Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 8: fled

In order to discuss political affairs with Zhou Huaijin conveniently, Li Zichou asked people to quickly clean up a side hall in Tianquan Palace.

Zhou Huaijin, who had just come out of the prison and tidied up, pointed to Wenqu Hall: "Your Majesty, do I live here?"

"That\'s right, it\'s also close to Tianshu Palace, and it\'s empty even if it\'s empty, and the meaning of the name of the palace is quite good." He said and looked at Zhou Huaijin, "I didn\'t expect you to look good in official clothes."

Zhou Huaijin silently hugged his chest and took half a step back.

Li Zishou: ...

"I\'m telling the truth, don\'t be ignorant of good and evil." Li Zichou said angrily.

Zhou Huaijin felt more at ease hearing her talk like this, he asked: "Your Majesty, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Well... you have a lot to do. First of all, help me replace the people around me, and choose some attendants who are simple, flexible and good at martial arts. They will be better at martial arts. I will give you the authority to enter and leave the palace freely, and the forbidden army will also Draw out a team to dispatch to you."

Zhou Huaijin nodded and made a salute with crossed hands: "I obey the order."

"For matters concerning the court, let\'s wait until all the eyeliners in the palace are kicked out."

"Your Majesty, I have a question." Zhou Huaijin suddenly said.


"Your Majesty heard from the jailer in prison before that His Majesty forcibly married Prime Minister Bai\'s only daughter. Your Majesty wants to be in charge, so why don\'t you seek her help?"

Li Zichou: ...This "forced marriage" is really harsh.

Li Zichou suddenly wanted to know what Zhou Huaijin thought of the heroine, so she asked, "You think highly of her?"

Zhou Huaijin didn\'t deny it either, he commented without hesitation: "Bai Qingyang is the flesh and blood of Prime Minister Bai. Although she is the daughter of a boudoir, she is not inferior to a man in courage and talent. The late emperor once called her the most talented woman in the capital, and I was lucky I have witnessed her demeanor at the Beijing Poetry Fair. If Your Majesty can get her help, you will surely realize your grand ambitions faster."

It can\'t be seen that Zhou Huaijin\'s eyes are sharp, maybe it\'s because he has been squatting for two years, he has not been affected by the rumors in the market, so he has a more objective understanding of Bai Qingyang.

Li Zichou said with a wry smile: "I provoked the empress before, and the empress doesn\'t trust me now."

Zhou Huaijin: "Is it because of forced marriage?"

Li Zishou: "..." because of being strong.

Zhou Huaijin: "?" Why was it suddenly silent?

Li Zichou said with a straight face: "It\'s almost enough, you don\'t care about the emperor\'s affairs. Do the tasks I entrusted to you."

Zhou Huaijin was a little disappointed that he didn\'t find out the secrets of the palace, but he still bowed and bowed: "Yes, this humble minister is leading the order."

Li Zichou looked at this stern young man with his hands behind his back, and patted him on the shoulder: "Work hard, I will change your official robe into purple in the future." Then he turned and left.

Zhou Huaijin watched her leave: "I will definitely live up to Your Majesty\'s expectations."

Please help Bai Qingyang...

Li Zishou knew that she was the one who stabbed him to death with a sword in the book, so he had some scruples about her. But Zhou Huaijin was right, if she wanted to be in charge, her help was indispensable.

Anyway, in the end, he had to give up the throne to her, so it was paving the way for her.

Then let\'s take a look at Bai Qingyang along the way.

Bai Qingyang was holding a book and sitting by the window, but his mind was not on the content of the book.

Four guards outside the gate of the hall...four in front of the court...six people patrol the backyard, changing every half an hour...the side hall...

"The Emperor is here—"

"!" Li Fu came?

Bai Qingyang\'s vigilance suddenly increased, and he unconsciously clenched the book tightly.

Do you want to go out?

Before Bai Qingyang could stand up, Xiao Le who was beside him said, "Your Majesty, my servant."

Li Zishou has already entered.

Bai Qingyang looked up at her, and when he saw her face, the images of thousands of Li Chou persecuting him flashed in his mind. Suddenly she didn\'t want to salute this person anymore, she looked away and said lightly, "What are you doing here?"

"Miss..." Xiao Le knew that she hated the emperor in her heart, but she didn\'t expect that Bai Qingyang would show his face to Li Zifu like this, and quickly reminded Miss in a low voice.

Li Zishou waved his hand to Xiao Le and said, "It\'s all right."

Xiao Le heard that Li Zishou\'s mood seemed to be very calm, and he felt a little relieved, but at the same time, he was a little puzzled: Why is His Majesty so talkative today?

Li Zichou said to Bai Qingyang, "I\'ll come and see how you are doing."

Bai Qingyang: "Your Majesty doesn\'t know how your concubine is doing?" He said and glanced at the guards outside the window.

Li Zishou: ...she really misunderstood.

Eh... the original sin...

Li Zichou sighed resignedly, and found a chair a little further away to sit down, one case away from Bai Qingyang.

"I\'ve come to apologize to you." Li Zichou looked at her and said, "I admit my mistakes for my actions yesterday."

This time, not only Xiao Le, but even Bai Qingyang raised his head and looked directly at Li Zichou.

Apologize? Is that Li Fu? So a spoiled and arrogant person will come to apologize to himself?

A trace of suspicion flashed in Bai Qingyang\'s eyes, and he quietly examined the person in front of him.

It\'s still the same dark red dragon robe that he wore in the early court today, but the outer shirt has been taken off, and the cuffs are embroidered with cloud patterns. The hem of the clothes was dusted for some reason, it was not obvious, but there was indeed a large area.

In Bai Qingyang\'s impression, Li Chou didn\'t like a little dirt on his clothes, he had to change into a new set of clothes every half a day, and he was very particular about matching jewelry.

When did you get slovenly like this?

Thinking about it, Bai Qingyang raised his eyes to look at Li Zifu\'s face, those eyes were looking at him quietly, suddenly Bai Qingyang couldn\'t figure out what she was thinking.

Because there was no trace of calculation or sinister in her eyes, only uncharacteristically calm.

Bai Qingyang had contact with many people in his previous life: peasants, businessmen, courtiers, soldiers... and also experienced the emotions in their eyes: sad, happy, satisfied, disgusted, greedy...

And Bai Qingyang really couldn\'t see through her eyes without any purpose, how could this be the eyes that Li Chou would have?

"Empress?" Bai Qingyang stared at him for a long time without speaking, Li Zichou couldn\'t help but yelled softly.

Bai Qingyang would not admit that she was distracted by looking at those pupils, she said unhurriedly: "What mistake could Your Majesty make? Why did you come to apologize to me?"

Li Zishou felt a little helpless with her indifferent attitude: "I shouldn\'t have treated you like that before, it was my fault."

Bai Qingyang listened indifferently.

"I really want to apologize to you, it doesn\'t matter if the queen doesn\'t forgive me, but I promise that I will never do that in the future.

"I know you don\'t believe me. The guards of Yuheng Palace are not going to put you under house arrest, and no one will report your every move to me. If you don\'t want them to stay here, you can let them leave, and they will listen to you if.

"From now on, you will come to listen to politics in the early morning. It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t hang the curtain. I have no other intentions. I want you to participate in the decision-making."

Li Zichou stood up, ready to leave, and said again: "There is only so much I can do now, please give me a chance. Xiao Le, take good care of your lady." After speaking, he strode out of the hall and left .

Seeing Li Zichou\'s back going away, Bai Qingyang was surprised.

In fact, she didn\'t believe that Li Shou would repent, because it was not that Li Shou in the previous life had never pretended to be soft, but behind the softness was a new round of calculations and persecution. Bai Qingyang was actually surprised that she would allow him to listen to politics all the time.

In the previous life, Li Chou tried his best to keep himself away from those powerful officials in the court, wishing to tie himself up.

Different from Bai Qingyang\'s doubts, Xiao Le was very happy: "Miss, Your Majesty actually said that he wanted to change his past sincerely, and even told you to go to the government in the future. It would be great if His Majesty could really change his temper!"

Bai Qingyang: "Hmph... I hope." After speaking, he looked at the soldiers standing guard outside, and then at the palace guards not far away.

"You all step back, I want to be alone."

The palace people made promises in unison, and then they really retreated one by one.

Bai Qingyang looked at this scene, thoughtful.

Li Zichou, who ran away quickly: Huh—I was scared to death. I changed my name just now while I was talking, and I didn’t realize it until I finished speaking.

Li Zichou said that Xie Zhi can get in touch with him a lot.

No, Yang Dejin stopped Xie Zhi on the way out of the palace after he came down from court today.

"Thank you sir for stopping by." Yang Dejin shouted behind her.

Hearing the sound, Xie Zhi turned around, with a puzzled expression on his face, but still respectfully saluted: "His Royal Highness, what are you looking for from this humble minister?"

Yang Dejin laughed twice: "Actually, it\'s nothing, I just want to make friends with Mr. Xie." Yang Dejin walked up to her and stopped.

It was so far away in the main hall that I didn\'t realize that this Xie Zhi was not as tall as himself.

Yang Dejin looked at this civil servant, and in his heart he combined the person in front of him with the person in the novel:

He is considered to be the youngest group of officials in the court. He looks clean and thin, so he looks indistinguishable from male and female, which makes people wonder if he lacks nutrition. Many people in the court secretly ridiculed him for looking like a girl.

In fact, the outline of his face is very three-dimensional, but his eyebrows and eyes are relatively soft, which makes people feel that he is always smiling. But this person always has a serious look. I\'m afraid the Ministry of Criminal Justice is not used to it, and everyone looks like a prisoner.

But...Yang Dejin thought about it again: he became the servant of the Ministry of Punishment at such a young age. If he didn\'t pretend to be old-fashioned, he really couldn\'t control the scene.

Xie Zhi, who was in front of him, was very surprised when he heard her asking for friendship, raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

As everyone knows, Yang Dejin was taken aback by her raising her eyebrows: So this person has other expressions...

Having said that, Yang Dejin hasn\'t figured out the reason yet. In her opinion, it\'s really strange that she, a prince, came to make friends with the Minister of Justice.

Thinking of this, Yang Dejin simply had a "showdown" to her: "Hey, Mr. Xie, don\'t blame me. You also know that I just gained a firm foothold in the court, and the strength in my hand is not enough to fight against that person."

Both of them knew who "that person" was referring to.

"The minister understands that His Highness wants to expand his power." Xie Zhi changed the subject, "But His Highness has found the wrong person, the minister is just a third-rank official in charge of reviewing cases in the Six Departments, you should find someone else wise. "

"This king is looking for you." Yang Dejin suddenly stiffened.

Xie Zhi: "...What do you want to do?" She suddenly became alert.

This Prince Yu is not a good thing, and he is like a nest of snakes and rats with that stupid king.

Xie Zhi was trying to avoid getting involved with her.

Seeing Xie Zhi\'s questioning suddenly with some resistance, Yang Dejin also realized that he should not push her too hard, he had to relax.

So she said with a smile: "Master Xie, don\'t be so nervous. This king thinks that Mr. Xie is young, promising, honest and upright. This king is very optimistic about you and thinks it is a great honor to have an official like you, so I want to make friends with you. "

Xie Zhi was dubious: "Your Highness is serious."

Yang Dejin waved his hand: "It\'s nothing, well, you should go to the Ministry of Punishments quickly, my king still has something to do."

"Congratulations to Your Highness."

Yang Dejin fled quickly: socializing is really difficult.

I really don\'t understand how people who are flattered can be happy.

If she is praised by others like she did just now, she will only feel embarrassed, okay? !

The author has something to say:

Early stage: social phobia.

Late stage: social miscellaneous syndrome.