Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 794

Fang zhe smiled and said nothing.

Although he has never heard of any famous Disney games, he can\'t say it directly in front of Iger, the head of Disney.

Egger saw his expression and understood what he meant.

"Mr. Fang zhe doesn\'t have to worry about my face. Even my daughter doesn\'t know what classic games we have in Disney. It can be seen that our development in this field has failed.

In contrast, your company has a series of classic games, such as fruit games, candy legend, dota2, tribal conflict and so on.

Even I, who don\'t play games, know these games. We can imagine how well-known these games are in the world.

I\'m here this time, hoping to have the opportunity to reach strategic cooperation with Mr. Fang Zhe and your company, and authorize some of our company\'s IP to you to develop games! "

Iger said his purpose, which slightly coincided with Fang Zhe\'s guess.

In fact, Huizhong\'s game Department contacted Disney long ago, hoping to reach cooperation with Disney in the game field. However, Disney always wanted to develop its own games and eat alone, so it was cold to Huizhong.

Now it seems that they finally understand that they are not the material for developing games!

Fang zhe didn\'t mention the small details that the other party had refused to give him. After all, this time he can charter Jianghai Disneyland, which is not open, is also the other party\'s kindness to himself.

To tell the truth, Disney\'s various IPS still make Fang Zhe and Huizhong very excited.

Fairy tales or animation IP like Mickey Mouse, snow white, Winnie bear and Lion King are very suitable for adaptation into children\'s games and leisure games.

For example, Star Wars series, Pirates of the Caribbean series and marvel series have a wide range of adaptations. Whether it is 3A masterpiece or action mobile games, they all have a good basis of adapted materials.

In fact, before Disney acquired Lucas film with Star Wars series IP, the host game based on Star Wars series IP has created billions of dollars of revenue for Lucas film.

However, after Disney acquired Lucas, although Disney restarted the Star Wars films, it did not restart the production of Star Wars games.

From what Iger just said, he and Disney executives didn\'t want to make money from these IP games, but the level is not satisfactory!

Disney\'s production level in film, television, animation and even theme parks is the highest in the world. It doesn\'t want to fall in the art of games.

Fang Zhe and Iger, who had been moved, talked seriously.

During this period, Li Wen specially came in and added tea to the two people several times.

"As you know, we Disney cherish every IP. We constantly re create the content of these classic IP through various ways to keep it alive and well-known.

Therefore, the 10-year cooperation period and 30% profit sharing are already our bottom line. If it is higher, we are more willing to choose other game makers to cooperate! "

Although Iger looked calm and light, he said nothing.

"With all due respect, Mr. egger, the profit share is only 30%. In my opinion, you completely regard Huizhong as a game production outsourcer rather than a partner.

Your company has also tried to make games. Its difficulty is no worse than making and distributing a movie.

If you think you can make a good game by throwing money, you can make a good movie by throwing money.

So far, we have produced and distributed more than thousands of games, and the steam platform operated by us includes all kinds of games.

But even so, we can\'t fully guarantee that every game we make will succeed!

So I hope, Mr. egger, if you really want to cooperate with us, I hope you can show your sincerity! "

Fang zhe kept on biting. Even though he was greedy for Disney\'s huge IP group, he couldn\'t see the 30% profit.

Iger wondered where Fang Zhe\'s bottom line was.

Before that, Fang zhe has proposed other cooperation schemes to him, such as directly buying out the game adaptation right by spending enough copyright fees at one time according to the popularity and game value of each IP.

However, egger didn\'t promise. He and Disney cherish the brand image and reputation of each IP. If the game adapted by Huizhong based on an IP is not good enough or damages the reputation of IP, such as turning snow white into an evil character in the game, egger and Disney can\'t promise.

Moreover, Disney has been constantly re creating every classic IP to make them glow with new vitality and vitality. He doesn\'t want Huizhong to take advantage of them in vain.

"Forty percent, no more. If more, I will directly choose other game production companies!"

Egger is firm.

Fang zhe thought after hearing this, one of the benefits of Disney\'s IP adaptation is that these IPS continue to be re created, glowing with new vitality and vitality. In contrast, Huizhong\'s other games without IP support, if they can\'t continue to be re created for them

Create new content to attract players, then they will come to the end of their life sooner or later.

Huizhong\'s Pan entertainment strategy has been trying to get through the IP of games, novels, movies, animation and other contents, hoping to expand the IP and keep them vigorous vitality.

However, to be honest, from the implementation effect in recent years, the effects of various IP adapted games, films and online dramas, such as journey to the west, list of gods, ghost blowing lights, breaking through the sky, killing immortals and divine tomb, are not only good, but also bad.

And even the best IP is difficult to go abroad. In this regard, Disney, which has played IP for decades, has a lot to learn from.

Remembering Disney\'s strong strength and position in the global entertainment industry, Fang zhe was itchy.

"Mr. egger, I have a proposal. I wonder if you\'d like to listen?"

"Of course!" egger spread his hand.

"I think you may have heard that since we launched the pan entertainment strategy a few years ago, Huizhong has been collecting, integrating and operating all kinds of well-known IP.

These IPS include both Chinese classics or fairy tales,

There are also some popular online novels or animation movies and TV dramas.

I have always admired Disney\'s ability to operate and develop IP. I think we may have a chance to cooperate in this regard! "

"Oh?" egger\'s eyes lit up.