeling of my skin touching the silk sheets.

"Do you think I can fall asleep if you are naked?" he asked.

I understood what he meant and stopped taking off my clothes. He held me on the bed, with his arms under my head.

Then he closed his eyes, saying, "Have a rest, Troy will meet you at the Hot Spring Hotel tonight."

"Hot spring? Shall we enjoy the hot springs together?" I asked.

I soaked in a misty hot spring with him. When we take a bath together, I got a glimpse of his wonderful figure. Just imagining the scene excited my burning blood. Troy Yang- an extremely evil man!

"Desiree," he opened his eyes to look at me, "If you continue to gaze at me with such avid eyes, I would..."

"I haven't rested the whole night, I am sleepy," I yawned and curled up in his arms. When he was with me, insomnia was gone. Once I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

When nightfall came, Jonathan hugged me at the Hot Spring Hotel, some looked at us curiously, some lowered their voices and said, "Look, it is her. They are taking a bath together. Yeah! Yeah! "The gossip seems to be true."

Their whispering made me blush. And I regretted that I hadn't disguised myself with sunglasses and a hat. I pretended to settle my hair unintentionally, covering my side face to avoid the suspicious looks.

"Why are you hiding?" Jonathan said gently.

I hugged him and kissed him on the face, "I'm afraid that they'll come for a signature!"

We walked into the elevator. I didn't care about the suspicious eyes of the people in the world.

It was enough that my beloved man understood me.

The bathing pool amazed me, the center was separated by wood entwined with vine branches and leaves, so the people on either side couldn't see each other, but could only hear one another's voices. The pool was surrounded by green plants, it was like heaven where the hot, dark blue spring was flowing slowly, and the red rose petals were floating on the water.

Troy was leaning against the wall of the pool, with his head on the wall and one eye closed to meditate.

He gave off a domineering and flirtatious attitude.

"It has been two years since I last saw you. Since you came back, there has been earthshaking news," he said, and straightened up with a brilliant smile, "It's said that you are engaged to the successor of Donovan Family. Congratulations! Congratulations!"

The words were...

I noticed Jonathan's uneasy expression, saying, "How can it be true? He is just my boss. That's all."

"Oh!" he paused and gave a brighter smile, "You are so photogenic that the picture of you and Shawn is pretty good!"

Jonathan hushed him coldly, "Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

He glanced at Jonathan and kept silent.

I could understand Troy's attitude. In his eyes, I was an unscrupulous, evil woman looking for revenge. If I was an onlooker, I would think that such a woman should be sold to a nightclub. It was Jonathan who treated me as a treasure, spoiling and loving me!

Jonathan paused for a while, finally, he spoke to Troy, "Destroy the Entertainment Press tomorrow."

"Damn it!" he said.

"Don't hurt anyone," Troy insisted.