Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 3: match of major

"Don\'t talk about these things, let\'s analyze the current situation." Li Zichou said seriously.

"Oh, okay, okay!" Yang Dejin didn\'t interrupt, and quickly sat upright.

"Dejin, let me ask you, have you finished reading that novel? What stage of the plot are we in now?"

"Well...the novel is divided into three volumes, I only read the second volume, and I didn\'t read the part after we both died. Now I just came back from Fengtian Temple as Prince Yu, the story should have started not long ago, Bai Qingyang was killed by you It has only been about a month or so since I was recruited into the palace to be the empress, and it will be two years before we both become cool."

Li Zichou frowned, feeling that it was unlucky for her to keep mentioning "the two of us will die", but he didn\'t correct her after all, but said: "Then I think we can still be saved? Bai Qingyang has only been in the palace for a month, Shouldn\'t my enmity with her be that big?"

Hearing this, Yang Dejin looked at her bad friend with pity: "The heroine\'s experience in the palace for a month is described in detail in the original novel, do you want to know?"

Li Zishou: ...I have an ominous premonition.

"You... come and listen?"

"The original book describes you as cruel, vicious, moody, licentious, stupid, and absurd. Not to mention being obsessed with masculinity, you also forcibly married the most talented woman in the capital, who is the heroine. Ridiculously ridiculed Bai Qingyang and ruined her reputation. After she came down to court, she went to the harem to face her. Withdrew all the servants and servants in her palace, leaving only one person who was always in the palace when she was the eldest lady of the prime minister\'s mansion. The servant girl who followed. Even the servant girl in the palace looked down on her, and even..."

"Okok!" Seeing her talking more and more vigorously, Li Zichou quickly stopped, "It\'s hard for you to remember so much..."

"That\'s right!" Yang Dejin became more and more angry as she spoke, and even wanted to punch this, oh no, that dog in the book.

Li Zichou sighed with a headache: "Then according to what you say, Bai Qingyang\'s hatred for me has already exploded, so I will still be killed by her?"

"Do not."

"Oh? What can you do?"

"There\'s no way. I just want to say that with regard to the villain set up after you ascended the throne. According to the standard ending of Bai Qingyang\'s rule after he ruled the world, even if you don\'t mess with her, you will still be killed by her. Don\'t worry."

Li Zishou:?

Is this some new way of comforting people?

"Hey, don\'t be discouraged, there is no unparalleled road, and there must be a way."

Li Zi raised his eyes wearily: "For example?"

Yang Dejin pondered for a second: " about you drag Bai Qingyang out?"

Li Zishou: ...

"That\'s not what you said yesterday." Li Zichou said with his eyes wide open.

"You didn\'t have such a strong desire to survive yesterday! Who knew you would actually wear a book today?" Yang Dejin retorted.

Li Zichou opened his eyes wide and stared at Yang Dejin silently for a few seconds. Yang Dejin was uncomfortable being looked at by her. He remembered that yesterday he was crowed and 1% of the blame was on him. Besides, the two of them are now people in the same boat. So she laughed a few times, reached out to get the purple sand teapot on the table and poured two cups of tea for Li Zifu and herself.

Yang Dejin pushed the tea in front of Li Zichou, trying to ease the atmosphere: "Your Majesty, please drink some water to calm down first."

Li Zichou took a sip of tea depressedly.

"I don\'t think the two of us are in such a miserable situation. For the two of us, I became a prince and you became a queen. There are too many things we can remedy. Even if we don\'t kill Bai Qingyang, I think we can still survive."

"how do I say this?"

"Well... you can slowly change your personality. Also, didn\'t I finish reading the second volume yesterday? The reason why Emperor Dog and Prince Yu died was because Bai Qingyang took advantage of the rift between the two original bodies, We separated the two of them." Seeing Li Zichou nodding thoughtfully, Yang Dejin continued, "But now the souls of these two characters have been replaced, right? It is impossible for Bai Qingyang to drive us apart again, our relationship is so strong , Let others know, and there is no chance to start between the two of us, so at least we can take care of each other, right?"

Li Zichou nodded, Yang Dejin knew she understood, and took a sip of tea with satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Li Zichou suddenly stopped in the middle of nodding his head. A sentence came: "I think what you said is wrong."

"Ah? What\'s wrong?" Fortunately, Yang Dejin had just swallowed the water, and she asked in surprise.

Li Zichou said slowly: "Letting others know that we are on the same front can certainly prevent the heroine from trying to provoke the relationship to a certain extent, but in this way, those people with dangerous ideas will not show up. But if, let They feel that there is a gap between the emperor and Prince Yu, and they might be able to attract some rebellious officials and thieves."

Yang Dejin listened in a daze while holding a teacup, and it took him a long time to clear his mind: "You mean to maintain the status quo that the emperor and Prince Yu are jealous of each other, and let some people in the court guess on their own, which can lead to some bad things appearing." ?”

Li Zichou hummed affirmatively.

"Wow, Li Zichou, you\'re getting into shape so quickly. With you as the emperor, I can be a happy prince." Yang Dejin suddenly became happy.

Li Zichou was puzzled: "Why can you be at ease?"

Yang Dejin: "I\'m relieved that you are a professional counterpart."

Li Zichou: "...I haven\'t passed the exam yet... No! What is a professional counterpart?! You want to break the can, don\'t you?!" Li Zichou suddenly approached, and said to Yang Dejin with the face that still had the palm print on it ,"yes-?"

Yang Dejin didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, okay, I\'m just joking, that is to say, I still have to act when I go out later, right?"

Li Zichou sat back on Diaolong\'s chair, nodded and said, "Not only this time, but every time."

"Then you have to cooperate with me and play the double reed, it\'s simple, look at it, hehe!"

Li Zichou: ...Why do I think she is still excited?

"Pay attention to those etiquettes in front of outsiders, and don\'t reveal your secrets." Li Zichou urged worriedly.

"I know, I know, what are you going to do in the palace after you prepare?"

"Well...Anyway, Bai Qingyang definitely can\'t mess with it anymore, protect him if he can. In addition, I need to go through the history of this dynasty, as well as the genealogy of the royal family and the list of officials, to find out the relationship between people as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I\'ll go back and learn about this, as well as the trivial knowledge of etiquette. Hey! It\'s really a lot of things."

"When you encounter something, you tell me, and we can discuss and solve it together." Li Zichou continued.

Yang Dejin nodded, and suddenly remembered that this was the ancient times when communication was inconvenient. She asked: "In this 0G era, it\'s too slow to send a message. I have to go to the palace every time to find you?" She has begun to miss the information age.

Li Zichou also thought about it. After thinking for a while, she said: "If the matter to be discussed is not very urgent, you should come to the palace to find me, or I have something to announce you to the palace. After that, I will explore the layout of the palace. You are outside the palace. Look along the wall, I believe there will always be one or two inconspicuous corners in such a big palace for us to connect with."

"Okay, what if it\'s an emergency?"

"If there is an emergency, you should find a way to create some noise outside the palace, and I will immediately bring you into the palace. By the way, you have to find some cronies again when you go back, so as to improve the efficiency of our message transmission, and it will also help us in the palace. Stand firm in the palace."

"Okay, I see."

"But don\'t worry, as the emperor has to go to court every day, so there should be quite a lot of opportunities for us to meet."

"Oh." Yang Dejin looked at the flamboyantly dressed friend in front of him, "Then, I\'ll tell you all the important plots I know first, and you have a preparation later."

"it is good."

They talked for a long time in the study room in the huge hall, from noon to evening. The servants who had been waiting outside the door for a long time felt that it was a bit too much for the emperor to punish Prince Yu all afternoon because of a couplet, but no one dared to make any comments, because their master was really not easy to mess with.

"That\'s about it. Tomorrow, you will pay attention to those officials at court, and check their faces and names. I will also pay attention to you."

Li Zichou nodded, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, you are now disguised as a man and presented as a man?"

Yang Dejin was stunned for a moment, and then she just remembered this matter, and she replied: "That\'s right, it seems that I originally wanted to use my identity to contain a certain power that seized the throne. The author of the original book also mentioned it in the first volume. I don\'t know the exact reason."

"Okay, then you continue to hide your identity, and I want to change the Hunjun\'s personality, this has to be done step by step, there is no rush. In short, let\'s be careful in everything."

"You\'re right." Yang Dejin looked inside the hall. Although he deliberately stayed away from the window to prevent being overheard and couldn\'t see the sky outside, the huge space gradually darkened, "It\'s getting late, I should go back The Prince\'s Mansion is here, will you take me to meet someone?"

Li Zichou: "Who are you seeing?"

Yang Dejin: "Tsk, heroine! You have to recognize her face!"

Li Zichou: "Oh... yes, but you have to go by yourself."

Yang Dejin: "?"

The little maids at the door were muttering: It\'s time for dinner, why haven\'t the emperor and Prince Yu come out yet? Nothing will happen, will it?

While they were chatting, Prince Yu suddenly came out with a dark face. The door was slammed so loudly that all the maids trembled in fright, and they walked outside without looking back. He also caught a **** on the way, asked him a few words, told him to go ahead, and followed behind.

Just when they were panicking and didn\'t know whether they should go in, they heard the voice of the empress: "Come here, exchange tea."

After entering, I found that the emperor also had a dark face, and a small teacup was broken at his feet.

No one dared to speak, and quietly cleaned up the debris, and exchanged for new tea sets and brewed hot tea. He was afraid that he would have to turn around if he touched the empress\' bad luck.

The waiter in white had just gone to inform the imperial dining room to prepare dinner, and when he came back, he saw the emperor was angry, and his heart skipped a beat. Thinking of the news he had just heard, he decided to report it to the emperor.

Internal attendant: "Report to Your Majesty, this servant just heard that Prince Yu has left, but he did not leave the palace, but instead went to Yuheng Palace where the empress is."

Li Zichou pretended to be unable to suppress his anger, and said in a deep voice: "Please take her out of the palace and tell her to stay away from my queen."

Seeing that she looked like she was going to eat people, the servant was terrified, and hurried to ask someone to do something.

The author has something to say:

small theater:

Li Zishou (suddenly yelling): It\'s over! I forgot one very important thing!

Yang Dejin (startled): What\'s wrong? ? ?

Li Zichou: I haven\'t finished my thesis yet!

Yang Dejin: ... still thinking about your thesis!