Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 795

Chinese culture is so powerful that even Iger, an American, has been famous for a long time.

Chinese Kung Fu, panda, Monkey King and various Chinese IP have a good reputation in China, East Asia and even the world.

If we can jointly develop these IP with Huizhong, Disney will find a new gold mine.

Of course, Iger also knows the difficulty of developing these Chinese IPS, not to mention whether Disney has the funds and energy to develop these IPS. Just how to adapt these IPS and compile scripts is enough to kill Disney.

Because at present, there is little understanding of Chinese culture in the Disney ecosystem, from screenwriters to directors and even costume props.

In 1998 at the end of the last century, Disney used Chinese classic IP Mulan to shoot an animation of the same name, not only to diversify and contain Chinese culture, but also to try to open the Chinese market.

Later, the $70 million "Mulan" animation finally made a box office of $300 million around the world. Although the box office performance was good, the box office contribution from China could be ignored.

Now, after more than ten years of development, China\'s film market has achieved blowout growth year after year, and there is a faint trend to catch up with the United States and become the largest single film market in the world.

In the past Spring Festival alone, China\'s film called the mermaid made more than 4.3 billion yuan, equivalent to more than 600 million US dollars at the box office.

Such box office results, can not help but Iger and Disney are not excited!

Watching egger meditate, Fang zhe chuckled at the bottom of his heart. The huge Chinese market is enough to impress any foreign company and capitalist.

Whether it\'s the film industry or other industries.

In front of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, even the insignificant food of crayfish can be eaten out of a developed industrial chain!

"Mr. egger, how are you thinking?

If we can reach more cooperation on Chinese IP, do you think we can make another concession in the share of game licensing development? Anyway, we have to give us at least 50%? "

"OK... No..." egger subconsciously thought that Fang zhe asked about the cooperation with Disney to develop Chinese IP. He didn\'t want Fang Zhe to talk about the game sharing again, so he hurriedly denied it.

"Mr. Fang Zhe, we authorize you to develop games and cooperate with us to develop your Chinese IP are two different things. We should not be confused!"

Egger was a little annoyed.

"Mr. egger, in my opinion, this is the same thing. We get the 50% share right of the Games authorized by Disney, and you get the share right of the Chinese IP controlled by us and the cooperative development of other public IP.

I think no matter how you calculate it, you Disney make a lot of money! "

Seeing that Iger was still hesitating, Fang zhe continued to add weight and said:

"Mr. egger, you know the growth rate of China\'s film market. I\'m afraid in less than five years, China\'s film market will surpass the United States and become the largest single film market in the world.

At that time, the ceiling of the box office of a single film in China will be close to $1 billion!

What\'s more, China\'s population is more than four times that of the United States. China\'s development is getting better and better, and the whole China is upgrading its consumption.

In another ten or twenty years, even if the ceiling of the box office of a single Chinese film reaches three or four times that of the United States, reaching $3 or $4 billion, I don\'t think it\'s strange at all!

What do you think, Mr. egger? "

Iger\'s eyes twitched. Although he knew Fang zhe was drawing him a big cake, he really liked it!

Fang zhe continues to add weight:

"At present, our IP development efforts in China are very shallow, and the development of surrounding goods and licensing is far less deep than your company.

If we can also reach cooperation in these fields and develop China\'s IP universe together, then Disney\'s future development prospects.

Tut tut!

I think you can imagine, Mr. egger! "

Iger looked at Fang zhe heavily. He really wanted to see how the young man half his age grew in the heart and had such a bewitching magic.

Egger\'s heart!

As Fang zhe said, if Disney can cooperate with Huizhong to develop these Chinese IP, then Disney is tantamount to developing a new gold mine.

Huizhong\'s capital, IP and understanding of Chinese culture + Disney\'s film industrialization ability and production strength are enough to ensure that they cooperate to make excellent Chinese IP films!

Iger began to talk more deeply with Fang Zhe.

Not surprisingly, Fang zhe asked Huizhong to take the lead in these IP adaptations. Disney is more like technical guidance and assistance.

In the past, egger and Disney regarded Huizhong as game production outsourcers. Now Fang Zhe and Huizhong regard Disney as technical guidance and workers. It has to be said that before and after, they all stood in the position of maximizing their respective interests.

Iger naturally argued and negotiated with Fang Zhe.

Finally, the two sides reached a preliminary oral agreement, which is also a 10-year cooperation period. If Disney participates in a certain proportion of investment, it can get 50% of the share. If Disney does not participate in investment and only provides technical support and publicity support, it can get up to 30% of the share.

Two days later, when Iger attended the opening ceremony of Jianghai Disneyland with a smile on his face, his heart was still thinking about the cooperation with Huizhong.

In Iger\'s view, if the strategic cooperation between Disney and Huizhong can achieve the expected results, its achievements to Disney are far ahead of several CEOs.

After Iger returned to the United States, he established a luxurious negotiation team and began to negotiate with Huizhong on specific strategic cooperation contents.

Similarly, Huizhong has also sent elite soldiers drawn from multiple departments or subsidiaries from the game department to Huizhong culture to negotiate with Disney.

Although the two sides have disputes and the so-called uncompromising bottom line from time to time, with the consensus reached at the meeting between Fang Zhe and Iger and the tacit willingness to cooperate in the general direction, the negotiations between the two sides are progressing smoothly.

Of course, because the IP and content items involved in the negotiations between the two sides are too large and complex, it may be difficult to sign a formal agreement in a few months.

At the end of June, long-awaited tourists from all over the country rushed into the newly opened Disneyland, and the negotiations between Huizhong and Disney were also going on in an orderly manner.

At the same time, Fang zhe went back to his hometown on a business trip and participated in his first variety show, which may also be the only variety show.

On June 28, Fang Zhe, founder of Huizhong and the world\'s richest man, was invited to participate in the closing recording of the last issue of the first season of the variety show yearning for life!