Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 793

Jianghai Disney park is the first and only theme park that Disney invested and built in Chinese mainland.

The whole Jianghai Disneyland is divided into seven theme parks. In addition to traditional Disney IP related amusement projects such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Alice and snow white, marvel, which was acquired by Disney a few years ago, has also established a unique Marvel hero headquarters according to marvel related heroes.

In addition, the theme park of tomorrow world, which is closely related to the film "war making", and the theme park of treasure Bay, which is closely related to pirates of the Caribbean, are unique and wonderful amusement projects in Jianghai Disney park.

From 2011 to now, the Disneyland, which has been built for five years, has finally been completed and ushered in the final period of opening.

According to the official announcement of Jianghai Disneyland, it will officially open on June 16.

However, half a month before its official opening, the children\'s day of the June 1st, the first rich side of the trench cross, swept away the entire Disney park directly.

In addition to his wife Feng Xue and xiaoxueyi, Fang zhe also invited thousands of employees with children to join them as the first batch of tourists to Shanghai Disneyland.

On the morning of June 1, dozens of buses stopped in the parking lot outside Jianghai Disneyland in turn in Jianghai Disneyland Resort.

After the door was opened, Huizhong employees got out of the car with their children or family members happily.

In addition to these buses, many employees choose to drive to Disney. At the moment, they also park their cars in the parking lot and get off with their children or family members to the gate of Disneyland.

There are also many familiar people who meet and greet each other and enter Disneyland together.

Many Huizhong employees are grateful for this special children\'s Day specially arranged by president Fang.

According to the legal arrangement, today is not a holiday, but a working day.

Although according to Huizhong\'s welfare system, employees with children at home on children\'s day can take the initiative to apply for a day of paid leave, many Huizhong employees either do not take the initiative to apply or choose simple play projects to spend a good day with their children.

I\'m afraid it\'s the only and last time for employees to come to Disneyland to spend children\'s day with their children.

After the official opening of Disneyland, Huizhong will have to consider the influence of the public if they want to charter the venue.

"Mom and Dad, look, right in the middle is Disney castle!"

"Mom, mom, I\'m going to sit on the flying elephant!"

"Dad, Dad, I want to be a roller coaster!"


"Ha ha ha ha..."

In Disneyland, children dragged their parents around, laughing and screaming throughout the Disneyland.

Fang zhe pushed the stroller and visited the whole park with Feng Xue\'s family, looking at Huizhong employees and their children.

Fang zhe looked at Feng Xue\'s happy smile, and his heart was full of tenderness.

He chartered Disney this time, not so much to celebrate children\'s day for Xiaoxue, but rather to celebrate children\'s day for Feng Xue, a big child.

In previous years, Fang Zhe always spent children\'s day with Feng Xue happily. Even last year, the day before Feng Xue found out that she was pregnant, they went out to play and indulge.

However, this year, because xiaoxueyi has just been born for more than two months, Feng Xue, who is reluctant to give up xiaoxueyi, plans to stay at home and go out for a walk at the top of the sky.

But Fang zhe knew that Feng Xue, the big child, had been choked up from the time he found her pregnancy. She still remembered that when she was on children\'s day last year, she said she hoped she could someday play with her and her children in the construction of the Disney park.

Just this year\'s children\'s day, Jianghai Disneyland has made preparations for the opening of the park. Fortunately, Fang zhe directly contracted the venue. While rewarding Huizhong employees, he also took Feng Xue out to relax.

The three members of Fang Zhe\'s family, who had been around the park for less than an hour, soon returned to the Disney hotel next door to have a rest.

Although xiaoxueyi\'s family didn\'t play any projects because xiaoxueyi was too young, they just walked around the park. Looking at the happy smile on Feng Xue\'s face, Fang zhe felt that all this was worth it!

On the lantern, the beautiful fireworks were set over the castle of Disney. Three of the families of the house and all the staff and their children who had been playing happily for a day were to remember this special June 1 children\'s day.

After children\'s day, the opening date of Jianghai Disneyland is getting closer and closer. Netizens all over the country who pay attention to the opening of Jianghai Disneyland are looking forward to this day.

Similarly, Jianghai Disneyland, as the sixth Disneyland of Disney Company in the world, the senior management of the whole Disney company attaches great importance to it.

Bob egger, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Disney Company, even came to China in person to attend the opening ceremony of Jianghai Disneyland.

Just two days before the official opening of Jianghai Disneyland, egger, who came to China, first went to Huizhong headquarters in Yanjing to visit Fang Zhe, the boss of Huizhong.

"Mr. egger, welcome to China.

First of all, on behalf of our family and Huizhong employees, I thank you very much for your generous permission to enter Jianghai Disneyland in advance. "

In the president\'s office of Huizhong, Fang zhe politely said to Iger.

"You\'re welcome, Mr. Fang Zhe. Disneyland is meant to bring people joy and happiness.

You and your family are willing to choose Disney and spend a happy children\'s day in Disney, which is the greatest recognition and affirmation of our Disney. "

Egger was equally polite.

Fang Zhe and egger exchanged greetings. Fang zhe praised Disney\'s strong cultural, entertainment and brand influence in the world. Egger also praised each other\'s young and promising, as well as the strong strength of wechat and Huizhong in the world.

After the two were polite to each other, they got to the point:

"For a long time, our Disney Classic IPS, from Mickey Mouse to snow white, and even Marvel Universe, which has been popular all over the world in recent years, have high popularity and influence in the world. Their authorized products, films and even comic magazines have good sales and achievements all over the world.

Alone in the development of the game direction, it has not excavated its huge commercial potential.

In the past, many shareholders of the board of directors and senior executives of the company wanted Disney to develop these IP games, but the actual situation was not satisfactory.

I think so far, I\'m afraid Mr. Fang Zhe, you haven\'t heard of any games developed with our Disney IP? "