Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 796

"Yearning for life" is a variety show of life and leisure jointly produced by Youku Tudou and mango satellite TV.

The program focuses on leaving the hustle and bustle of the busy city and returning to the countryside to experience life.

Four stars, Huang Lei, he Jiong, Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng, were invited to host the program. After that, various star guests were invited to stay for two days to experience rural life.

The program team chose a rural area in Fang Zhe\'s hometown Qingxu (county) as the recording venue.

There are mountains and water, beautiful mountains and rivers, and the eco-tourism construction in recent years have made all the tourists and guests here full of praise and linger on.

At present, the first season of the program has been recorded to the last issue. The earliest issues have been jointly broadcast on Youku Tudou and mango satellite TV, and have received very good response and reputation.

The ratings of the program are also rising.

As a variety show, even the program team did not expect that they were lucky to invite Fang Zhe, founder of Huizhong and the world\'s richest man, to participate in their program.

Before that, Fang zhe participated in only a handful of TV programs. In addition to CCTV\'s dialogue and a national entrepreneurship competition broadcast a few years ago, Fang Zhe, a top business giant, often appeared in the news and various top events.

So far, Fang zhe has never participated in any variety show, "yearning for life", which is Fang Zhe\'s variety debut and debut.

This makes the whole program team grateful and excited.

The world\'s richest man\'s first variety show, such a topic is enough to detonate the whole network!

It\'s hard for their program not to be popular!

While appreciating and excited, the program team also felt very lucky. If the title merchant of their variety show was Fangxing ecological pork, I\'m afraid Fang zhe wouldn\'t be able to participate in their program.

Yes, Fang Zhe is willing to participate in yearning for life. The main reason is to help his father promote his products.

A few months ago, when Fang zhe learned that his father Haoqi spent hundreds of millions of advertising money to name the variety show "yearning for life", he came up with the idea of participating in the program.

In his previous life, "yearning for life" was Fang Zhe\'s favorite variety show. If he had the opportunity to have fun in this life, Fang zhe would not miss it.

However, before waiting for Fang Zhe, the program group of "yearning for life" took the initiative to contact Fang Zhe.

After winning the title merchant of Fangxing ecological pork, the program team came up with the idea of inviting Fang Zhe, a well-known figure associated with the title merchant, to participate in the program for linkage.

But at the beginning, the program group did not have hope.

Who is Fang Zhe, the founder of Huizhong, the richest man in the world? How could a top man with neither money nor fame condescend to participate in one of their variety shows.

The only hope lies in the fact that their namers have something to do with Fang Zhe.

With a try attitude, the program team tried to contact Fang Zhe.

Unexpectedly, Fang zhe agreed!

He promised!

When the staff of the program team heard the promise from Li Wen, Fang Zhe\'s secretary at the other end of the phone, she asked two or three times in disbelief.

In this way, after communication, Fang Zhe, as the biggest guest since the recording of their program group, was arranged for the last phase of the program to end the final recording.

In the same period with Fang Zhe, there are two heavyweight star guests. One is Xie Na, the host of mango satellite TV, and the other is Zhao Liying, the top star who has been popular in recent years.

On the afternoon of June 28, Fang Zhe, dressed in casual clothes and black sunglasses, appeared in front of the sponsor car heading for the program recording scene.

Shana, sitting in the car, curiously lowered the rear window glass.

"Isn\'t it? Why do I think you look so familiar?"

"You can\'t really be... Fang zhe?" Xie Na was stunned and unbelievable.

Fang zhe pulled down his sunglasses and nodded.

"My God! It\'s really you! It\'s really you!" Xie Na excitedly opened the door and came down.

"The program team invited you all! My God!"

"My God! It\'s really great! I didn\'t think they could even invite you!"

Xie Na talked incoherently for a long time.

She looked around. Fang Zhe\'s motorcade stayed not far away. Several bodyguards in black stood by the car, and several bodyguards stood around, sweeping here or the cameraman of the program group from time to time.

This scene reminds her of various international blockbusters and national leaders.

In a word, it\'s so good!

Until she got on the bus, Xie Na was a little unbelievable. Fang zhe even participated in the same variety show with herself.

The sponsor car of the program group drove Fang Zhe and Xie Na to the mushroom house, the recording venue of the program group. As the third guest invited, Zhao Liying didn\'t come to the meeting because of her busy work. They went to the mushroom house first.

Fang Zhe\'s motorcade hung far behind.

"I didn\'t expect that they could invite you, and you really came! If I had known, I should have called ah Jie too. He has always admired you!"

"I also like listening to his songs. Xiaoxue has always wanted to see his concert, but she hasn\'t had a chance."

"Really? Ah Jie is going to hold a concert in Yanjing in July. I asked him to give you two tickets in advance. Hey, no, you two may have to leave a separate place, otherwise it\'s safe..."

"It\'s all right. You may not know that our family Xiaoxue has an exclusive stunt cosmetic surgery. As long as she simply helps me make up, she may not even recognize me at a glance!"

"So powerful? I must let her teach me another day. You don\'t know, ah Jie and I have a headache every time we go out. When we go to the street to buy a dish, we have to be secretly photographed and surrounded by a lot of people."

Fang Zhe and Xie Na chatted. After a while, Xie Na began to call the program group to order dishes according to the program requirements.

After the phone was connected, Xie Na pinched her nose and made a strange scene:

"Hello, I\'m a friend from Baodao. I want to order!"

"Nana! It\'s you, Nana!" teacher he at the other end of the phone guessed the identity of Xie Na directly.

Fang Zhe, sitting next to Xie Na, smiled. The two close friends have known each other for many years. No matter how funny, they can recognize each other at the first time.

Xie Na continued to pretend with a smile:

"I\'m not Nana, I\'m a friend of treasure island. When I came to the mushroom house, I wanted to lie on the Kang and let you massage me!"

This is absolutely what Shana said! At the other end of the phone, Huang Lei, who was also present, concluded.

"If I want to appoint a cook, teacher he must do it himself!" Xie Na continued to make a funny joke.

"Nana, if you want to appoint me to do it, you are likely to starve!"

"Never mind, I want you to do it!"

"Well, go ahead. What would you like to eat?"

"I want to eat, a spicy fried beef"

"A shrimp tail"

"A fish head with chopped pepper"

"And a chicken soup!"

"Good guy, you\'ve come to our restaurant.

Can you bring beef yourself? "Mr. he countered on the phone." in addition, our chickens have florets, little red and little white. Who do you want to eat? "

"Stew them all!"

Shana laughed.

"Well, I have a friend around me. My friend is very powerful. If you can guess his identity, I\'ll order two less dishes. What do you think?"

Xie Na began to trap Mr. He.