Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 834

Anyang International Expo Center, Anyang City.

A few months ago, a global G20 was held here.

Now, another grand event widely concerned by the national Internet industry is held here.

It was jointly organized by Huizhong, digital economy industry Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and several well-known Internet enterprises. 2017 China\'s "Internet +" digital economy summit, also known as the third China\'s "Internet +" digital economy summit.

Once a year Internet plus Internet plus was introduced to the two (three) year, in order to promote the development of Internet plus, the company has been the first to launch the annual Internet + Digital Economy Summit.

Since 2015, the summit has been held for the third time.

Its influence on the domestic Internet industry is also growing. It is voted by many Internet users as a vane conference of the Internet plus industry.

In 2016, CAS also established a special digital economy industry research institute under the promotion of policies and environment.

Since then, the Internet plus digital economy summit has been jointly led by Hui Chung and the digital Economic Industry Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Unlike the world\'s Internet Conference, which is a large scale and high level of specifications, the Internet plus digital economic summit is more like the IT summit of leaders of the Shenzhen market, which was frequently attended by Fang zhe several years ago.

But later, with Huizhong\'s success in the domestic Internet industry and the decline of old Internet companies such as Tencent and Baidu, Fang Zhe and other Internet company leaders tacitly agreed not to participate in the summit.

The influence and status of it leadership summit in the industry are gradually decreasing and weakening.

Instead, it is the Internet plus digital economic summit that Fang Zhe is taking part in.

At 9:30 a.m. on February 20, the third China "Internet +" digital economy summit with the theme of "Internet enabled new industry" was officially opened in Anyang International Expo Center.

In addition to Fang Zhe\'s Internet plus concept, the big brother who attended the summit included millet Lei Lei, the chief executive of GREE, miss Li Guojie, the Chinese Academy of engineering, and China Academy of Sciences Digital Economics and Industry Research Institute.

At 9.50 a.m., after the host presided over the opening ceremony, Gong Ning, member of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee and senior official of Anyang City, came to the stage and delivered a leadership speech.

Later, as a representative of entrepreneurs, Fang zhe took the stage and began to deliver a keynote speech.

"Dear Secretary Gong, leaders, friends from the business and media circles.

I am honored to be here today to gather together with you to explore the development of Internet plus digital economy.

Since 2014, I put forward the Internet plus proposal in two.

Internet plus thought and mode have been popular and landed in many industries after three years of development and evolution.

Internet plus has gradually entered the deep water area.

We all know that the evolution and development of the industrial structure of the traditional economy is to develop the primary industry, agriculture, then the secondary industry, industrial manufacturing, and finally the tertiary industry and service industry.

They complement each other step by step.

The Internet plus digital economy, which is born out of the third industry and the Internet that is built on it, is just the opposite.

We can see that since the popularization of Internet plus concept, the Internet plus the first landing field is basically in the service industry.

Whether it is takeout, taxi, local service, medical treatment, government affairs, entertainment, etc., all belong to the scope of the service industry.

After that, Internet plus began to permeate the industrial manufacturing sector of the second industry.

This is also the current Internet plus leader and tackling key areas.

In recent years, the major industrial economies in the world have proposed policies and strategies or policies for upgrading and upgrading traditional industrial manufacturing industries by means of Internet plus or similar means.

For example, the industrial 4.0 strategy proposed by Germany and the made in China 2025 action plan proposed by China.

Experts and scholars in many Internet and industrial fields all believe that the era of integrating Internet plus information technology with industrial manufacturing has arrived.

We are in the fourth industrial revolution that is leveraged by Internet plus digital economy.

In such a historic era, every enterprise and entrepreneur should be confident and confident in pushing the Internet plus digital economy into industrial manufacturing and more fields and landing in more industries and industries.

Thank you! "

"The fourth industrial revolution!" although many audiences at the scene had heard the word for a long time, listening to Fang zhe say it again, each audience was more or less touched.

After Fang Zhe\'s speech, the summit entered the next link.

China\'s Internet plus digital economy index (2017) was jointly published by the union of China, the United States, the Jingdong, and many other well-known enterprises.

The so-called "Internet plus digital economy index" refers to the penetration of Internet plus in traditional economic fields.

The higher the Internet plus digital economy index, the higher the degree of Internet informatization and the higher productivity of the region or industry.

In this dozens of pages of reports, the results and trends of the Internet plus digital economy in various regions and industries in the past years are summarized and analyzed in detail.

From catering, travel, medical and other industries to the final national economy, this report gives detailed and solid statistical data and professional analysis.

The audience who reported the report also found that the more the service industry was, the more the Internet plus digital economic index was, the more inclined to the industrial manufacturing industry, the lower the Internet plus digital economic index.

In the agricultural sector of the primary industry, the Internet plus digital economy index is even lower to the single digit level.

The Internet plus upgrading and upgrading these industries is still a long way to go.

Finally, the report points out that by the end of 2016, the GDP generated by the national digital economy had reached 25.2 trillion, accounting for 30.61% of the total national GDP.

In addition, the report also shows that the growth rate of the Internet plus digital economy index of the whole country is 1 percentage points, which can contribute 150 billion GDP and 2 million 200 thousand jobs.

The Internet plus digital economy has become an important part of the national economy and a driving force for development.

On the stage, the host explained the report tirelessly.

Under the stage, Fang zhe looked at the last paragraph of the report and was distracted.

He vaguely remembers that in the previous life, in 2016, China\'s GDP was about 74 trillion, and it did not exceed 80 trillion until 2017. However, in this life, this figure has become about 82 trillion ahead of schedule.

In the nine years since Fang Zhe\'s rebirth, he has contributed about 8 trillion yuan to China\'s GDP!

With one person\'s strength, Fang zhe has improved the overall economic development speed of China for one year!