Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 2: Well, you wear it too.

"Miss, do you think His Majesty will put us in prison?" Xiao Le asked uneasily after she finished refilling Bai Qingyang\'s tea.

As a woman, Bai Qingyang was named Queen by Li Fu, who was also a woman. Xiao Le was still not used to changing her name to Empress.

Accompanying Bai Qingyang into the palace these days, and witnessing all the hardships the young lady suffered, he hated and feared the empress in his heart, but he had no choice but to accompany the young lady, and come out to help the young lady block at critical moments.

But just now, my young lady actually hit the emperor, which still frightened her. That is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, the female tyrant Li Chou who became famous in the Central Plains less than a year after he took office!

"Just hit it." Bai Qingyang responded indifferently.

She wanted to just die in the hands of Li Chou and go to Huangquan Road to find Aye.

But it\'s not enough, at this time, mother is still alive, she wants to find aunt, wants to meet her.

"But fortunately, the emperor finally stopped, otherwise I really don\'t know what to do."

Bai Qingyang raised his eyes, and belatedly remembered that in his previous life, when Li Chou forced himself to stop, it was because someone came to inform him of Prince Yu\'s return to Beijing on the way.

Otherwise, according to Li Fu\'s temper, even if he didn\'t do anything, he would humiliate and mock him severely. Being slapped like this, not only didn\'t torture myself twice, but didn\'t even get angry, and left in a hurry, such a thing has never happened before.

Kind of weird.

But when he thought of the possibility that Li Chou came back to his senses afterwards and sent someone to **** him, Bai Qingyang didn\'t have so many doubts, and sat in Yuheng Palace quietly waiting for the punishment to come.


Before Li Zichou recovered, he sat in the study to relax, and called the maid back halfway to make a pot of tea for him. It seemed as if he could still feel the temperature of the heroine\'s palm on his face, and it was burning hot, so he asked someone to get a piece of ice for himself, and wrapped it in cloth and applied it to his face.

Hiss—she looks quite weak, why is she so strong.

"Your Majesty, Prince Yu has arrived and is waiting outside the door." The servant came in to announce at this time.

"Oh, I asked her to come in, please." Li Zifu put down the ice pack and responded casually.

Unexpectedly, the servant was shocked when he heard Li Zichu\'s trouble, and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, dare not dare... Your Majesty, forgive me!"

From the servant\'s point of view, it was a very scary thing for the moody queen to suddenly become so polite. He was afraid that Li Zifu would change his face in the next second and ask someone to drag him out.

Li Zichou was startled when he saw him kneeling suddenly, how cruel this dog emperor is usually, he can scare people like this.

Realizing that he might be OOC, Li Zichou rubbed his temples, and his tone became stiff: "Get up, and quickly bring Prince Yu in."

The servant broke out in a cold sweat. Hearing the emperor\'s words, he felt amnesty. He immediately put on a smiling face and stood up and said, "My little one, please come in, His Royal Highness Prince Yu."

Li Zishou watched him go out quietly. I don\'t know if what I said just now resembles the original owner, and Prince Yu doesn\'t know if he has changed his core. As a newcomer time traveler, he has no idea.

While thinking wildly, someone entered the hall.

"I...Prince Chenyu Yang Dejin is here to see the emperor." The visitor bowed his hands and greeted him.

It was Yang Dejin, who looked exactly like her good friend in the real world.

Li Zifu\'s eyebrows revealed a hint of joy, but there were still deep hesitation and doubts in his eyes, and he looked at the young man in front of him calmly.

Prince Yu wore luxurious clothes that showed his status and status. The white inner garment was used as the base, and the outer was a black narrow-sleeved toga. The front and hem were embroidered with patterns of fluttering cranes and orchids with golden silk thread. Know that the process is cumbersome.

She buried her head low, only the gauze hat she was wearing could be seen.

Could this person be the Yang Dejin she was familiar with?

After only looking at him twice, Li Zichou squeezed out a smile and said, "Prince Yu is free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yang Dejin then slowly put down his hands and raised his head slightly, but his eyes were still fixed on the hem of the emperor\'s clothes.

There was a moment of stagnation in the atmosphere.

Li Zichou: How can I confirm whether she is Yang Dejin?

Yang Dejin: Why doesn\'t the dog emperor speak?

God knows how Yang Dejin felt when he woke up and found out that he had transmigrated into the cannon fodder prince who read yesterday\'s Nvzun article.

When I was woken up by the maid in the prince\'s mansion at noon, I thought I was in a sleepy mania, and turned over to continue sleeping.

When I finally realized what was wrong, someone from the palace came to say that the Hunjun wanted to see him. Who doesn\'t lose their minds about this?

"Emperor..." Li Zichou got stuck as soon as she opened her mouth, she didn\'t know how the original owner called this relative in front of her.

According to Yang Dejin, Prince Yu seems to be a "brother" brought back from the people by the late emperor. According to his seniority, he should be Li Chou\'s "uncle". So he should be called "Emperor Uncle"?

Would a person who was so pampered and domineering in the past recognize him as an uncle who came from a folk background?

Li Zichou decided to be conservative, and then asked, "Prince Yu just returned to Beijing?"

Yang Dejin bit her lip, thinking about Li Zi\'s slap in the face just now, and replied cautiously: "Yes, Your Majesty. I just came back from... that... Fengtian Temple."

As a novice traveler, Yang Dejin has not yet adapted to the polite conversations and complicated etiquette of the ancients.

I just hope that I don\'t reveal my secrets. If the other party hadn\'t been for Li Zifu, he might think that he was bewitched by evil spirits and take the opportunity to get rid of this hidden threat of seizing the throne.

It will definitely be something that the dog emperor Li Chou can do!

When she just woke up, she found a few servants in her mansion, and asked about the year and recent major events in a circumstantial manner. The plot of the original book should be exactly the event of Prince Yu returning to Beijing from Fengtian Temple. There are still two years away from the plot where he was shot to death by random arrows, Yang Dejin felt that he could still do it.

Hey, it would be great if Zifu also wore books.

Worship... Li Zichou thought to himself.

She hasn\'t read the original novel, so she doesn\'t know what stage of the plot she is in now. If it is too early for the heroine to kill the tyrant, maybe she can be rescued.

Hey, it would be great if Dejin wore books too.

Thinking of this, the two subconsciously looked at the person in front of them, and their eyes naturally collided with each other.

Li Zishou & Yang Dejin:!

Li Zichou coughed lightly and looked away: "Prince Yu, please sit down."

Prince Yu seemed to be sweating profusely on his back. He glanced at the low Zen chair beside him, and replied in a low voice, "Thank you, Your Majesty." She carefully sat down cross-legged.

Li Zichou also sat down before the case.

Once again, the air fell into an eerie silence.

The maids and servants who were waiting at the side lowered their heads, thinking in their hearts: These two lords really hate each other, and they can\'t even speak a few words when they meet.

In fact, Li Zichou was racking his brains on how to confirm Yang Dejin\'s identity. Yang Dejin, on the other hand, waited tremblingly for Li Zishou to confirm her identity.

In fact, it is very easy to ask Prince Yu\'s identity, but the hard part is how to ask in a casual and unobtrusive manner, yet allow the other party to quickly get the signal...

Li Zichou suddenly remembered a cross talk that Yang Dejin and himself watched together a few days ago. At that time, Yang Dejin laughed like **** because of a few lines in it, and he thought it was so funny watching it. It\'s better to deal with that password.

Li Zichou: "Prince Yu, a few days ago, I got an incomplete poem, and I couldn\'t complete it even after racking my brains. Prince Yu, you are very knowledgeable, can you try to complete that poem?"

Hearing this, Yang Dejin straightened her back slightly, and had a strange premonition in her heart: Could it be...

"The emperor, tell me?"

"A couple of days is a hundred days of kindness, and a couple of a hundred days is like the depths of the sea." Li Zichou read out every single word, and looked at Yang Dejin in front of him with a little hope in his eyes.

The maids and servants at the side: Isn\'t this just a folk slang? His Majesty actually uttered such a tricky sentence to His Highness Prince Yu, who didn\'t know that Prince Yu grew up in the countryside and had no inkling, it seems that His Majesty is determined to embarrass His Highness!

But Yang Dejin heard the phrase "A couple of days is a hundred days of kindness, and a couple of a hundred days is like the depths of the sea." However, the light in his eyes flashed instantly, and the corners of his mouth couldn\'t stop turning up.

Li Zichou saw her reaction: Okay, you are wearing books too.

Sure enough, after Yang Dejin pretended to meditate for a few seconds, he put on a serious look and said to him: "\'Sea cucumbers are not as expensive as shrimps, and shrimps sell for 50 per ton.\'"

Yang Dejin\'s voice was actually not loud, and the court ladies and eunuchs a few steps away did not hear her answer clearly.

After the words fell, the two didn\'t speak again. They looked at each other and met in another world. They had never felt that the dog\'s face in front of them was so pleasing to the eye. The love in their eyes seemed to drown each other.

And the silence at this moment fell on the ears of the ancient people next to him, who thought that Prince Yu\'s match was too bad, which made the queen angry, but because of Prince Yu\'s status, it was not easy to directly attack, so he didn\'t say a word.

Several court ladies and eunuchs became nervous, for fear that the empress\' anger would affect her head.

As expected, Li Zishou\'s voice sounded: "You all step back and close the door." The voice was a little unsteady, as if he was holding back something.

Several court ladies and eunuchs quickly promised, and quickly withdrew from the hall: Your Majesty is really angry! Her throat is split!

Yang Dejin looked back at the palace people going out, stretched his neck so long, and finally couldn\'t hold back when he heard the door slam shut.

"Wow, Li Zichou, you scared me to death!" Yang Dejin jumped up and hugged Li Zichou\'s neck with a look of fear on his face.

"It\'s alright, alright, let me go first." Li Zichou finally breathed a sigh of relief, his distaste remained unabated in his tone, but he couldn\'t hide his joy on his face.

Yang Dejin was almost moved to tears, and reluctantly let go of Li Zichou: "I didn\'t expect you to wear books too, that\'s great, Li Zichou."

Li Zichou twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly: "...not very good."

Knowing that the core of the dog emperor has been replaced by a bad friend, Yang Dejin is not so restrained, her waist is soft, and her back is also bent. She pulled the back of the chair as if she had no bones and asked her: "Zixou, what are you doing?" When did you wear it?"

Li Zichou clasped the pendant hanging around his waist and replied: "I just wore it for a while, not long ago."

Yang Dejin nodded: "I\'m almost the same, we should have passed through together." After speaking, he stared at Li Zifu\'s face thoughtfully.

"Zixou, I have a question."

"Don\'t ask me, I don\'t know how to wear it."

"No," Yang Dejin waved his hand, "Who wants to ask you this?"

"Then what do you want to ask?"

Yang Dejin pointed to Li Zichou, and looked carefully: "Our appearance has not changed, we are still the same beautiful, but your face..."

It\'s fine if she doesn\'t say anything, but Li Zichou\'s face hurts again when she talks about it.

"Ah, it was beaten by the heroine." Li Zichou said expressionlessly, covering his face.

Yang Dejin\'s eyes lit up: "Did you see Bai Qingyang? Why did she beat you?"

"I see." Li Zichou nodded and said, "As for why she hit me..."

Li Zichou recalled how he grabbed Bai Qingyang\'s shirt with one hand, and the other side looked ashamed and angry.

"Probably because I want to **** her."

Hearing this, Yang Dejin made an expression of "I didn\'t expect you to have this ability", and said, "Hey, then you deserve to be beaten."

Li Zishou: "..."

The author has something to say:

small theater:

Yang Dejin: Neodymium and copper are by my side.

Li Zishou: ...

Sea cucumber and shrimp stems come from Mr. Guo Degang\'s cross talk. The original sentence is "sea cucumber is not as expensive as shrimp, and shrimp sells for 50 pounds." I changed it here for rhyme.