Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 836

Facing Wu Xiaobo\'s question, Miss Dong was not as unhappy as everyone thought.

As early as the end of the previous year, when Xiaomi\'s revenue exceeded Gree, she responded to relevant questions on too many occasions.

At the bottom of her heart, Miss Dong has already done enough psychological construction.

She looked at Mr. Lei with a smile, and the expression on her face seemed to be close to Mr. Lei.

"I admire Xiaomi\'s performance today.

Xiaomi can surpass gree in revenue in 2015, which I didn\'t expect five years ago.

You know, five years ago, Xiaomi\'s annual revenue was only more than 40 billion, while Gree\'s revenue at that time had exceeded 80 billion, twice that of Xiaomi!

At that time, although I was optimistic and believed in the growth potential of Xiaomi.

But I didn\'t expect it to maintain such a high growth rate until now.

This is unthinkable in any traditional manufacturing enterprise.

So as early as a few years ago, when Xiaomi\'s annual revenue has gradually caught up with Gree, I realized that I must lose.

As for when to lose, it\'s only a matter of time.

The rapid growth of millet also let me see the charm and potential of Internet plus.

So in recent years, we are also in full transformation of GREE, embracing the Internet and embracing the Internet plus.

The reason why Xiaomi can catch up with Gree has been analyzed by the outside world.

Personally, I think there are several key points.

The first point is that Xiaomi\'s overseas strategy is very successful.

Taking advantage of the wave of global smartphone popularity, Xiaomi has quickly seized the market in developing countries such as Southeast Asia, India and developed countries such as Europe and the United States.

By copying China\'s cost-effective strategy and other models, Xiaomi soon achieved success in these markets.

This has been analyzed by many professionals.

And I think that if it\'s just this, it\'s not enough for Xiaomi to catch up with Gree so quickly in terms of turnover.

Because according to the previous average price of Xiaomi mobile phones, two or three Xiaomi mobile phones can be sold to top a Gree air conditioner.

The situation has changed after Xiaomi launched the high-end mobile phone brand huami.

I have always believed that the launch of huami mobile phone is a great change for Xiaomi from model success to commercial success.

The price of a huami mobile phone is two or three Xiaomi mobile phones, five or six Hongmi mobile phones, and one or even two Gree air conditioners.

Although huami mobile phone is a high-end mobile phone with high price, it has sold the sales of ordinary mobile phones like apple mobile phone.

The success of huami mobile phone has laid the foundation for Xiaomi to quickly catch up with gree in terms of revenue.

From these two points, Gree has also received a lot of inspiration.

First of all, we must see that overseas is a big market.

There are nearly 1.4 billion people in China and nearly 7 billion people in the world. Although China is the world\'s largest single market in many aspects, the total market volume of all overseas countries and regions is much larger than that of China.

We Gree want to learn Xiaomi\'s sea gene and strive to make people all over the world use Gree air conditioning.

Secondly, we also realize that as long as the products are good enough, the high-end products with high prices can also sell the sales of mass products.

The cheapest car is worth tens of thousands of yuan, but tens of millions of cars are sold worldwide every year.

It can be seen that no matter how expensive the product is, someone will pay for it.

So now, while ensuring affordable and cost-effective medium and low-end air conditioners, Gree is also trying to strengthen the competitiveness of high-end air conditioners.

As we all know, the winter in the south of China is very difficult.

Because the South doesn\'t have heating like the north, it may be colder inside than outside, or it\'s especially uncomfortable.

In view of this, Gree has specially developed a variety of air conditioning functions for winter in the south.

The world has a variety of climates and four seasons. The South and North do not use the same air conditioner, and the southern and northern hemispheres do not use the same air conditioner.

I think the current enterprises can\'t develop competition with the traditional idea of eating all over the world. One move is like invincible in the world, which shows that this day is not big enough and the market is not big enough.

So what Gree has been doing now is to practice all kinds of Kung Fu, high-end and profound. "

Miss Dong, who opened the chatterbox, said a lot at one go.

Finally, Miss Dong not only answered Wu Xiaobo\'s questions, but also talked about Gree\'s development strategy.

"This lady make complaints about it! No wonder she uses her own picture as the boot screen of GREE mobile phone!"

Speaking of Gree mobile phone, I have to mention Miss Dong\'s narcissism and greed.

Although she said that Xiaomi learned how to use Gree air conditioner, in action, Gree, who was greedy for the huge profits of Xiaomi and the whole mobile phone industry, also made Gree mobile phones.

Unfortunately, no matter how much Ms. Dong touts Gree mobile phones on various occasions, consumers don\'t buy them.

In the end, Miss Dong even ordered Gree employees to buy Gree mobile phones themselves, which was spread as a joke in the industry.

Of course, on this occasion, as the host, Wu Xiaobo will not be foolish enough to expose Miss Dong\'s short mention of Gree mobile phone.

After Miss Dong\'s long speech, Wu Xiaobo threw the topic to President Lei:

"Mr. Lei, Miss Dong said that she didn\'t expect Xiaomi to maintain rapid growth until now.

I read media reports before that Xiaomi\'s revenue last year was about 360 billion, more than twice that of Gree.

What do you think of Xiaomi\'s high revenue? Do you think Xiaomi\'s current rapid growth can last for several years? When will Xiaomi\'s revenue approach the ceiling or the growing plateau? "

The audience\'s attention focused on President Lei again. Xiaomi has been founded for less than 8 years, but its revenue is nearly 360 billion. Such achievements, not to mention at home, are unique and dazzling in the world!

"First of all, I would like to say that because Xiaomi has not been listed yet, many figures disclosed by the external media are not completely accurate.

The revenue of Xiaomi last year was not as much as 360 billion disclosed by the media, but just over 350 billion. "

"Poop! Old Versailles!" under the audience, Tucao, millet has not been listed, people\'s media estimated that about 360 billion of the time has been very accurate, and make complaints about ray must be accurate to 350 billion.

Do netizens who just eat melons and watch the excitement care about the billions of gap?

The audience thought that President Lei\'s Versailles would stop here. Who wants to be more Versailles behind him.

"I think the revenue of more than 350 billion is really not high!"

Many of the audience could not help laughing.

Hearing the sound, Mr. Lei looked at the audience for some reason:

"Really, don\'t laugh. The revenue of more than 350 billion is really not high. Do you know what Apple\'s revenue was last year?"