Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 799

The evening wind with a trace of coolness comforted the people in the mushroom house.

After eating and drinking, the people rested and chatted for a while, Xie Na stretched herself contentedly and said:

"I haven\'t eaten so much at night for a long time. It\'s so comfortable! It would be better if I could watch your performances again!"

"Arrange! Arrange now!" he Jiong said.

"Peng Peng, what\'s the dance of your son," he said. "You didn\'t learn that dance before." tiktok was the one who had been particularly angry at the recent trembling. "He teacher gave Peng Peng a wink.

"Oh, yes, yes, we rehearsed a program for the end of this season. Then we\'ll make a fool of ourselves in front of everyone!"

Peng Peng and Zifeng walked slowly in front of the crowd and separated from the table.

Mr. ho took mobile phone 2, opened the jitter, and found a song of tiktok: Seaweed dance.

Start playing.

"I also heard this song, which is very funny." Xie Na guessed the song as soon as she heard the beginning.

Fang Zhele tiktok looked at two young performances of Peng Peng Feng, and his voice was far faster than the previous era in China and the world.

Tiktok music and dance are all the vane of the trend.

The dynamic music rhythm sounded, and Peng Peng and Zifeng danced with it.

"Like a sea grass, sea grass, sea grass, sea grass, sea grass, sea grass, sea spray dancing..."

The cheerful music rhythm and their lively dance movements make everyone happy and laugh.

At the end of the dance, the funny Xie Na also took her second brother Zhao Liying to join the dance team. They opened their teeth and claws and twisted their bodies. It was very funny.

After a seaweed dance, several people took their seats and rested. Huang Lei looked at the bright moon in the sky, felt it and hummed softly:

"You ask me how much I love you and how much I love you..."

On such a pleasant night, coupled with a bright moon, everyone felt it and hummed along.

Suddenly, a melodious song sounded under the whole pavilion.

Even the camera group that recorded the program in the distance had several female staff members humming along.

The song ended gently in a low hum, and the infected Shana said:

"I miss ah Jie a little!"

Zhao Liying grabbed her arm and was jealous: "I don\'t even have anyone to think about."

Xie Na broke her Kung Fu in a second and smiled: "you\'re fast, too. Every princess will find her prince charming."

"Liying, when did you shoot the daughter country?" Fang zhe thought of something and asked.

Zhao Liying turned her head and was surprised that her boss cared about the work of a small artist.

"It should be in the group this year. It depends on the arrangement of the crew."

"Well, Tang monk is riding a white horse..."

Fang Zhe\'s cold joke caused everyone to laugh.

No one expected that boss Fang, who has always been serious, would tell cold jokes.

Only Fang zhe knew that he meant something else.

Next, the "serious" boss Fang opened everyone\'s eyes again. He even hummed and sang a classic song of Andy Lau, "17 years old", in Cantonese.

"To sing love songs, from the beginning again, if love is strong, it is difficult to avoid a little tears..."

At the climax of the singing, everyone cheered, and the camera team was also like a treasure, capturing this precious scene from all directions.

After singing, the crowd applauded warmly.

"I almost thought it was Huazai coming to our program!" Xie Na praised.

"I have to ask the director for this video later and show it to my students.

You see, boss Fang is busy with such a big company and has the energy to learn Cantonese and practice songs so well. You say that your group of pure singing and performing artists can\'t practice well, which shows that they still don\'t work hard enough. "

Miss Huang has teaching materials.

Fang Zhe\'s song opened everyone\'s desire for performance.

Xie Na and Zhao Liying "brothers" sang another song "little luck".

The singing is gentle and beautiful, refreshing.

Then, Mr. he sang a warm and moving "room" alone.

After the song was sung, everyone applauded.

The crescent moon is hanging high and the night is getting deeper. After tidying up the tables, chairs, dishes and chopsticks, the people in mushroom Street are ready to wash and rest and end today\'s program recording.

Fang zhe wanted to stay in the mushroom house for the night and leave tomorrow. Clinker called home in the middle of the night and said that xiaoxueyi had a cold.

Fang Zhe, who was worried about xiaoxueyi, hurried back to Yanjing by private plane all night.

"Really, having a child is different. You will always have a heart tied to the child." Huang Lei, who sent Fang zhe away for a rest, said with emotion to teacher he.

Late at night, Fang Zhe, who returned to Yanjing, saw the sleeping Feng Xue and Xiao Xueyi, and a hanging heart fell to the ground.

The private doctor outside said that xiaoxueyi\'s condition had improved and just had a sleep.

Fang zhe didn\'t dare to disturb their mother and daughter. He found another guest room outside to sleep.


Time passes fastest on the child. In a twinkling of an eye, xiaoxueyi has become the lively and lovely little princess again. She stares at the world curiously with a pair of naive big eyes all day.

It has been more than half a month since xiaoxueyi fell ill, that is, Fang zhe recorded and participated in yearning for life.

On the Internet, the trailer of the last issue of the first season of "yearning for life" has been released. In order to enhance the program effect, Fang Zhe\'s head has been marked with a big question mark in the whole trailer. As the heaviest mysterious guest, colored eggs hide his identity.

Who is he? Xie Na exclaimed: "my God! It\'s really you! It\'s really you! The program team invited you all! My God!"

What\'s his status? He should have such a big show? In the trailer, Fang Zhe\'s luxury team and black bodyguard lineup attract people\'s attention.

"My friend, he is a... EM... A * person! Very, very * person!" the camera cut the scene of Xie Na calling he Jiong in the car. One of the keywords was silenced.

"Welcome! Nana and * *"

"I feel that this season we are really worth it. We have invited not only Mr. He\'s best friend, but also national youth idols and * * *!"

The picture turned to the scene where everyone welcomed Xie Na and Fang Zhe.

The picture turned again and cut to the scene of Fang zhe catching fish in the paddy field: "there are a lot of fish in the field. Everyone should be able to touch it when bending over!"

"Wow! Flying fish in the field!"

"Big brother! Big brother!"

"Second brother! Second brother! Come and fish with us!" the picture cuts to the scene where Xie Na and Zhao Liying sing and make peace.

The picture turns again and cuts to the scene of people cooking.

"Mr. He, I\'m waiting for you to cook for me!.."

"This is his first time to cook!" Zhao Liying heard that he Jiong cooked for the first time, with a wonderful expression.

"Wow, * the boss also started to do it, * What are you going to cook for us, boss?"

The mysterious guest began to cook and aroused everyone\'s interest.

"I\'m going to make a braised pork, just use the Fangxing ecological pork named in our program!" said the mysterious guest.

The picture of "I also want to broadcast a message to Jinzhu\'s father" was cut to the scene where everyone coaxed to advertise for Jinzhu\'s father, but all the information related to exposing Fang Zhe\'s identity was hidden.

"... no matter what meat dishes you cook, please recognize Fangxing ecological pork!"

The picture turned again, and the scene was cut to the scene of Peng Yuchang and Zifeng Zhhang jumping tiktok and dancing the seaweed at the table.

"A sea of people, vast, drifting with the waves, floating and sinking"

The mysterious guest began to perform the solo song "17 years old", a Cantonese song full of emotion.

The short trailer of less than 5 minutes released a lot of strong materials. While many viewers were looking forward to it, they also guessed the identity of the mysterious guest.