Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 69 - CUTE BUNNY WITH A GUN! (2)

[Yang Menghuo POV]

"P—Pardon me, Mr. Yang Menghuo. I shall do my utmost best for the tenant\'s satisfaction!"

"Good, I dislike incompetence," Yang Menghuo nodded and allowed the manager to leave. He told the manager to summon that Madam Hao Yui as soon as possible to discuss a further problem about Ying Jie\'s tenant rent.

After the manager left, Yang Menghuo took a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling. He imagined how Ying Jie must\'ve been fighting against this Madam Hao Yui every end of the month because she sent the money to her family in the village.

He still remembered Ying Jie said that she was the breadwinner of the family. Now that her parents are old and her dad had a back problem, she had two little sisters needing to be provided for school and university. She had a lot on her back.

But she carried everything proudly, but… such a thing might take a toll on her financial stability and saving.

"Ah, it would\'ve been a lot easier if Ying Jie knows my true identity…" Menghuo thought. He had to continue acting like a poor man who could barely make ends meet every month. Why? Well, at first, it was because Yang Menghuo didn\'t want anyone to discover his secret, especially a woman who was close to him.

Because they might be approaching him for money, not because of love.

Yang Menghuo stayed true to his nature as a hopeless romantic. He\'d never use his money to attract a woman. He wanted everything to be natural. Maybe that\'s why he stayed single for so long and still couldn\'t leave the image of Batman-Jie out of his head.

Because Batman-Jie was the only one whom Yang Menghuo was willing to flaunt all his money as long as he could get her attention and love.

Yang Menghuo didn\'t even care if Batman-Jie suddenly everything from him, as long as it made Batman-Jie happy. It was just money afterall. Menghuo could get more in a short period of time.

Strangely, he also got the same feeling when he was around Ying Jie. He didn\'t care if Ying Jie actually found out about his wealth. He didn\'t even care if Ying Jie asked some money, stock, or even this whole building if she wanted.

"Then… why am I still trying to hide my status and wealth to Ying Jie?" Yang Menghuo pondered. It would definitely be easier if Ying Jie knew his wealth and family status.

But he was also scared that maybe… Ying Jie would be scared by his parents, his status, or the worst… she would take everything, suck him dry, and leave after Menghuo lost everything. Speaking like a true hopeless romantic, Menghuo didn\'t want that to happen.

"Ah, still, I don\'t mind if Ying Jie sucks me dry…" Menghuo said. Then he realized what he just said and refuted it, "W—Wait, I mean, I don\'t mind if Ying Jie screw me over… I mean my wallet! And suck my money out!"

"D—Definitely that… H—How could I be thinking about something so lewd? What am I? A teenage boy in love?" Yang Menghuo fanned himself with his hand, and after realizing it didn\'t help him, he went to the pantry to drink water. Maybe it will solve the tight pants inside since something kept on hardening and growing.

After he calmed himself down, he counted few things that he needed to do in order to help Ying Jie. There were plenty of problems, and he had to clear them one by one.

First, the tenant problem with Ying Jie would be cleared soon after Madam Hao Yui came.

Second, the problem between Batman-Jie and Ying Jie, maybe what Ying Jie said was correct. Perhaps he didn\'t search hard enough to find Batman-Jie, and now, he was conflicted between loving Batman-Jie or Ying Jie, like an indecisive jerk he was.

And the third…

Yang Menghuo\'s gaze deepened, he clenched the glass in his hand. He kept thinking about a man that Ying Jie mentioned…


Yang Menghuo clenched the glass until it was cracking. He glanced at the glass and scoffed.

He scoffed because he remembered how he got hurt many times after few assassination attempts by his competitors. Even if he had to crush this glass with his hand and let his hand pierced by the shards, he wouldn\'t even wince in pain.

He was a hardened man… until he met with Batman-Jie or Ying Jie, then he would probably cry like a baby and said that it hurt so much, just for him to hog all the attention from Batman-Jie or Ying Jie.

Yang Menghuo thought if he should crush this glass to hurt himself to get the attention he wanted now from Ying Jie, but then, he realized that Ying Jie already cared so much for him even without him doing stupid stuff.

Yang Menghuo put the cracked glass on the table and chuckled mirthlessly. His dark gaze would give someone else a different idea of what he was laughing at right now.

"Well, I have Ying Jie\'s attention all for myself now. As long as I can find this man that Ying Jie has fallen in love with, and pack him in a briefcase to the bottom of the sea, then everything will be alright…"

Yang Menghuo refused to believe that Ying Jie was just joking when she said that she was in love with a man right now. Because when Yang Menghuo saw her gaze, it was so pure and beautiful, as if she had truly fallen in love with the man in her imagination.

Thus, the priority in Yang Menghuo\'s brain got rearranged immediately. He could finish the problem with Ying Jie\'s tenant landlady today, and he could always find another way to find Batman-Jie. He would extend his search after it had been halting for two years since he had lost hope at some point and wished that Batman-Jie would come to him.

Which obviously didn\'t happen after two years.

Batman-Jie was still nowhere to be found, and there was another woman who replaced her in Menghuo\'s life right now, Ying Jie…

"I will continue the search again. I cannot give up now. Maybe I will find what my heart truly desired after I found Batman-Jie…"

"And now… for the most critical problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible…" Yang Menghuo walked to the living room and picked up the briefcase that he used to store the cheesecakes for Ying Jie. It was like a small refrigerator, but it was not the only function.

Yang Menghuo pressed a button near the handle, and the briefcase opened a hidden slot at the bottom. Like a spy gadget, an automatic handgun popped out of the briefcase. Yang Menghuo picked the handgun and checked the bullet, "Still fully slotted, good to know."

His gaze darkened as he held this gun. This was the gun he used to kill his competitor, who dared to threaten that he\'d kill his dad, Yang Zhuhuo, had Yang Menghuo didn\'t want to yield for the competition to own a plot of land in the central district.

Yang Menghuo didn\'t think twice and took the handgun out of his briefcase and gunned down the man remorselessly.

And today, he was holding the same gun in the briefcase to store the cheesecakes for Ying Jie.

Why did he bring it? No, it wasn\'t because he wanted to hurt Ying Jie. In fact, he tried to protect her from any man who dared to touch her.

After Ying Jie suddenly blocked his number last night, Yang Menghuo thought that Ying Jie had found another man so soon. So he got a bit clouded and brought the gun with him. He would gun down any man who dared to enter Ying Jie\'s apartment.

Truth be told, Yang Menghuo already had this tendency since he was young when he was nicknamed Mengmeng by Batman-Jie, which translated into a cutie. Truthfully, that name couldn\'t be more wrong. He just acted cute for Batman-Jie, but when he saw Batman-Jie talked to someone else, even to her male cousin, he got so jealous that he wanted to gouge that man\'s eyes for staring at his Batman-Jie.

But he didn\'t want to be scolded by Batman-Jie, just like how he was scared of getting scolded by Ying Jie.

\'Maybe Ying Jie will hate me if I showed this side of mine, maybe Batman-Jie too…\'

\'But this has been me for so long… I will only be meek to those whom my heart desires, and my heart desires… two women, Batman-Jie and Ying Jie…\'

Yang Menghuo showed a mysterious smirk as he caressed the handgun, \'This is to protect whom I respect, like my parents, and whom my heart desires.\'

\'Like you, Ying Jie…\'


*Pardon for yesterday\'s chapter, as I found out that you cannot put link in the comment section or WN will automatically hides it. I will find a way and share the discord link soon! Thank you!*