Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 53 - PAPER BAG SECRETARY! (3)

I sat and rested my cheek on my desk. It was such a scary thing to face Meng Bao in this kind of situation. It felt like I was a sneaky criminal trying to avoid my persecutor. And it was such a strange and crazy coincidence to have your boss\' son be your date in a rental boyfriend app!

I mean, what was the chance of it actually happen in real life?

\'Why did he need to join that Rent A Boyfriend app anyway? What\'s the use of it? He\'s already crazy rich. He doesn\'t even need to work!\' I complained in my heart. I checked the Rent A Boyfriend app to find Meng Bao\'s account.

Your Meng Bao,

Age: 25

Height : 186 centimetres

Weight: 80 kilograms

Zodiac: Pisces

Slogan: I don\'t accept any request.. I also won\'t accept your order. This account is reserved only for one special woman! Don\'t waste my time and don\'t order unless you\'re her!

I frowned at his profile, especially at his profile picture and his slogan. It had been changed since yesterday, it seemed. Because I remembered that he had no profile picture, and his previous slogan was,

-What? You don\'t need to pick me if you don\'t like me!-

\'Why did he changed the slogan, though? Did he got scolded by his girlfriend for doing a random thing like opening a Rent A Boyfriend account?\' I wondered. I scrolled down to see his previous orders and was shocked to the bone.

\'Two hundred orders?!\' my eyeballs almost popped out of their socket. Meng Bao got two hundred delayed orders in less than twenty four hours!? What is this sorcery? What kind of magic he did to get so many orders in less than twenty four hours?

\'Is it because of his new profile picture that attracted so many women?\' I pondered.

I checked the picture that he updated last night to be his new profile picture. It showed his perfect side profile, with a straight and slim nose, blue eyes looking at the camera, and a devilish grin on his face. It was an instant shot to my heart as I stared at the picture for a good while. Devouring an eye candy like Meng Bao was still my favourite thing to do. It was almost like an instinct, hehe.

\'I wouldn\'t lie, Meng Bao is indeed a very attractive man. Wonder what\'s his girlfriend looks like. Must be another gorgeous lady, or maybe a model? Hm… someone like him could date a model easily, I bet.\'

\'But Mr. Yang said that Yang Menghuo is a gay wastrel. How could he have a girlfriend if he can\'t even get it up?\' I pondered while staring at the profile.

\'Wait, what about what happened yesterday? When we ate ice cream together? Didn\'t he actually got hard?\' my mind started recalling that small mountain that gradually got bigger and looked stuffy inside Meng Bao\'s jeans as I continued wiping the ice cream stain on his thin shirt.

\'He can get hard to a woman, but his parents called him gay? Is he a bisexual? Damn, this is so confusing!\'

However, despite the two hundred orders he had, Meng Bao hadn\'t accepted any of the order yet. In fact, when I scrolled down to see the \'Completed order\' section, there was only my profile with the two orders I did for him for two days date. Which made me strangely happy. It made me feel like I owned Meng Bao exclusively.

\'I guess, this means I\'m the woman Meng Bao is talking about in his slogan, hehe~.\'

\'What? Let me daydream a little ah! Of course, I\'m a woman with fantasy! I want to marry a rich man as well. But the problem with Meng Bao is… I don\'t think he will want to marry someone like me. Despite all his sweet talk service about marriage last night, I doubt he would actually do it in real life. It\'s probably just frivolous lip service. Someone like him must be marrying someone with the same status. This is real life, yo!\'

\'I also don\'t know what is he doing in this Rent A Boyfriend app, but it\'s definitely not good to get entangled too much with someone like him, especially with his circle… I heard from Mr. Yang that Yang Menghuo is mostly in that rich second generation circle, alongside modelling circle with his mother.\'

\'I also insulted him many times. Though I was joking, who knows what he thinks? Maybe he\'s secretly offended and will use his power to fire me once he found out.\' I thought. I shook my head in horror, \'No, no, money first, Meng Bao second!\'

\'But, it was a good fantasy to live for a while. Now I have to go back to reality, though,\' I said as I closed the application.

Right after I closed the application, Mr. Yang\'s door suddenly opened, and I could see in a millisecond that Meng Bao was the one who opened the door.


I slumped immediately under my desk and snatched the paper bag that was crumpled on the trash can. Fortunately, I haven\'t ripped it, or I might have to use the small trash can and named myself Miss Trash Can.

I could feel Meng Bao\'s steps were getting closer to my desk, he must\'ve seen my figure slumping under my desk, but I didn\'t think he saw my face, thankfully.

"Secretary Shi…" I heard him calling me and standing in front of the desk, probably waiting for me to come out.

After I made sure that I had my cover is perfect. I got up and sat on my desk, directly facing Meng Bao, who was staring at me with his curious, yet anxious gaze. I lowered my pitch to mask my real voice and asked, "Mr. Yang Menghuo, is there something you want me to do?"

"Yes," Meng Bao said. He looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze and then asked, "How did you know that I like sweetened coffee? I never told anyone about it before."