Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 68 - CUTE BUNNY WITH A GUN! (1)

[Yang Menghuo POV]

"There are no buts. You can leave now, Meng Bao. I accepted your confession, but I will not answer your confession until you find that childhood sweetheart of yours, then I will tell you my true feeling."

With that, Ying Jie had ignored anything that Menghuo said. Yang Menghuo could only stand and watch, with a pouty face, like a kid who had been ignored for so long that he would go on a tantrum anytime soon.

Ying Jie sighed as she glanced at Menghuo and said, "Meng Bao, there\'s no use of you throwing a tantrum like that. You can go now."

"Ying Jie, you\'re not mad at me, right?"

"No, I just want you to sort out your feeling first before you return back at me. I\'m not a trash can to dump out your excess longing for your childhood sweetheart, Robin Yang."

The moment Ying Jie mentioned his real name, Menghuo finally realized there was no way out other than him sorting out his own feeling while trying to find Batman-Jie.

Yang Menghuo clenched his fist and then nodded, "Okay, Batman-Jie. I will leave now…"

"Good," Ying Jie nodded as she washed the plate and glass.

Yang Menghuo walked to the door and then turned his head back at Ying Jie as he held the door handle. He really looked like an abandoned puppy that got kicked away from his house, "Ying Jie, you really want me to leave?"


Yang Menghuo whimpered. He twisted the knob and opened the door. He glanced at Ying Jie again, "Are you sure? I can help you with stuff if you want me to stay…"

"Leave now, Meng Bao."

Yang Menghuo got even more depressed, he left Ying Jie\'s room, but before he actually left, his head popped out from the almost closed door and asked again, "Ying Jie, are you really, really sure? Like… are you sure there\'ll be no man who comes here after I leave? Meng Bao will be really sad and cry again if you go with another man, Jie…"

The ever so patient Shi Ying finally got annoyed and threw the knife towards Menghuo. The knife stuck right on the door, just an inch away from hitting Menghuo, and Ying Jie yelled, "MENG BAO, GET OUT!"

"Wuuuu! Okay, okay!"

Like a henpecked boyfriend, Yang Menghuo finally closed the door after Ying Jie threw a knife at him.

"Ying Jie is really fierce…" Menghuo mumbled as he walked away from Ying Jie\'s apartment. He truly acted like a spoiled child, a baby in front of Ying Jie, which was not how he actually act with other people.

Yang Menghuo was a business mogul that had dealt with many shady things in the business industry. He was not a clean man, but he wasn\'t a chaotic evil either. He did everything out of necessity and practicality.

Yang Menghuo never knew someone could really make him like this except Ying Jie and Batman-Jie. He acted so shamelessly just because he felt Ying Jie didn\'t give him enough attention. He even pouted when Ying Jie scolded him.

It was almost like a natural reaction of him whenever he was with Ying Jie, that sense of comfort and warmth exuding from Ying Jie, like an aura that drew Menghuo in.

That was the reason why Menghuo acted so unscrupulous and shameless to Ying Jie, and because that was what his heart desire.

He desired Ying Jie to give him all her attention, never sparing any of her attention to other people. If it was possible, Menghuo wanted to be around Ying Jie forever!

\'Ah, seriously, Yang Menghuo, you really act like a teenager in love!\' Yang Menghuo was frustrated with himself.

He stopped in front of a mirror in the corridor, then he made the funny face he had when he was with Ying Jie…


Abandoned puppy eyes.

Looking up like a bunny asking for food.

Then he imagined if he did the same face to anyone else other than Ying Jie… unsurprisingly, he shivered immediately.

"Disgusting," Yang Menghuo commented on himself.

Yang Menghuo walked to the lift and used an executive card to use the executive lift. This lift was reserved only for the pavilion owner. And yes, he owned this apartment. Well, he co-owned this apartment where Ying Jie resided as a rental tenant on the eleventh floor.

The real owner was his dad, Mr. Yang Zhuhuo.

Yang Menghuo purchased it a few hours ago directly from his dad when they had a meeting with Alex-Ge. So he could have full control over the apartment. This was a cheap apartment for him. The whole building wasn\'t even worth his monthly passive income.

But Ying Jie lived here, so he had to buy it, in case Ying Jie wanted him to come quickly for… whatever reason.

Yang Menghuo pressed the highest floor button and was went up to the pavilion of this apartment. It was quite shabby, at least for his standard. It was a lot smaller than his other pavilions too. But you got to do what you have to do, right?

And who knew if Ying Jie would stay in this apartment forever. If Ying Jie decided to leave and find another apartment to live in? Well, Menghuo would just buy another building to follow her, ah! What\'s so hard about it?

He wanted to protect Ying Jie from harm, including tenant rent. So he called the manager of this apartment.

The manager scurried as Menghuo allowed him to enter the pavilion. The manager already knew the Young Master of Yang family since long ago.

This person was not simple. He knew that. Since he was only twenty years old when he bought half of the stock for this building to co-owned it with his dad, just because he was bored.

So the manager knew that Yang Menghuo was actually richer than his dad and his mom combined. He just didn\'t show it in public.

Now that Yang Menghuo bought the land and the building from his dad, this twenty-five years old man was only one step away from controlling his life!

The old manager bowed his head deep to Yang Menghuo, who was sitting on a long sofa, "Y—Yes, Mr. Yang, do you want me to do something?"

Yang Menghuo, whose eyes was like a blooming flower whenever he was around Ying Jie, turned into a cold man again when he met the manager.

This was the true Yang Menghuo. He wasn\'t exactly cold for the likes of it. It was just… he didn\'t have time to cater some good feelings to random people, especially those who worked as his subordinates or staff.

And the cutiepie Meng Bao? Well, that was Menghuo when he was around Ying Jie only.

The manager could feel the contemptuous gaze from Yang Menghuo, but he dared not to raise his head. Yang Menghuo asked, "Do you know who owned room 11.12? The owner who rented it."

"O—Oh, the owner is Madam Hao Yui. She is a middle aged woman, sir."

"I see. I heard that she has been fighting with the rented tenant from room 11.12 because she was often late in paying her monthly rent. Is this true?"

The manager gulped. He didn\'t know why Yang Menghuo asked such an abrupt question, but he felt that lying would only give him the death penalty. Thus he answered truthfully and carefully, "Yes, sir. The tenant is called Shi Ying. She has been living in room 11.12 as a rental tenant. But she was often late for her payment to Madam Hao Yui, so—"

"And you did nothing about this?"

\'What would I do? That woman almost gets evicted many times because she often missed her payments!\' the manager yelled in his heart. But outside, he just shook his head weakly.

"Truly disappointing," Menghuo scoffed mockingly. "Listen carefully. I will only say this once…"

"Summon Madam Hao Yui here as soon as possible, and If the tenant from 11.12 needs anything or ask for your help, you have to always be ready to cater for her needs. And I don\'t want her to get threatened by this… Madam Hao Yui. I would fire you if I heard a complaint from that tenant."

"S—Sir, you will fire me?! But I have been working here for so long!" the manager couldn\'t believe what he just heard. He had managed this building since this green boy was only ten years old! How could he fire him so easily!

Yang Menghuo frowned from such overreaction, "What are you saying? I will fire you physically, of course."

"F—Fire me physically?!"

"Yeah, I will gun you down and set your body on fire, then smear your ash in front of your wife and children," Yang Menghuo said lightly as if he was just talking about the weather.

"P—Pardon me, Mr. Yang Menghuo. I shall do my utmost best for the tenant\'s satisfaction!"

*Please read author\'s note, thank you ^^*