Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 797

"Do you still have friends around you?

OK, let me guess! "

"Is it ah Jie?" teacher he first thought of Xie Na\'s husband Zhang Jie.

"No," Shana denied.

"Is it Vega, Wu Xin or Haitao?" teacher he suddenly shook out the host team of the happy camp.

"No, Mr. He, you can\'t be so cheeky and say so many people at once." Xie Na said with a smile.

"Well, if you let me guess like this, I can\'t guess. You give me a range!"

"OK, I\'ll tell you, he\'s a man!" the range given by Xie Na made Mr. He at the other end of the phone roll his eyes.

"Nana, don\'t want to eat another dish like this. At least give me an accurate range!"

"He is a... Em" Xie Na looked at Fang Zhe. "Rich man! Very, very rich man!"

Well, Xie Na\'s words directly exposed Fang zhe!

"Fang Zhe, she probably said Fang zhe! Pork, that..." in the mushroom house, the wise Huang Lei suggested.

He Jiong nodded. He also thought Huang Lei was right.

However, he didn\'t say it directly, but said to Xie Na at the other end of the phone:

"You call that friend. He\'s a guest from afar. You have to let him order two dishes!"

Xie Na hands the phone to Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe said in a low voice, "Hello, Mr. He, I heard that Mr. Huang\'s plum dish pork is very good. I\'ll order a plum dish pork!"!

In addition, I also prepared a dish for you. Let you taste my craft at that time! "

"Wow!" Xie Na sitting next to Fang Zhe and he Jiong at the other end of the phone exclaimed.

"You also prepared a dish? Great, really! Our mushroom house has been open for so long. This is the first time that a guest has taken the initiative to cook for us!"

He Jiong on the other end of the phone told Huang Lei and others about Fang Zhe\'s cooking. Everyone was happy and relieved.

"OK, since you are so sincere, we chef Huang said to cook all the dishes you ordered. Our mushroom house is over this time and we should make a good meal!"

When the sponsor vehicle arrived near the recorded mushroom house, Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng, two young hosts, were already on the way to meet.

The two are the post-90s and the post-00s. The youngest Zhang Zifeng is only 15 years old this year.

It is precisely because of the existence of these two young people that the atmosphere of the mushroom house becomes more warm and lively.

Peng Yuchang took a pink suitcase from Xie Na, and Fang zhe took his own black suitcase.

Several people talked and laughed along the path to the mushroom house. He Jiong and Huang Lei were already waiting at the door.

"Welcome! Nana and Fang zhe!"

"I think this season is really worth it. We invited not only Mr. He\'s best friend, but also the national youth idol and the God of wealth!" Huang Lei said.

Several people exchanged greetings and entered the courtyard.

A yellow firewood dog came and sniffed around the crowd. It was little h, the welcome dog in the mushroom house.

Little h was picked up by the program group to record the program when he was little. He was raised in the mushroom house. After several months of program recording, little h has grown a lot, but he is still naughty and cute.

Xie Na ran ahead, hugged little h and played.

Little h struggled hard and wanted to run out of Shana\'s arms. His expression looked desperate!

After a short break, they exchanged greetings. Mr. He and Huang Lei began to cover Xie Na and Fang zhe mysteriously.

When you come to the mushroom house, you have to work. That\'s the rule!

Even Fang Zhe, the world\'s richest man, is no exception.

"Nana, you can chop firewood for us later!"

When Mr. He said this, Xie Na looked at him with a confused face.

"Did I hear you right? Say it again. What do you want me to do? Chop firewood?"

Mr. He nodded seriously.

"Is there any mistake? My original intention (junior high school) is to enjoy, not to chop firewood."

"Now that you are in high school, you should learn to chop firewood!"

Teacher he replied with a homophonic stem, which made Xie Na suffer a critical hit of 10000 points!

"What\'s that boss doing? I\'ll follow him, get lucky around him and make a fortune in the future!" Xie Na led the war to Fang Zhe.

"He, he is the boss and can fish!" he Jiong smiled.

"Then I\'ll fish too! I\'ll wait for my second brother to come and lie on the Kang and let you massage us!"

Xie Na\'s second brother is Zhao Liying, the third guest to come today. They have a very good relationship. They are sworn as "big brother" and "second brother".

"OK, then you go fishing with boss Fang, Peng Peng and Zifeng. You fish together!" he Jiong said with a successful face.

Shana couldn\'t understand.

Until, she followed the crowd to a muddy paddy field with a basket and water pants. She finally knew that fishing in teacher he\'s mouth was real fishing!

"Nana, don\'t you want to eat fish head with chopped peppers? You can eat as many as you touch today. If you can\'t touch it, watch us eat!" teacher he standing in the field gloated.

"How can there be fish in such muddy water?"

Xie Na, who hesitated step by step into the paddy field, was trying to argue. As soon as she looked up, boss fang had touched a big fish from the field.

"Wow! There are really fish!"

"The fish is quite big!"

"Boss Fang is too powerful. He touched a fish just after he went to the field!"

"There are a lot of fish in the field, and everyone should be able to touch them!" Fang zhe said happily. He hasn\'t been to the field for too long, and a different sense of freshness and interest also emerged in his heart.

People bent over to fish.

Peng Yuchang walked from the head of the field to the tail of the field step by step, stirring the muddy field water. In a moment, silver white fish surged out of the water, which was spectacular!

"Wow! Flying fish in the field!"

Everyone is excited. The photographers on the shore quickly and continuously capture this rare scene.

"How many fish did the program team put in the field!" Peng Yuchang whispered.

They happily touched fish in the field. After a while, they touched four or five.

"Big brother! Big brother!" a clear and beautiful voice sounded on the bank in the distance. Everyone heard the reputation. It was Zhao Liying, the third guest today.

"Second brother! Second brother! Come and fish with us!" Xie Na in the paddy field greeted her excitedly.

"Big brother! Miss Huang said that if you have touched enough fish, take it back and prepare for cooking!" Zhao Liying shouted across the distance.

"OK! Second brother, wait for me on the shore. Brother, take the fish back now!" Xie Na used the opera.

There were seven fish in the basket, and each one was very big!

"Just right, one head per person! If you can\'t eat the fish, you can give it to the program group!" said the little girl Zhang Zifeng happily.

"The program team always plans on us. We have to exchange some other delicious food with them!" Peng said shrewdly.

When they went back to the mushroom house, Zhao Liying was surprised to see Fang Zhe. Although they met several times, they didn\'t say hello.

Speaking of it, Fang zhe should be her boss\'s boss!

"Good boss!" Zhao Liying said naughtily.

Fang zhe smiled, nodded and exchanged greetings. He rarely participated in the specific matters of gathering people\'s culture. He made a decision only when he started the pan entertainment strategy or cooperated with Disney in a comprehensive strategy.

Zhao Liying\'s ability to be praised by Huizhong culture is her own effort and ability.

It was dark in midsummer. Although it was nearly 6 p.m., the sky was still bright and the air was still hot. They began to prepare dinner.