Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 9: connector

When he was about to walk out of the palace gate, Yang Dejin was stopped by others again.

"Your Majesty has met His Royal Highness Prince Yu."

"Oh?" Yang Dejin squinted his eyes, looking at the other party.

The opponent was wearing the official robe of a general, with a piece of armor tied to his left shoulder, and a long sword hanging from his waist.

Usually military officers have to hand in their weapons when they enter the palace. Seeing him like this, he should have just taken back his saber from the servant outside the palace.

Yang Dejin: "You are, Captain Ji."

Ji Zhuilu: "Exactly, my lord."

"Does Captain Ji have anything to tell the king?"

"The lower official just happened to see the prince talking to Mr. Xie. Seeing that the prince was not very happy, he came up to greet you. My lord, but Xie Shilang offended you?"

Yang Dejin carefully maintained a social distance, and decided to explore the reality of this season\'s chasing deer first: "Lieutenant Ji misunderstood, I just had a brief exchange of greetings with Mr. Xie just now. I think he is young and promising, and he is also outstanding. , I just wanted to make friends."

Ji Zhuilu had a clear expression on his face: "It turns out that Master Xie has never been good at dealing with princes and nobles, so he probably feels frightened by the prince\'s overtures."

"Lieutenant Ji seems to know him very well?" He is quite good at talking.

Ji Zhuilu smiled and waved his hands and said, "Nothing, but Mr. Xie has always been aloof and indifferent, and he works in the Criminal Department. Although he is a little cold, his colleagues have a good impression of him."

"Isn\'t it because he is good-looking?" Yang Dejin couldn\'t help but ask out of his heart.

"Haha, there must be part of the reason. Ah..." Ji Zhuilu hurriedly bid farewell to Yang Dejin when he heard the sound of the bell, "My lord, it\'s getting late, I should go to the patrol department. , and invite His Royal Highness Prince Yu to have a meal together."

"Definitely, when the time comes, this prince will bring the best wine in the prince\'s mansion to bother you." Yang Dejin replied very politely.

"My lord is polite, then, I will take my leave." Ji Zhuilu hurried towards the palace gate after speaking.

"Hmm." Yang Dejin pinched her chin and watched him walk away, full of doubts.

But all the people who should be seen and those who should not be seen have been met, Yang Dejin has to find a place right now.

During dinner last night, Li Zichou asked someone to send a letter to the Prince\'s Mansion, with a location written on it, asking her to go out to look for it today.

It didn\'t take much effort for Yang Dejin to find the bamboo forest marked by Li Zichou, and naturally he also found the movable wall, which will be used as a passage for the two to meet secretly in the future.

After studying the wall with great interest, Yang Dejin waited for the long overdue Li Zifu.

"You are too slow, I have been here for a long time."

"I was dragged by Liang Jing for a while."

Yang Dejin showed a disgusted expression when he heard the words, that old man probably pulled Li Zifu to blow rainbow farts for half an hour.

"This wall is so interesting."

"Let\'s not talk about this first, how about it, what is outside that bamboo forest?"

"It\'s a river."

"What river?"

"A very wide river, the kind that can be used by boats."

Li Zichou thought about it and said: "I have seen the layout of Linjing in the study. The whole city is built on a plain, and there is a water flowing outside the palace. It can go directly to the south of the Yangtze River. It should be that river."

Linjing is the capital of Dasheng, that is, the imperial city.

Yang Dejin nodded, and asked again: "How did you find this place?"

She was talking about the wall.


"Such a coincidence?"

When Li Zichou said this, he remembered the embarrassing scene yesterday.

sky! She looked back at the number of those male favorites, more than one hundred! Those are boys in their teenage years, the original owner, you are really happy and happy.

"Ahem, anyway, I found this place when I was wandering around the palace."

Yang Dejin didn\'t notice her unnatural expression, but nodded and said: "I think this exit is quite hidden, but I don\'t know how many people know the existence of this exit."

Li Zishou paused, this is indeed a problem.

Before Li Zichou could speak, Yang Dejin figured it out by himself: "Forget it, it\'s okay to know, you are the emperor and you can\'t walk freely on your own territory?"

"It\'s true..." Li Zichou twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Oh, yes, I found a treasure in the prison yesterday."

"Huh? Baby??"

"That\'s right, the one I sent to deliver the letter to you yesterday. That person is quite unusual, and I plan to train him as a confidant. He left the palace yesterday to help me with errands, and brought you a letter by the way. I finally got out of prison." Fished out of it."

Yang Dejin was shocked: "! Have you ever squatted in a bureau? That\'s really unusual!"

Li Zishou: "...that\'s not the point. His talent is very useful in this era, and his help is indispensable for me to regain power."

Yang Dejin thought for a while: "Uh...What about Bai Qingyang? Isn\'t she the most talented woman in the capital?"

Li Zichou: ...Why does everyone mention the heroine!

Li Zichou said distressedly: "Bai Qingyang, I haven\'t been able to gain her favorability for the time being. She is too wary. I plan to slow down for a while."

Yang Dejin\'s eyes widened: "What do you mean taking a little longer? That\'s the heroine, who\'s thigh are you going to hug if you don\'t hug her thigh?

"Let me tell you, Li Zichou, don\'t think that these two years are very long. After the main line starts, there will be scientific research, court meeting and autumn hunting, and you will be busy. Shuobei started to be in turmoil, and there was a severe drought in the country. By then, there will be internal and external troubles, and Bai Qingyang won the military power again, and our situation will be very dangerous."

"Oh, I know what you said, but it\'s really embarrassing. Let me ask you, if you tried to hug Bai Qingyang before, and now you want to hug her thigh, how would you hug her?"

"...That\'s your Li Fu\'s problem, what does it have to do with Yang Dejin and me?!"

"You don\'t know, do you?!"

The two of them just sat on the pile of stone slabs and stared at each other.

"Hey, in short, you can\'t leave Bai Qingyang alone. You have to show your presence and affection in front of her from time to time, just be gentle and treat her badly, hold her in your hand and protect her, don\'t you? Let such a simple-minded beautiful girl be blackened?"

"...mind, simplicity?" Who? Bai Qingyang?

"Come on!" Yang Dejin slapped Li Zishou on the shoulder, "I believe you can transform the empress\'s style into Mary Suwen\'s."

Li Zishou: "..." Mary Su Wen can\'t die! !


"Oh and more." Yang Dejin changed the subject, "I did as you said, and went to strike up a conversation with Xie Zhi."

Li Zichou stared at him with wide eyes: "I\'m asking you to communicate with him, not to strike up a conversation, okay?"

"Tsk, it\'s almost the same."

"...What was the result?"

"Hey, it\'s not that good. He has an approachable appearance, but he exudes an aura of not getting close to strangers all over him, so it\'s not easy to deal with."

Li Zichou: "How did you tell him?"

So Yang Dejin told everything about what happened after today\'s fall from power.

Li Zichou: "...Is this how you communicate with Xie Zhi?" It was too embarrassing, and I\'m really lucky that Xie Zhi continued with such a face-saving manner.

Yang Dejin spread her hands and curled her lips: "I said I\'m afraid of society."

Li Zichou couldn\'t help scolding her: "Are you stupid? Who can you hook up with your routine of \'My Prince Yu wants to make friends with you\'? You have to prescribe the right medicine, you idiot!"

Yang Dejin wrinkled his nose and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Li Zichou: "Let me ask you, why did Xie Zhi join the court as an official?"

Yang Dejin: "Of course it\'s to investigate the case of Prime Minister Bai and help Bai Qingyang leave the palace."

"That\'s right, you can cooperate with him on the condition of investigating the case. As a king, you must have much more resources than an official. On the other hand, you can also promise to help him bring Bai Qingyang out of the palace. Xie Zhi will believe that you have That ability. There is no reason for him to refuse such an attractive offer."

"Oh—yes!" Yang Dejin suddenly realized.

"..." Seeing Yang Dejin looking at him adoringly, Li Zifu raised his forehead.

Can this person survive to the third episode if he is in Fanggong Douju?

Looking at this silly face, it was nothing but cannon fodder.

Li Zichou sighed helplessly, and asked again: "You didn\'t leave any bad impression on him, did you?"

"How come? I\'m not bad looking."


"Oh, come to think of it, Chasing the Deer later came to see me, asking Xie Zhi if he offended me, and saying something."

"How about others?"

"It\'s hard to say. It feels like he\'s trying to curry favor with me. But after he said a few polite words, he rushed to the City Defense Department."

Li Zichou nodded: "Well... that\'s pretty good too. You just need to pay more attention in the future."

Yang Dejin said hello, and said: "Before you asked me to cultivate cronies, in order to recruit some useful people, I kicked out some people from the Prince\'s Mansion, and sent some back to my fief Suiyu Mansion. Some of them let me go out to earn money."

" make money?" You, a prince, still need others to help you make money?

"I just took some money orders, bought some shops, and spent them to look at the shops. Anyway, I am not short of money, and I will treat the losses as charity."

Li Zishou blushed: I never realized that my bad friend was so generous.

"I haven\'t forgotten to invest even though I\'ve traveled through time. That\'s fine. You have a lot of homesteads and properties all over the country. In case of an emergency, we can pack our luggage and run away overnight."

Yang Dejin nodded excitedly, her eyes were shining, and she had already dreamed of being rich all over the world.

"Hey? But, is it okay for you to send those people back to Suiyu Mansion? What if they got into the hidden piles of some people in the court?"

Yang Dejin waved his hand indifferently and said, "It\'s okay, Suiyu Mansion is just my fiefdom in name, and I don\'t need to take care of it. I still have to live in the capital."

"Okay." Li Zifu stood up and dusted himself off, "It\'s getting late, you should go back quickly. Let\'s talk about things in the palace in the future, unless there are very urgent and important things that need to be avoided. Eyes and ears, send a message to the other party, and then come here to meet up."

Yang Dejin also stood up: "Okay."


"Be careful."

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: It seems to be doing underground transactions

Li Zishou: Indeed