Rent A Boyfriend!


[Yang Menghuo POV]

"I did have a memory with certain someone when I was a kid," Shi Ying reminisced her sweet memory with Mengmeng. "I often helped my dad back then because we were trying to raise more money. Because of my uncle\'s crazy spending for gambling, he sold everything that our late grandpa had. Then he just ran away, leaving his daughter with us."

"The debt collectors then keep coming to our house, demanding the money that was borrowed by my uncle in the name of my dad. So we had to sell everything, literally everything that we had until we only had enough to buy this land for us to settle again."

"My dad used to be a transporter who brings water gallon or any other stuff to neighboring villages. Sometimes we bring building material or even farm animals like pigs, ducks, or chickens from one village to another. He would ride his old motorbike while I sat behind in the wagon he pulled with the bike. Usually, I would take care and make sure the stuff we transported won\'t fall."

"You know, the road back then was awful.. So many potholes and dangerous turns. Glad that I\'m still alive, hahaha!" Shi Ying laughed freely while Meng Bao kept on staring at her with his hot gaze.

Shi Ying continued her story, a reminiscence of her childhood memory, "While working with my dad, I once encountered a little girl in one village. She was two years younger than me, and she was so pretty like a barbie doll."

"She came from a rich but lonely family. I can see it," Shi Ying sighed, remembering about Mengmeng. "I just hope that I can bring her to my home because she was so lonely."

"After I met her once, I tried my best to visit her often. Because she couldn\'t leave her big mansion, I usually brought her many things in exchange for money. But like, she was so rich while I was dirt poor. So I uh… I scammed her sometimes."

Yang Menghuo said nothing, but his hug around his Ying Jie\'s waist tightened, like a little boy who had found his favorite person.

He kept staring at his Jie with his hot gaze, and his lips trembled, but he still zipped his lips tightly.

Thus, Shi Ying continued her story, "Do you know that I often told her that a tanghulu could cost as much as five thousand Yuan? Sometimes I feel bad, but then again, she didn\'t seem to know the value of money. Because she would use the highest Yuan bill as a paper plane or paper ship! Can you imagine how loaded she was?"

"Well, I think that\'s also the reason why I am so unlucky in my love life right now. Maybe she is cursing me ah because I scammed her so much back then. But her money also helps my parents a lot because we can pay half of our debt with it."

"Meng Bao, do you think she will be angry if we met again? I mean, she is just so cute and kind. I feel bad."

"But money is still money, you know. I\'m sure she\'s still loaded as heck right now, haha!"

"I don\'t think she will be angry at you, Jie…." Yang Menghuo suddenly said. "In fact, if she can meet you right now, I bet she will be the happiest and luckiest… man on earth."

"Man?" Shi Ying jolted.

She turned her head to look at Meng Bao, whose eyes were wet with tears but also glimmered with hope and relief.

"A—Aiya! Meng Bao, what happened to you? Did you eat something wrong? Did you feel hurt somewhere? Aish, this is village ah, let me find some traditional medicine from the old healer in the village!"

Shi Ying struggled to break free. She wanted to rush to the old healer, worried that Meng Bao might get hurt somewhere.

"No, Jie, I\'m not hurt, but I am in pain right now."

"Pain?" Shi Ying frowned. "Where?"

"In my heart," Yang Menghuo replied. "I feel a tremendous pain in my heart because of you."

"Because of me?!" Shi Ying got even more worried. "Did you get a heart attack because of something?! Oh no, Bao, we should get you treated soon! Let\'s return to the city!"

"No, I\'m not in any danger, Jie…." Yang Menghuo replied. "But I\'m still in pain…."

"Eh… explain why…."

"Jie, about the girl from the neighboring village that you always hung out with, who lives in a big mansion, but seems to be lonely. What do you think about her if you can meet her right now?"

"Uh… well, I want to say sorry first, because I\'ve scammed her of many things. Maybe if she demands me to return the money, I will ask her to wait because I still have to collect it. Maybe like… ten years lease? Ahaha!"

"Oh well, I also want to ask her whether she was married now or whether I can claim her promise of getting married when we were older. Fifteen years had passed. She\'s twenty five years old right now. I doubt she\'s unmarried, knowing how much of a beauty she is."

"What if you can claim that promise?" Menghuo asked.

"Well, if I can claim that promise. I might want to marry her. Though it\'d be difficult, knowing that we\'re both women," Shi Ying sighed. "But she was so small back then, I doubt she still remembers our promise."

"That girl still remembers… she remembers everything," Yang Menghuo said.

"Huh? What do you mean, Bao? You act like you know her," Shi Ying asked.

Yang Menghuo knew exactly who Ying Jie was talking about. He closed his eyes to remember that beautiful childhood memory.

That small girl who lived in a big mansion in a small village. She had everything she wanted, but her parents rarely came home.

So she lived with her grandmother in that mansion.

She had nobody to play with. True, she was showered with money and many toys, but she had no one to play with those toys.

There were few maids, but she just disliked playing with older people, especially those who had been paid by her parents to take care of her. For her, it sounded very insincere.

Thus she lived without any nanny, taking care of herself without much problem.

Her grandma was too old to play with her, so the little girl played around the big mansion with a wide garden and yard alone, usually watched by a guard or two, but she slipped around most of the time and left the garden through a hole on the wall.

She then escaped and played outside of the mansion, but during her third day of playing alone, there was a gang of guys who suddenly surrounded her.

She was scared, of course. She never encountered many big men who looked malicious at her. Everyone always seemed too nice to her to the point that it felt nauseating.

She was about to cry when the bullies were telling her that she should follow them. Until someone barged in, a big girl with a batman mask suddenly yelled, "Phoenix flying above the water kick!"

"Arrggh!" One of the boys fell after the girl in batman mask kicked him.

"Dragon soaring through the sky uppercut!" The girl did an uppercut to another boy, and he also fell to the ground.

"Tiger kicking the mountain!" The girl kicked one bully\'s shinbone until he winced in pain.

"Get up! You guys are bullying little girl!"

All of the boys were too scared to attack the girl in batman mask, then they ran away, "RUN, GORILLA GIRL IS HERE!"

The girl in batman picked up few pebbles near her, "Don\'t come here anymore! Feel my wrath, take my BATARANG!"

The girl in batman mask threw the pebble towards those boys, and all of them hit their heads, "Ouch! Ouch! Sorry! We\'re sorry!"

"Hmph! Bunch of idiots!"

The girl in batman mask asked the petite, beautiful girl, "Are you alright?"

"Hey, little girl, are you alright? Batman Jie doesn\'t have many times. Ah, I still have to help my dad to transport some water gallons!"


The little girl\'s eyes were glimmering with admiration and awe. She grabbed Batman Jie\'s hands with her small and smooth hands and said, "Your name is Batman Jie?"

"Y—Yes," Batman Jie replied.

"My name is Mengmeng!" Mengmeng looked so happy. "Batman Jie, thank you for saving me!"

"Ahh… hehe, of course! That\'s just the job for Batman Jie to defeat the evil ah!" Batman Jie laughed proudly and rubbed Mengmeng\'s head, who was still looking at her full of adoration.

And the rest of the story was still in Meng Bao\'s memory. He remembered everything like a beautiful film that he enjoyed when he closed his eyes.

Yang Menghuo opened his eyes again and looked at his beloved Jie, "Jie, that girl never forget you, not even once. Because that girl is—"