Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 10: Give up the concave character set

Li Zichou went to Yuheng Palace.

After entering the door, he found that there were only two people in the hall, Bai Qingyang and Xiao Le.

Li Zichou: The guards at the gate are still there, only the maids and eunuchs have left?

Seeing her coming, Xiao Le actually greeted her a little happily: "Your Majesty is coming?"

Li Zichou paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "Yes, I want to talk to the queen."

Bai Qingyang raised his eyes upon hearing the words, but did not speak, and met Li Zichou\'s gaze.

Today she was wearing a goose-yellow skirt and a girlish bun. She was consciously hiding the guard in her eyes, but she still didn\'t show much intimacy.

Like a lazy girl under the sun, she has a sense of world-weariness that is detached and refined.

Li Zichou seemed to rarely see her wearing the empress\'s heavy and complicated phoenix robe on occasions other than court, if it wasn\'t because she was wearing it like this today, Li Zichou would really have forgotten that Bai Qingyang was less than 20 years old.

Seeing that Bai Qingyang didn\'t intend to stand up and salute, Li Zichou didn\'t care, so he opened the corner of his dragon robe and sat down.

"I see that only the servants of Yuheng Palace are absent. Why didn\'t those guards withdraw? Didn\'t they listen to you?"

Bai Qingyang looked away and returned to the book in his hand: "I didn\'t let them leave."

"...Queen." Li Zichou didn\'t know what to say.

Xiao Le at the side changed the pot of tea again, poured two cups after brewing, handed one cup to Li Zichou and said "Please Your Majesty", and was about to pass the other cup to Bai Qingyang.

At this moment, Li Zichou was still racking his brains to find something to talk about, so Xiao Le said thank you by the way when he handed over the tea.

When Xiao Le heard this sentence, her hands trembled, and regardless of the tea spilled on her hands, she quickly knelt down and shouted: "The emperor forgives the sin, the emperor forgives the sin!"

Li Zichou was taken aback. Before he realized why she was kneeling, he quickly got up and pulled her up, "You get up first, why do you always kneel?"

Xiao Le has a psychological shadow on the former Li Zichou. She is really looking forward to the change of the empress, but she has not forgotten that the empress was moody and uncertain in the past. Li Zichou\'s thank you really scared her a lot.

"It\'s all the servant girl\'s fault. They spilled the tea and offended His Majesty and the Empress." Xiao Le was lifted up by Li Zichou, and said with her head down in fear.

Li Zichou didn\'t care so much, he frowned and pulled her hand over to look at it.

Bai Qingyang\'s eyes froze, he clenched his fists, and stared straight at Li Zichou. If Li Zifu did something to hurt Xiao Le, she must protect Xiao Le.

This is Xiao Le who has followed from the prime minister\'s mansion to the imperial palace. She is loyal to herself, and even Li Fu will never touch her.

However, Li Zichou just frowned, and didn\'t care about the teacup that fell on the floor. He pulled Xiao Le\'s wrist to look back and forth, and said, "Fortunately, it\'s just a little red, and it\'s not too hot. Go and take a rinse with cold water." , apply some medicine and it will be fine soon."

Xiao Le listened blankly to her words, and was greatly shocked: Your Majesty is not angry? Can my head be saved?

Seeing her stunned aside, Li Zichou said bitterly, "Hurry up?!"

Xiao Le said oh twice, and went out stiffly to find some medicine for flushing.

Only then did Li Zichou squat down and pick up the teacup, then turned around to meet Bai Qingyang\'s gaze.

Li Zishou: ...It\'s over! People!

Bai Qingyang: "Since when did Your Majesty study so much on burns?"

"..." This was asking her when she was so considerate to her servants, "Well, it\'s just...just common sense."

Bai Qingyang stared at her face, and realized that he couldn\'t understand her more and more. Could it be that she really wanted to repent? Can a person\'s nature really be changed so easily?

Bai Qingyang decided to stand still, and quietly changed the topic: "Then what is your Majesty going to say to your concubine when you come here?"

Li Zishou: ...I don\'t know either...

After a while of silence, Li Zichou decided to talk about business: "What does the Queen think of Prime Minister Liang?"

"Liang Jing?" Bai Qingyang snorted coldly, "Isn\'t he loyal to you? He really is a \'good look\'."

"..." Why did the heroine speak so harshly?

Li Zichou cleared his throat and said, "I feel that Prime Minister Liang is too old to be qualified for the post of prime minister."

Bai Qingyang was surprised in his heart, but he didn\'t show it on his face: "Could it be that His Majesty wants to remove him?"

This Liang Jing is a staunch empress faction, and Li Chou\'s sycophant. In his previous life, no matter what Li Chou did, whether it was killing people or taking the face off, he would fully support him.

Now she actually thinks that Liang Jing is not qualified for the post of prime minister.

Li Zichou thought for a while and said: "I have that idea, and I want to wait until later. Not only can I not touch him now, but I also need his help."

Bai Qingyang thought silently, but did not speak.

Li Zichou said again: "Queen, I found a capable person in the prison yesterday."

Bai Qingyang: "What kind of capable person?"

"His name is Zhou Huaijin, and he is a scholar who failed the rankings a few years ago. I think he has good learning, and I want to promote him." Now Li Zichou can\'t wait to tell the whole world that she has won a courtier of her own. This is her first step in governing the court.

Zhou Huaijin?

Bai Qingyang had heard of this person a little bit, and had met once at the Beijing Poetry Fair in a certain year. He considered himself noble and proud of his talents. In the palace examination that year, he made bad words, which led to his failure.

I haven\'t heard from him for several years, and I thought he had disappeared, but it turned out that he was put in a prison.

But what puzzled Bai Qingyang was that in the previous life, Li Chou didn\'t have the idea of ​​employing people by himself, but in this life, Zhou Huaijin suddenly appeared... What went wrong?

Seeing Bai Qingyang meditating alone, Li Zichou paused for a while, and then slowly said: "I said that I want to change, not only from a personal point of view, but for the sake of the great prosperity of the country and the people of the world, I also have to change."

Li Zishou looked at Bai Qingyang seriously, and Bai Qingyang inexplicably felt the sincerity in her eyes, reaching deep into his eyes.

She suddenly laughed, as if she was very embarrassed: "I heard that you are the most talented woman in the capital, so I also want to ask your opinion, is that okay?"

Bai Qingyang was suddenly caught by this smile, she looked away and replied irrelevantly: "It\'s just a false name."

Li Zichou breathed a sigh of relief, it was good if he didn\'t refuse.

At this time, Xiao Le came back, and brought back a group of servants who passed the dishes.

"Your Majesty, Miss. The Imperial Dining Room just finished the lunch, so they brought it here together."

Li Zichou stood up immediately after hearing the words: "It\'s already lunch time, then I won\'t bother the queen to eat."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Xiao Le hurriedly stopped her: "The food is ready, why don\'t your majesty have dinner with the empress?"

I don\'t know why, Xiao Le just thinks that the current Empress will not be angry.

Bai Qingyang: "?"

"Ah..." Li Zichou stopped in embarrassment, turned around and looked at Bai Qingyang, "Does the queen mind?"

Bai Qingyang glanced at his little maid, pursed his lips and said, "Your Majesty, please."

So Li Zichou stayed in Yuheng Palace for dinner, and he needed someone to tell Yushanfang not to deliver meals to Tianshu Palace.

There was no one else in the hall, Li Zichou was not used to being served at meals, and Bai Qingyang was not that hypocritical, so Xiao Le just stood aside and waited.

Bai Qingyang himself found it amazing that the two people who were at odds with each other a few days ago were able to sit at the same table and eat peacefully at this moment.

She glanced at Li Zishou in the middle of serving food, and saw that she was putting a piece of spicy chicken into her mouth.

Bai Qingyang suddenly paused, and regardless of the rules of not talking about food, he asked, "Your Majesty likes that dish very much?"

Li Zichou raised his head when he heard the words, swallowed the food and replied, "I like it." What is she dissatisfied with the dishes made by top chefs?

Bai Qingyang put down the bowl and chopsticks slowly, and Xiao Le who was standing by the side also realized it.

The two masters and servants looked at each other, and they both remembered an incident a month ago: the imperial dining room added pickled peppers to the dishes prepared by Li Chou. Li Chou was furious and killed all the imperial cooks on duty that day.

Bai Qingyang still remembered that in his previous life, Li Chou didn\'t like spicy food and didn\'t like bitterness, so the dishes in Tianshu Palace were always light and delicious. It\'s normal.

But Xiao Le didn\'t expect so much, she was just surprised that His Majesty said that he wanted to change, why did he even change the taste?

Li Zichou didn\'t notice the brief silence at the dinner table, so he took a few mouthfuls of rice and said, "Xiao Le, can you sit down and eat too?"

She doesn\'t care whether she wants to be a character or not, she has already started to collapse anyway, so she just made a bad show.

And facing Bai Qingyang, she always had the feeling that no matter how she acted, she couldn\'t fool the opponent\'s eyes.

Xiao Le was even more surprised, and quickly refused: "Your Majesty, this is not polite, Xiao Le is just a maid."

Li Zifu said seriously: "Eat it, the queen probably doesn\'t mind, right?"

Li Zichou heard from Yang Dejin that the two masters and servants ate at the same table when they depended on each other in the harem. So Li Zifu expected that she would not refuse.

Sure enough, Bai Qingyang said lightly: "Ask someone to bring another pair of bowls and chopsticks."

Xiao Le was at a loss: "Why does Miss..."

Li Zichou couldn\'t help urging: "Hurry up, hurry up."

Bai Qingyang glanced at her again, but didn\'t say anything after all. The three finished their lunch in a seemingly peaceful atmosphere.

After eating, Li Zichou took his leave. Before leaving, he said to Bai Qingyang: "Queen, the weather is very good these days. If you have time, go out to Yuheng Palace to have a look."

Li Zichou seemed to be in a good mood, and the heroine did not resist having a meal with her, which was a good start. Even the little guard guarding the door that he saw before going out felt particularly pleasing to the eye.

Li Zichou glanced at him and asked, "Under Commander Zhao?"

The guard replied: "Return to Your Majesty, yes."

Li Zichou looked at him and pondered for a while, then glanced at the hall again, said: "Protect the queen." He left.

The guard didn\'t even have time to answer, so he just watched the emperor leave lightly.

Bai Qingyang came out.

"The next official sees the empress."

"What did she say?"

"Your Majesty asked me to protect you."

"..." Bai Qingyang was silent for a while, and then said again, "Go and check on Zhou Huaijin."


The author has something to say:

small theater:

Bai Qingyang: Prime Minister Liang, you really are a "good prime minister".

Yang Dejin: Bah!