Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 122 - CAUGHT RED HANDED!

[Yang Menghuo POV]

Yang Menghuo opened his eyes again and looked at his beloved Jie, "Jie, that girl never forget you, not even once. Because that girl is—"


"Ying Jie! Are you home—"

The door was slammed open without knocking. Both Shi Ying and Yang Menghuo turned their heads to the door and saw a young girl around sixteen years stood at the door with her broom.

They stared at each other, and the young girl gawked when she saw her Ying Jie was being hugged from behind by a handsome man as if they were in a romantic movie.

"Meimei, why are you so slow—" then another woman, older than Meimei, barged in, seeing the loving scenery between Shi Ying and Yang Menghuo.

The four of them stared at each other awkwardly for a while until Shi Ying pushed Meng Bao away from him..

Her face was tomato red, but she acted as if there was nothing wrong happening just now, "M—Meimei, Yanyue! I was searching for my little sisters! Where did you guys go? Did you bring anything for me? Maybe a snack? I really want to eat Aunty Ming\'s cotton candy ah!"

Shi Ying hugged Meimei and Yanyue, her little sister and little cousin. Both stared at Shi Ying and Yang Menghuo simultaneously, thinking that they must\'ve interrupted something here.

Though both of them were well aware that Ying Jie said she would bring her boyfriend, they didn\'t expect that man to be a model.

Shi Ying was too embarrassed to face Yang Menghuo right now after getting caught red-handed and having a romantic time with Meng Bao.

"L—Let\'s just go outside, let\'s talk outside ah, ahahaha!" Shi Ying pushed Meimei and Yanyue out.

"B—But that man—"

"Ah, let him be, let him be. He must be tired!" Shi Ying looked at Meng Bao, who only stood in silence, staring at Ying Jie.

Shi Ying felt guilty and said \'sorry\' silently with his mouth gesture before slamming the door, leaving Meng Bao alone.

Yang Menghuo stood like a statute and then turned his head to gaze at the scenery in front of him again. The beautiful scenery made him realize that his meeting with Ying Jie was fated all along. Because Ying Jie\'s story matched his story about Batman Jie.

And he was sure that Ying Jie\'s version of Mengmeng was actually the same Mengmeng that Meng Bao was.

Basically, he confirmed that Meng Bao was Mengmeng, and Ying Jie was Batman Jie the whole time.

He wanted to confirm it as soon as possible because he had been searching for Batman Jie for so long without any lead.

If Ying Jie was actually Batman Jie, then everything made sense now.

The familiarity he had with Ying Jie.

The sense of security he got from Ying Jie.

The storm of love that swept his cold heart when he first knew Ying Jie.

It all made sense because Ying Jie was Batman Jie all along!

Yang Menghuo clenched his fist. A few minutes ago, he wanted to just slam the door and locked it, so Ying Jie would be with him until she confirmed her identity as Batman Jie.

But he also realized that they had a lot of time together. So it was best for him to think of the right time to confront Ying Jie about this.

\'Batman Jie… Ying Jie…\'

\'If you two are actually the same person, then I will be the happiest man on earth. I would also be the luckiest man on earth because I don\'t need to choose anymore.\'

Yang Menghuo put his palm on his heart, and he could feel his accelerated heartbeat whenever he was thinking about Batman Jie or Ying Jie.

He closed his eyes, imagining the beautiful moment when he proposed to Ying Jie to marry him.

He also imagined a beautiful wedding for them. Maybe he needed to use his ferry or just buy a new one if Ying Jie disliked the old ferry.

Yang Menghuo opened his eyes and then hurriedly fished out his phone and dialed his subordinate, "Hello, Tang Zhui? Where are you right now?"

"Ah, Boss, I\'m still in your late grandma\'s village, searching for that Batman Jie of yours. P—Please don\'t kill me yet, Boss! I\'m working my hardest to find her!"

"No, I don\'t need you to find her."

"Oh? Did you meet another girl? Finally, Boss, I was afraid that you\'ll be a single old man in your entire life!"

"No! I won\'t be single anymore because I\'m going to marry someone," Yang Menghuo replied. "I\'m going to propose Batman Jie here, in her village."

"WHAT?! DID YOU FIND HER?!" Tang Zhui was surprised by the sudden news. Meanwhile, Yang Menghuo only replied with a chuckle.

"I will share my location right now. I\'ll call my assistant to give you something special, a ring that I\'ve saved just to propose to my beloved Jie. Deliver it to me. You can just use my helicopter if you want."

"Wow, Boss, you seem to be so sure about this…." Tang Zhui commented. "Alright, Boss! I will deliver it as soon as possible, but since you need to call your assistant, that means the ring must\'ve been stored somewhere, right?"

"Yes, it will take about three days to retrieve it because it has many documents needed to sign before retrieval. I\'ve told my assistant about the procedure. Just take it from her after she has retrieved it, and deliver it for me."

"Yes, Boss!"


Yang Menghuo had a blooming smile on his face. He couldn\'t hide his excitement, but he also didn\'t want to ruin the fun. He wanted to show a memorable proposal and surprise for Ying Jie, so he had to wait.

\'It\'s fine. I\'ll keep hinting her about Mengmeng and Batman Jie and then surprise her with a proposal, hehe.\'

\'We have a lot of time anyway.\'


Shi Ying slumped on the bed inside Meimei\'s room. She was so embarrassed after she got caught by her little sisters. She was just enjoying the view from her bathroom with Meng Bao. Because Meng Bao was a city boy, he must\'ve never experienced a breath of fresh air and mountainous region like that in the city.

But what she didn\'t expect was Meng Bao\'s intimacy. He hugged her from behind lovingly, like a husband during a honeymoon phase, and then rested his head on her shoulder.

Shi Ying wouldn\'t lie that he enjoyed being embraced by Meng Bao. In fact, if she could, she would do it again.

They talked about her childhood memory with Mengmeng, reminiscing about the past until Meimei and Yanyue slammed the door open.

Meimei and Yanyue looked at each other and then asked, "Ying Jie, is that man the rental boyfriend you\'re talking about?"

Her sisters, Shi Qiang, Shi Meili, and Shi Yanyue, already knew about the rental boyfriend trick that Ying Jie would do to fool their parents. All of them supported Ying Jie\'s choice, though. Because they knew it was difficult to find a man who wanted to marry a leftover woman like Ying Jie, so it was better to fool their parents for now.

"Well… kind of…." Shi Ying replied.

"Ying Jie, I\'m sorry, but…." Meili and Yanyue elbowed each other, pushing one another to talk first. After few minutes, Yanyue finally yielded and said, "Ying Jie, sorry but… um… that man is just too handsome, too unrealistic for our standard."

"Yeah, I don\'t think mom and dad will believe you. Even I can\'t believe it," Meili added. They meant no harm for their Ying Jie because someone like that guy was just too unrealistic. He fit more to be a CEO of a big company or at least a billionaire who had too much free time in his hands.

"I know," Shi Ying replied. It was expected that nobody would believe her, even she couldn\'t believe it.

"But Meng Bao is really sincere to me. He has been loving and gentle, definitely a husband material!" Shi Ying claimed.

"But… Jie… how long have you been talking to him? Someone like him just wants to play around with you. At least that\'s what happens most of the time," Yanyue said.

"We don\'t want you to get hurt, Jie…."

Shi Ying smiled at his sisters and then patted their heads, "It\'s okay, Jie will be careful."

"Mhm, alright then," Meili said. "Then, what is his name?"

"Ah, his name? He is Meng Bao—I mean, Yang Menghuo!" Shi Ying said.

"Yang Menghuo?" Meili felt that she was that familiar with this name. She spent her day scrolling and surfing through the internet. She had heard that name before, but she didn\'t remember where.

Was it the top ten richest young men in China? Or was it Top ten powerful businessmen?

"I\'ve heard that name somewhere, Jie…."

"Aish, you guys won\'t know about Meng Bao!"

"Jie…" Shi Yanyue finally opened his mouth. "Why do you call him Meng Bao? It feels eerily similar to Mengmeng."