Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 54 - PAPER BAG SECRETARY! (4)

"Yes," Meng Bao said. He looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze and then asked, "How did you know that I like sweetened coffee? I never told anyone about it before."

I jolted when Meng Bao said that. I just realized how much of an idiot I am. Because I didn\'t think that far when I prepared his coffee.

All in my head was just:

\'This coffee is for Meng Bao. Since he doesn\'t like bitter coffee and prefers the sweetened one, I should put two sugar blocks in it. Hopefully, he will like it.\'

\'You damn idiot, Shi Ying!\' I cursed myself in my heart. \'Why did I think about Meng Bao\'s preference and wellbeing when I\'m literally is not well right now! Dang, it! Stop prioritizing Meng Bao! He wouldn\'t care if you get fired later!\'

\'I have to find a reason. I can\'t fail right now!\' I looked around and noticed the widely open door. Mr. Yang was frowning while staring in our direction from his office. He probably had so much question in his head.

\'So do I, Boss. What kind of fate I have to face right now. All I want is to earn money for my sisters and parents, and your son is a big trouble for me right now.\'

However, aside from lamenting about my fate, I finally found a good reason when I saw Mr. Yang sipped his coffee. If Meng Bao never told anyone about his preference for sweetened coffee, then at least he told his parents and maids, right?

Betting on my only choice, I cleared my throat, then replied with my low pitch voice, "Sir, Mr. Yang Zhuhuo told me once about your preference of sweetened coffee, so I thought you might not like the coffee that I served to Mr. Alexander Priest and your father, Mr. Yang Zhuhuo. Did I do something wrong? Is the sweetened coffee not into your liking?"

Meng Bao looked sad for some reason, which made me felt a bit guilty, "Is that really the case? Did my dad really tell you about my preference, or you know from somewhere else?" Meng Bao asked. He had such beautiful blue eyes with his hopeful gaze that made me felt too guilty to stare at him.

Thus, I cast my eyes down, but when I looked down, I saw that Meng Bao was actually wearing a branded grey shirt, and two of his middle buttons were off, so I could peek at his abs, his nicely shaped, beautiful abs that blinded me for a second. I blinked few times and screamed in my heart, \'Gyahh! Abs-Gege, why are you saying hi to me?! Is this a temptation? A punishment? I\'m sorry, I\'m doing this because I need to make money!\'

Unable to stare at Meng Bao\'s abs, I lowered my gaze even more and came upon seeing a bump on Meng Bao\'s trouser. He wore a slim fit trouser that highlighted his long leg, but it also made \'that\' area also quite visible.

Because Meng Bao is actually packing inside that trouser, it sort of hypnotized me. It made me stare at it for a while until I realized how much of a pervert I am, \'GYAHHH! BIG TENT-GEGE, WHY ARE YOU ALSO SAYING HI TO ME! THIS IS BAD!\'

I got panicked, as I didn\'t dare to look up, but I also couldn\'t look down with such an amazing view. Thus, I turned my head to the right to avoid both until I realized there was a long mirror on my right, so I could see the four horsemen of death for all women!

I saw Meng Bao\'s handsome side profile, his rolled-up sleeve that showed the veins on his arm, a peek of his nice abs, and also that nice big tent-gege in his trouser.

1. Handsome side profile (Check)

2. Veins on his arm (Check)

3. Nice abs (check)

4. Big tent-gege (check)

\'Ah, Shi Ying, you\'ve lived a full life of twenty seven years old. I have been both cursed and blessed by God today. This might be the day where I die in both torment and bliss, amen…\'

I was too stunned to react until Meng Bao asked again, "Secretary Shi, answer me, did you know about my preference just because my dad told you about it?"

I snapped out of my daze and nodded reluctantly, "Yes, Mr. Yang Menghuo," I said. But to eliminate any chance of screwing up again, I added, "But Mr. Yang Zhuhuo might not remember it. He often told me about many things in the passing as small talk. I just happen to remember that you like sweetened coffee."

Meng Bao looked even sadder than before, but he still hadn\'t given up and asked again, "But why do you have to use that paper bag to cover your face? Is it to avoid me? Did we know each other before this?"

Meng Bao kept on pressuring me. I believe he had a guess in his heart. He might act cute and bubbly in front of me as part of his rental boyfriend service, but I don\'t think it was the real him. The real him would\'ve been a cold CEO in my imagination.

\'I have to find a good reason for this, come on, think, Shi Ying!\' I looked around again, searching for a clue until I saw Alex walked in our direction and stopped at the door. He leaned at the door, silently watching with his arm crossed.

And an idea popped on my head.

"Sir, this is just something I do to make myself more familiar with Mr. Alexander Priest. Since he said, I will look funny with paper bag, right, Mr. Priest?" I turned my head at Alexander Priest, with my gaze, I signalled something to him.

\'Help, please!\'

Alex chuckled and decided to play along with my stupid idea. He approached Meng Bao and said, "Yeah, I asked her to do it to lift up the mood. It\'s nice, right? We need to get a little laugh in this bleak office. Maybe I will ask her to wear a clown costume later, haha!"

\'You\'re not making it any better, dumbass!\' I yelled in my heart.

Meng Bao looked at Alex. He didn\'t seem to believe Alex. I mean, if I was in Meng Bao\'s position, I wouldn\'t too! Only idiots would believe it.

But the whole situation was hard to believe either, so don\'t blame me for being ridiculous!

Meng Bao stared at me for a few more seconds and nodded, "Fine then, but I have a request…"

"Can you take that paper bag off?"