Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 798

"I\'ve cooked chicken soup in advance.

I didn\'t eat Xiaohua, Xiaohong and Xiaobai. I grabbed another one from the chicken house, so that the fans of these three chickens in the audience wouldn\'t come to us to protest! "

Huang Lei said with a laugh.

"Three chickens can still have fans, and the fans of little h can\'t exceed 10000?" Xie Na answered.

"What do you think? You don\'t pay attention to our program as soon as you watch it. Xiao h has more than 400000 fans! It\'s also a small online celebrity!"

Huang Lei teased Xie Na, and Xie Na explained:

"Why didn\'t I pay attention? I watched little h grow up. I just didn\'t pay attention to its microblog. I\'ll pay attention to it when I get back.

Besides, Mr. Huang, I know exactly what you can do. Shall I pop out the names of the dishes? You can do it all today? "

While they were talking and laughing, the dishes began to come out of the pot.

Teacher he was escorted to the stove by Xie Na.

"Mr. He, I\'m waiting for the dishes you made for me! Mr. Huang has made Chicken Soup for you in advance. You can\'t run away with spicy fried beef and shrimp tail, and fish head with chopped pepper!"

"It\'s very difficult to eat fish head. It\'s better for you to eat teacher Huang!" he Jiong reduced another dish for himself.

Under the crowd, Mr. He started cooking, Huang Lei was responsible for technical guidance and cutting vegetables, and Mr. He was responsible for cooking!

"I have to look at him, or these dishes will be invalid. It\'s a waste of ingredients!" Huang Lei said.

In full view of the public, Mr. He made fried shrimp tail first.

First put onion and ginger, then shrimp tail, then pour a little cooking wine to freshen it, and then pour a shovel spoon to chop pepper.

Under the guidance of Mr. Huang, the fried shrimp tail fried by Mr. he gradually took shape.

One side, eldest brother Xie Na and second brother Zhao Liying chatted.

"This is his first time cooking!" Xie Na said, and Zhao Liying was shocked. "Can\'t it..."

Zhao Liying was worried and had a wonderful expression.

"This is one of his father\'s favorite dishes. Every time I go to his house, he father will cook it for me!" Xie Na continued to introduce.

"Yes, this dish is my father\'s favorite dish, which is very meaningful to me!" teacher he, who is cooking, also answered.

"Shrimp tail should be cooked for a long time, safe and delicious." Chef Huang continued to guide.

"It smells delicious! Mr. He has a talent for cooking!" Fang zhe praised.

As soon as the oil explodes the shrimp tail out of the pot, people gather together to smell it and have a big appetite.

Then, under the guidance of Huang Lei, Mr. He made a portion of Xiangxi spicy fried beef. The beef is cooked wax beef. It has the same color, flavor and taste!

Next, chef Huang began to cook, and Fang zhe also went to the side of the kitchen board and began to cut meat and prepare ingredients.

"Wow, boss Fang is also starting to do it. What are you going to cook for us, boss Fang?"

Xie Na\'s words attracted everyone\'s attention to Fang Zhe.

"I\'m going to make a braised pork, just use the Fangxing ecological pork named in our program!"

When Fang zhe said this, everyone laughed. Fang zhegui is the richest man in the world. No one advertises his products like this!

Xie Na said, "I finally know the reason why I can\'t be on the rich list. It\'s because I can\'t fight! No, I also want to give a message to my father:

Fangxing ecological pork is pure natural and pollution-free. The world\'s richest man said he would eat it! "

Everyone began to coax and advertise for the gold Lord\'s father.

"Fangxing ecological pork is the trump card in pork. The meat is delicious, fat but not greasy. It\'s delicious to cook any dish!"

"Fangxing ecological pork, the pork that the world\'s richest man is also eating, the more he eats, the more prosperous his wealth is!"

"Braised pork, lion\'s head, pork stewed vermicelli, pork fried vegetables, pork dumplings, pork buns, roujiamo... No matter what meat dishes you cook, please recognize Fangxing ecological pork!"


Several people coaxed, Fang zhe had cut the meat and began to blanch water. Fang zhe kept moving on his hands and told the people a story.

"My father used to go to the crown company in the Netherlands and Denmark. After he came back, he began to study advanced technologies such as ecological breeding with the technical experts in the factory.

The most exaggerated thing is that before slaughtering pigs, they will specially listen to some soothing music and take a bath for pigs. It is said that this is to reduce the stimulation of pigs and ensure the quality of meat. "

After hearing Fang Zhe\'s introduction, everyone was amazed.

"My God, euthanasia is popular among pigs now. It\'s really exquisite."

"The Danish crown company you mentioned is the Danish crown cookie company?" Peng asked curiously.

"Yes, they are different subsidiaries of the same group," Fang zhe replied.

"My God, I didn\'t know before. Their company still sells pork."

"More than that, they are the world\'s largest pork production companies. Pork products are sold to hundreds of countries around the world, slaughtering tens of millions of pigs every year!"

Fang Zhe\'s answer shocked several people. They didn\'t expect that such a big Mac could come out of the ordinary pork industry. No wonder Fangxing ecological group, a "pig raising" company, could advertise a national variety show.

"Well, let it stew. When Mr. Huang\'s dishes are ready, I think it will be almost here!" Fang zhe put the processed braised meat into a pressure cooker and began to stew.

Next, while chatting, they watched Mr. Huang cook. During this period, Xie Na and Zhao Liying also coaxed them to lie on the Kang and let Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng massage them.

More than half an hour later, all the dishes were ready. They brought the dishes to the long table under the pavilion in the yard and opened two bottles of orange juice.

In the night wind, the delicious food on the table overflowed.

"Wow! It\'s so delicious! Although it\'s already evening, I still decided to let go of eating. If I don\'t eat, I can\'t support the table!" Xie Na said boldly.

"The braised meat made by the boss looks delicious! It\'s not greasy at all!" praised Zhao Liying.

"Wait a minute, let\'s not use chopsticks. Let\'s take a group photo and record the delicious dishes on the table!"

Mr. He said, took out the sponsor\'s huami mobile phone 2, leaned back and took a group photo with the people.

"Huami mobile phone 2, take photos at night, and take photos more clearly!" Mr. He said a sentence and broadcast an advertisement.

Next, everyone\'s topic returned to the dishes on the table.

"I think our dinner tonight is definitely the most expensive dinner!" Peng Peng\'s words aroused everyone\'s interest.

He explained:

"There is a famous picture on the Internet. Boss Fang wants to buy a Ferrari, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Enough money!

The boss of the braised pork square cooked it for an hour. It\'s worth tens of millions of dollars. That\'s not what the most expensive dinner is. "

"Peng Peng has a point!"

"I have to taste the most expensive dinner first. My God, I don\'t dare to eat it. It hurts me to eat hundreds of thousands!"

While they were talking and laughing, they began to eat.