Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 1: Just wear what you say?

"Bai Qingyang gritted his teeth and said Li Chou\'s name, and someone beside him handed her a long sword.

"Bai Qingyang walked towards her with a long sword in hand. The desolate female tyrant was escorted to the ground by the soldiers of the garrison army. She had a ferocious expression and a hideous face, and she was still cursing arrogantly at this moment. Bai Qingyang used force in his hands, and the protruding knuckles of his fingers almost wanted to tear her The hilt of the sword was shattered.

"Finally, she stabbed the man\'s left chest with a sword, and blood flowed profusely immediately. The scolding stopped abruptly with a muffled groan, and the soldier relaxed because of this, and she no longer had to endure the tyrant\'s orders.

"Bai Qingyang, the revenge will be avenged."

Lying comfortably on the bed in the dormitory, Yang Dejin recited the e-book in his hand with eloquence, and carefully tasted it for a while after reading it. She finally couldn\'t help but climbed on the side rail and called out to the bad friend who was sitting on the bed writing a thesis.

"Li Zichou, you were killed by the heroine."

Typing on the keyboard irritably, Li Zichou, who was about to be killed by the paper, heard his name, pulled off an earphone, frowned and thought about how to modify it better, without looking away, he casually said: "Oh yes What? How did you die?"

"I was stabbed to death by the heroine."

"Finally got the lunch box, what about you?"

"What about you?"

"You don\'t want to compete with the heroine for the throne, can she let you go?"

"Tch, I didn\'t touch the little beauty, I\'m going to die?" Yang Dejin turned a page of the e-book, lay back on the bed and continued reading.

I saw the first line on the next page: The next day, Prince Yu Yang Dejin failed to break through the siege and was shot dead by random arrows in the Qinzhou government office.

If you say die, you die? !

It\'s all over, without even a specific description.

Yang Dejin: ...

She is actually more dead than that cannon fodder Li Zifu! How unreasonable!

What Li Zichou and Yang Dejin were talking about was a novel written by a heroine. The main story is that Bai Qingyang, the number one talented woman in the capital, was imprisoned by a female tyrant after her family was ruined, was plotted against by a villain, and suffered all kinds of humiliation. In the end, with a lot of accumulation, he revolutionized the destiny in one fell swoop, killed the tyrant, beheaded the courtiers, reformed the system, and pardoned the world.

At first it was Yang Dejin who was reading this article, and Li Zichou was being read by her ear every day, so she understood it somewhat. Yang Dejin was very happy to read it, not only because the article was so pure, but also because of the names of the two characters in the article.

Li Shou in the original text is only one letter away from her bad friend Li Zishou in reality, and she is an out-and-out female tyrant.

As for Yang Dejin, in the book, he is an ambitious prince and a man of men\'s clothing.

These two characters are the stepping stones for the heroine to ascend the throne, they belong to the villain cannon fodder, and the buffs are full.

The passage that Yang Dejin read just now is: the heroine separated the queen and the prince from it, causing Prince Yu to rebel in advance, breaking the balance between the court and China. In the end, the heroine made a profit and ruled the world.

Unexpectedly, the Hunjun and the Yongwang died at the same moment. It turns out that everyone is cannon fodder, so don\'t laugh at anyone.

"Hey, boring!" Seeing "myself" dead, Yang Dejin breathlessly turned off the screen of the tablet, looking at Li Zichou who was playing with the headphone cable.

Yang Dejin suddenly came to ask with interest: "Hey, Zishou. If you said that you were the emperor there, how would you change your miserable end?"

Li Zizhi glanced at his unconstrained roommate, and said, "Damn the heroine."

The corners of Yang Dejin\'s mouth twitched. Li Zichou was also a top student in both arts and sciences. How did her 37-degree mouth come out with such cold words?

"Anyway, she is also the author\'s own daughter. The protagonist\'s halo is there. How can you kill him if you want?"

"Then what do you say?"

"Please please her, it\'s best to take her down."

"Tsk, neodymium copper."

"..." Look down on neodymium copper? !

Yang Dejin straightened his expression: "Seriously, what if you transmigrated into a book and became the emperor in the book, how would you save yourself?"

Hearing what she said, Li Zichou also took off the other earphone, put away the laptop, turned around with a straight face, and said to Yang Dejin, "Then I want to be a good person."

Yang Dejin burst out laughing, feeling that Li Zifu would be able to do it. She waved her hand: "If I become Prince Nayu, I can only eat and wait to die."

Li Zishou also laughed, and his tense thinking was relaxed a bit.

"If there is such a ridiculous thing as wearing a book, I, Li Zichou, will eat the laptop in front of me on the spot." Yang Dejin finally heard Li Zichou say this.


Li Zichou slept very restlessly. The grotesque images in her mind puzzled her, and her eyebrows bulged deeply.


"His Majesty…!"

"Li...Li die!"

What\'s so bad? Die badly? ?

The cries in the dream rose and fell like the tide, but Li Zifu\'s consciousness was suddenly pulled out of the water, and then sank into the water again.

"You can kill me, but you can\'t humiliate me like this!" Following an angrily growl, a slap landed on Li Zishou\'s face.

Li Zichou woke up completely, but his mind was still offline.

The slap she received was so strong that Li Zifu turned his head around.

The woman in front of her opened her angry eyes, her eyes filled with tears, but she did not let the tears stay. The red eye sockets formed a strong contrast with the pale complexion, but still looked sharp, only the tight jaw and violently trembling hands revealed the master\'s inner fear at the moment.

Fragile like glass.

The little maid who fell to the ground beside her was motionless because of the loud bang, she even forgot to beg for her master\'s mercy, her face was full of fear.

Li Zishou blinked his eyes and concentrated a little before realizing that he was grabbing the other party\'s collar with one hand, and it didn\'t look like he was going to do anything good. It was because of this that he was tightly strangled by those slender hands. .

Li Zichou let go of his hand instantly, letting go like an electric shock.

Bai Qingyang gathered up his clothes, took the opportunity to step back, leaned on the imperial concubine\'s couch behind him, and glared at Li Zichou with tears in his eyes: "You\'d better kill me, otherwise, Li Choo, you will regret it!"

No one knew what it was like for Bai Qingyang to wake up and return to this nightmare day after committing suicide.

Li Chou went crazy and wanted to force it. This situation was exactly the same as that day in Bai Qingyang\'s memory. She, Bai Qingyang, was reborn and returned to the most painful moment in her life.

Perhaps he killed too many people in his previous life, and God decided to punish him in this way.

Only Li Zichou\'s eyes widened: What\'s going on?

When looking at Bai Qingyang, he paid a little attention to his situation.

The resplendent hall, the intricately decorated interior, this is too wrong, I should obviously sleep in a four-person dormitory!

Looking at what he was wearing again, it was a bright red dragon robe embroidered with dragons, the color was eye-catching.

Where\'s my furry little koala pajamas? ? !

As smart as Li Zishou, he knew almost instantly that he was wearing clothes.

Taking advantage of the two seconds when the empress was in a daze, the little maid crawled tremblingly and fell in front of Li Zichou: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please let our young lady go, young lady..."

"Stand up, Xiao Le, you don\'t have to intercede for me. You want my life, I\'ll give it to you!" The second half of the sentence was obviously addressed to Li Zichou.


Li Zichou: "No... you..." What did you say your name was? !

Bai Qingyang? Isn\'t that the heroine? Did I slip into the novel that Yang Dejin was reading? !

Li Zichou\'s mind is in a mess now, she speaks after deliberation, her tone is very blunt:

"I...cough! I lost my mind just now..."

As he spoke, he glanced at Bai Qingyang again: "Come here, will..."

What\'s up? Bai Qingyang seems to be the queen?

"Help the queen back to rest well."

The waiter in white who had been waiting beside him with his head bowed cautiously said, "Your Majesty, this is Yuheng Palace."

It meant that Bai Qingyang lived here in the first place, so he was the one who should leave.

Li Zichou understood, she looked at Bai Qingyang in embarrassment, pursed her lips and said, "Go back to the palace!" Then she hurriedly turned and left this place of right and wrong.

Only the master and servant were left slumped on the carpet, still undecided.

Bai Qingyang looked at the back of the man leaving, his eyes turned cold.

To live a new life, she simply wanted Li Fu to give herself a good time, so as not to suffer those crimes later.

But she is still not reconciled, not reconciled to being forced by a woman, and even more unwilling to give up investigating the truth of her father\'s murder.

Even if God wanted to punish herself, Bai Qingyang would still kill those people, but this time, she had to do it more heartlessly and ruthlessly.

Let the servant take the lead, and he followed behind after thinking wildly all the way, and then returned to the place where the emperor should live-Tianshu Palace.

"You all go down, I, not... I want to think about things alone."

A group of eunuchs and maids in the hall hurriedly promised, and then quickly retreated, lest they offend this uncertain tyrant, and they would be the next to suffer.

Li Zichou stood in the center of the hall, and after confirming that he was the only one around, he scratched his head in a breakdown and walked back and forth in front of the hall.

Why is this wearing a book? ? ! Still wearing cannon fodder! Li pay? It seems that he was stabbed to death by the heroine in the end? What kind of evil did this hit? How could she become a luxurious cannon fodder for a well-paid young man in the new century? ?

Thinking of what Yang Dejin said yesterday, Li Zichou wanted to slap her hard.

Yang Dejin is an idiot! What an open mouth!

Li Zichou stopped suddenly, as if thinking of some possibility. She is not the only one with the same name and surname in the book, if she is not the only one who wears it...

Thinking of this, Li Zichou raised his head and asked the palace gate, "Where is Prince Yu now?"

The servant standing outside the door turned around and replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, Prince Yu just came back from Fengtian Temple at noon today, and is now resting in the Prince\'s Mansion."

"Announce her into the palace."


The author has something to say:

small theater:

Yang Dejin: How are you going to eat this electricity?

Li Zichou: What the hell, I stuffed your mouth.