Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 835

Between Fang Zhe\'s trance, the award ceremony of the next link began on the stage.

This link is mainly awarded by Fang Zhe and several heavyweight guests, who won the awards of the ten Internet plus cases in 2016, which were selected by people\'s daily and other media.

Including the Sichuan West Sichuan Second Hospital "Internet plus wisdom medical", the national transportation network big data forecast analysis platform, Sany industrial Internet platform and other excellent Internet plus projects are listed.

The winner of Fang Zhe\'s award is Sany Heavy Industry Internet platform.

In the next summit of entrepreneurs, Fang zhe also described the upgrading of the Internet plus manufacturing industry in the case of Sany.

"In the traditional manufacturing industry, many manufacturers sell and return to the factory for maintenance through dealers, and rarely have direct contact with customers.

Now many enterprises have realized this problem and began to have the service consciousness of the service industry.

For example, Sany Heavy Industry.

Its business model does not end when it is sold out. It also includes maintenance, fault response, spare parts, inventory and many other after-sales services.

This requires a rapid response platform between Sany Heavy Industry and customers.

With the cooperation of huizhongyun, Sany Heavy Industry has gradually built this platform.

Now, this platform has connected more than 300000 Sany Heavy Industrial machinery and equipment in the world.

On each device, its temperature, gear, duration and other important parameters will be collected every 10 seconds.

On average, Sany Heavy Industry can collect hundreds of thousands of data on this platform every day.

These data not only help Sany to better improve the process and technical level, but also enable Sany to respond to customers quickly, so as to arrive at the site within 24 hours and solve problems within 48 hours. "

Fang Zhe\'s case of Sany Heavy Industry made the audience applaud constantly.

Sany Heavy Industry, as a leading enterprise in the field of domestic private construction machinery, has a great influence in the manufacturing industry.

With the exemplary role of Sany, I believe that more and more traditional manufacturing enterprises will start to accept the upgrading of Internet plus.

Mobile phone mobile phone is a pillar industry in the Internet plus.

What do you think of the Internet plus mobile phone industry in the future and what are the trends?

Wu Xiaobo, the host of the summit dialogue, asked President Xiaomi Lei, one of the four guests on the stage.

Wu Xiaobo is a famous financial writer in China. His two representative works, big defeat and thirty years of agitation, are widely respected and praised by many business schools.

Wu Xiaobo\'s question to Mr. Lei is quite interesting. Many audiences at the scene are waiting for Mr. Lei\'s answer.

President Lei said with a mouthful of Xiantao Mandarin:

"I think as you said, mobile phone is not only one of the pillar industries of manufacturing industry, but also the main carrier of mobile Internet.

So I think the Internet plus mobile phone industry should also be viewed from two aspects.

One is that the mobile phone belongs to the hardware part of the manufacturing industry, and the other is that the mobile phone belongs to the system and software part of the Internet industry.

Internet plus mobile phone hardware development trend in the future will inevitably conform to the trend of Internet plus manufacturing.

As Fang zhe mentioned in his speech, the fourth industrial revolution, industry 4.0, intelligent manufacturing, etc.

The future mobile phone hardware manufacturing must be more and more information-based, intelligent, less and less manual intervention, and more and more machines work.

I have a message.

In fact, now we have joined hands with Huizhong future research institute to build the first unmanned mobile phone factory in China and even the world.

In this factory, we will strive to reduce the degree of human participation to zero. All mobile phone manufacturing links are handed over to intelligent robots.

I believe that this change seems to be only a small step for Xiaomi, but it is a big step for the whole manufacturing industry.

I believe that in 10 or 20 years, more and more manufacturing links and even the whole factory will be intelligent and unmanned.

If the previous industrial revolutions turned the vast majority of farmers into repetitive mechanical workers, the most likely thing in the next few industrial revolutions is that the vast majority of repetitive mechanical workers become more creative engineers and designers.

I can\'t predict when this time will come, but I\'m sure it will come back.

As for Internet plus mobile phone software development trend, that is, software is becoming more and more intelligent. With the combination of AI and big data, software is becoming more and more aware of what people want to do.

This not only brings great help to people, but also brings many privacy and security problems.

Of course, I believe there will certainly be corresponding solutions.

Another point is that Internet plus software, I mean software, is not limited to mobile phone, but on various intelligent hardware devices.

With software, all hardware becomes intelligent hardware, just as human beings have a soul.

Many intelligent hardware connected together constitute the future era of the Internet of things.

All things are connected between hardware, which is as huge and complex as human social network.

If one day these hardware have self-awareness like people, then this huge and complex Internet of things is their robot society!

Whether this society is good or bad for mankind is unknown, but we all hope that it brings benefits to mankind, not disadvantages. "

"Unmanned mobile phone factory, robot society!" Mr. Lei\'s amazing words caused a sensation among the audience.

"I used to think that Lei was always a simple entrepreneur who only knew how to work with his head down and rarely talked about the future.

Now I know that President Lei also has his own imagination and understanding of the future, but he rarely mentions it in public! "

"President Lei is really a doer. He set up an unmanned mobile phone factory quietly. It\'s awesome!"

Compared with the shock of many viewers on the stage that Mr. Lei subverted the previous impression, several big men on the stage were much calmer.

Especially Fang Zhe.

As a person who often contacts Mr. Lei, he knows more about Mr. Lei than anyone else on the scene except Mr. Lei.

In judging and recognizing the future, Lei and Fang zhe are very similar in many places.

This is also one of the important reasons why Huizhong and Xiaomi have tacit understanding and coordinated development with each other.

"Well, Mr. Lei\'s remarks really impressed us. Next, I\'d like to ask Mr. Dong of Gree. I hope you don\'t mind.

Five years ago, at the award ceremony of China\'s economic figures of the year held by CCTV at the end of 2011, you and Mr. Lei made a bet that whoever has a higher annual revenue will win five years later.

At the end of 2015, Xiaomi\'s annual revenue exceeded Gree.

I\'d like to ask you if you expected this situation when you bet with President Lei. What do you think caused Xiaomi to catch up with Gree? "

All the audience followed Wu Xiaobo\'s questions and looked at the only woman among the four guests, Miss Gree Dong.