Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 70 - CUTE BUNNY WITH A GUN! (3)

[Yang Menghuo\'s POV]

It only took two hours until Ying Jie\'s landlady, Madam Hao Yui, was dragged by the manager to meet with Mr. Yang Menghuo in his pavilion.

Yang Menghuo was drinking his sweetened coffee whilst looking at the view of the city from the window. The view was a bit plain and ugly compared to his other pavilions, but it was sufficient. He didn\'t stay here because he loved this place anyway.

It was because Ying Jie stayed here, so he had to follow her in case Ying Jie needed him for anything.

Yang Menghuo heard the door was pushed open. He glanced and saw the manager was dragging a middle-aged woman, probably in her late forties to early fifties.

"Aiya! Why are you dragging me here! What did I do wrong?" the woman kept on nagging, but the manager didn\'t seem to heed her protests. He was more scared of getting gunned down and burned by this sadistic mafia hiding his identity as a business tycoon..

Madam Hao Yui continuously struggled until they stood in front of Yang Menghuo.

"Sssh! Silence! Listen to Mr. Yang Menghuo first!" the manager warned Madam Hao Yui. The middle-aged lady clicked her tongue annoyedly. She didn\'t understand why the manager suddenly called her and dragged her here. But he kept mentioning a demon would kill him if he didn\'t summon her as soon as possible.

Madam Hao Yui stared at Menghuo\'s back and yelled, "Who are you ah? Do you know who I am? I\'m Madam Hao Yui! My husband is a powerful landlord here. Do you know who you\'re playing with right now?!"

"I don\'t care about that."

Yang Menghuo turned back and stared at Madam Hao Yui with his eagle eyes. Madam Hao Yui jolted in fear. She didn\'t know who this young man was, but at the same time, she felt an imminent danger in front of her.

She saw a handsome young man, probably in his early twenties. He was tall and had broad shoulders. He seemed to be a mixed Asian-Caucasian, and would be considered as a handsome man with beautiful facial features…

But Madam Hao Yui felt a strange danger coming from this young man, especially when he stared at her with his deep and dark eagle gaze.

"M—Mr. Yang, I\'ve brought Madam Hao Yui here. May I leave?" the manager asked.

Yang Menghuo nodded, and the manager scurried to leave the pavilion as soon as possible. He felt something seriously terrifying from that guy, as if everyone was nothing but an animal for him, especially right now, when he was obviously in a bad mood for no apparent reason.

Yang Menghuo had asked one of his subordinate two hours before check the history between Ying Jie\'s tenant rent and Madam Hao Yui. Turned out, Madam Hao often verbally abused Ying Jie for paying up late. Sometimes, she even hit Ying Jie with her book or pen.

It might not hurt Ying Jie, who was thick-skinned enough, but for Menghuo, he felt that he had been humiliated by this middle-aged lady.

Just like what happened with Batman-Jie once, when a boy threw a pebble at her and mocked her as a gorilla girl for no apparent reason. He got so angry that he wanted to rush at the man, though Batman-Jie stopped him and told him to ignore that boy.

Batman-Jie told him that he was overreacting and that boy was just playing around. But Menghuo couldn\'t accept someone hitting his Batman-Jie.

But how could Yang Menghuo do nothing after seeing his Batman-Jie got hurt? Since he couldn\'t do anything, afraid that Batman-Jie would scold him. Little Mengmeng just used his most callous method as a young master with loads of money.

Acting like a true scoundrel, Yang Menghuo used his money to gather other kids around when Batman-Jie left him to help her dad.


Little Mengmeng gathered the bigger kids in the village and told them, \'I will give you money, but make sure you beat up that kid. Remember, beat him up clean, and you\'ll get the money. One more thing, don\'t you dare to approach my Batman-Jie. She\'s mine."

"Batman-Jie? You mean that Gorilla Girl—"

The boy zipped his mouth immediately once this beautiful cute Mengmeng glared at him with a deathly stare. Even the big boys around the village were actually scared of this cute Mengmeng when he got angry.

Mengmeng was actually very meek and cute. He didn\'t even fight back when he got bullied once.

But everything changed once that Gorilla Girl came and played with Mengmeng.

He became… scary.


Yang Menghuo glared at Madam Hao Yui, who got scared, and he said, "Madam Hao Yui, my name is Yang Menghuo, the new owner of this apartment. I just found that you often verbally abused my lover, Shi Ying."

Madam Hao Yui blinked confusedly, "Shi Ying? You mean that woman from 11.12? Aiya! She\'s such a shameless woman! She often pays her rent late, even begging me, because she said she has been paying too much stuff for her family, so has no more money until her next month salary!"

"If she can\'t afford my rent, then go somewhere else ah! Go live under the bridge. I don\'t care!" Madam Hao Yui said mercilessly.

Yang Menghuo smiled thin, trying to contain his anger as he clenched his fist.

"Then, you need to apologize to my lover and tell her that she can pay anytime she wants. Even better, she doesn\'t need to pay at all for her rent," Menghuo said.

"Young man, what are you saying?! That apartment room is mine! I bought it with my money! Of course, it\'s my right to rent it!"

"I\'ll buy it twice the price you offer," Menghuo said. "But you need to continue acting like her landlady. Don\'t tell her that I bought your apartment."

Madam Hao Yui was confused with the sudden proposal from Yang Menghuo, "You said that she\'s your girlfriend, but why don\'t you just live with her instead?"

"I have my own reason," Menghuo said. "Just name your price, and I\'ll buy your apartment."

Madam Hao Yui knew that Yang Menghuo was not a regular man, knowing that he could afford this penthouse. Thus, she told her price by doubling the original price, "Give me ten million yuan, and that apartment is yours!"

"I will make it into twenty million yuan, as long as you\'re willing to do my bidding," Menghuo said.

"Hah?! You will buy that small apartment for twenty million yuan?! Are you trying to trick me here?! How could you waste so much money on that!"

Yang Menghuo naturally couldn\'t care less about a small sum of money. So all he did was taking out the cheque inside the drawer beside the chair and then wrote down the exact amount for Madam Hao Yui.

"Give me all the certificate, and this cheque is yours."

Madam Hao Yui saw the staggering amount of money, and she almost got a heart attack because of it. She didn\'t expect this green young man to actually have that amount. Even the cheque is legit from an official bank!

"Y—You\'re not joking, right?" Madam Hao Yui asked to make sure.

"I\'m not. You can go to that central bank to get the money, but your apartment is mine now, and you still have to act like a landlady for Shi Ying," Menghuo instructed. "You shouldn\'t tell her about me buying your property, and you should apologize for all the verbal abuse you said to her."

Madam Hao Yui\'s eyes were already glued to that waving cheque of twenty million yuan, she nodded to every instruction that Yang Menghuo gave, and in the end, Madam Hao Yui snatched the cheque from Menghuo\'s hand.

"Remember, return here with the certificate, and do what I said. I will not tolerate any lies or incompetence," Yang Menghuo warned. "I know your family, especially your husband."

"Y—You know my husband?!"

Yang Menghuo scoffed, "Hao Bo, forty five years old, working as a landlord, just like you. And is currently trying to hide the fact that he bullied nail houses owners and has a lot of dispute over a small plot of lands in the suburbs. He had gone to court plenty of times for claiming illegally owned lands, right? This offence might be big trouble for him in the court."

"H—How did you know…"

Madam Hao Yui\'s bright face paled as Yang Menghuo told her about her husband\'s problem. They tried to keep it as quiet as possible, but this young man suddenly knew everything out of the blue.

Yang Menghuo replied with a smile and said, "I just want to make sure that you won\'t run away from your responsibility, Madam Hao Yui. Remember, I have eyes watching over everything, I want to make sure that my lover doesn\'t know about my true identity."

"And if you dare to tell her about this, then you and your husband are as good as a corpse dissolved in acid."