Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 792

"Three years ago, Alibaba, together with Huizhong and some Chinese logistics companies, established a rookie network.

The initial vision and goal of rookie network is to build China\'s intelligent logistics backbone network and improve the circulation speed of express and goods in China.

In the past three years, it generally took five days for express delivery, but now it only takes three days. The express logistics speed of the whole China has increased by more than 40% on average in the past three years!

Later, we found that just building a logistics backbone network in China is not enough to improve the logistics speed in China!

Because there are too many Chinese people and the Chinese market is too huge!

The number of cross-border purchases of imported goods reaches hundreds of millions of people every year.

Last year\'s double 11, tmall global alone had tens of millions of cross-border orders, not to mention how huge the total amount of cross-border orders generated by various e-commerce platforms and various e-commerce channels.

There are more orders, but the customs clearance speed and cross-border logistics speed have not improved much.

Some consumers bought durian imported from Malaysia, but waited for more than a month to receive the goods.

Durian is dry and not fresh, which directly makes consumers lose the desire to buy cross-border goods again.

Therefore, we think we must also improve the speed of cross-border logistics and the operation efficiency of cross-border e-commerce.

Based on these ideas, we have jointly launched e-wtp, the world e-commerce trade platform, with Huizhong and many companies.

As the first data center and super logistics hub established by e-wtp overseas, Kuala Lumpur will help Malaysia and more Southeast Asian small and medium-sized enterprises sell their goods to China better and faster, and share the development opportunities of China as a big market.

We also hope that in the future, e-wtp can be landed in more places overseas, making the free trade of "global buy, global sell" easier and more efficient, so that young people and small and medium-sized enterprises around the world can benefit from it! "

Arima\'s speech won a round of applause.

As President Ma said, the landing of e-wtp in Kuala Lumpur will strengthen the logistics and trade links between China, Malaysia and the whole Southeast Asia.

Based on this, Southeast Asian goods will be easier and more convenient to enter the Chinese market and meet the richer, diversified and efficient cross-border e-commerce shopping needs of Chinese consumers.

Of course, trade has always been two-way. Southeast Asian goods are easier to enter the domestic market, which also means that domestic goods are easier to enter the Southeast Asian market.

Therefore, when the news of e-wtp\'s settlement in Kuala Lumpur appeared in the press releases of China and Malaysia, the attitudes of nationals and netizens of both sides were quite different.

"This is a naked trade colonization. China is known as the world\'s factory. After the establishment of e-wtp, Chinese goods will be easier to dump to Malaysia and the whole Southeast Asia. Stupid narB and the Malaysian government don\'t know how much money they have received from Chinese companies, but they will agree to this kind of power losing and humiliating cooperation!"

"The development of e-commerce will crowd out businesses originally belonging to the real economy, and many small and medium-sized clothing stores and stores will go bankrupt and close down. Just look at China. Alibaba\'s Taobao has made tens of millions of Chinese shopkeepers unemployed.

There were news reports before that thousands of shopkeepers went to Alibaba headquarters to pull banners to protest. After Malaysia joined e-wtp, it will fall into China\'s footsteps sooner or later! "

"My aunt runs a clothing store in Kuala Lumpur. Since she became famous in Zanda, she made a fifth less money last year than before, and a lot less this year than last year. She said that if this continues, she will consider selling the store and finding another way out.

Come to Zanda, you\'re going to make my aunt lose her job, you running dog of a Chinese company! "

"51% of laizanda\'s equity belongs to Alibaba, and the second largest shareholder is Huizhong. Strictly speaking, this company is not a Southeast Asian company, but a Chinese company.

The better it develops, the more blood it will draw from the people of Malaysia and Southeast Asia!

Lai Zanda is the best evidence that Chinese companies colonize Southeast Asia and the world in the 21st century! "

"To be honest, I personally think it is a good thing for e-wtp to settle in Kuala Lumpur, because it can indeed strengthen trade between China and Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur, as a trade hub of both sides, can get many benefits.

However, I believe that the Chinese people must benefit the most from it.

This involves a question. In the development of Malaysia and Southeast Asia as a whole, should we "close the door to the outside world", choose whether we and China will not benefit, or choose opening up, China will benefit a lot and we will benefit a little.

I think if I were in power, I would also choose the latter, because historical experience has told us that the Qing Dynasty, which is better than China, was hanged by small bullet states in the West because it was "closed to the outside world"!

China\'s rise is unstoppable. Since there is no way to stop it, just accept it!

In Malaysia and many Southeast Asian countries, netizens have negative comments and impressions about the landing of e-wtp in Kuala Lumpur. Their impression of e-wtp is the same as that of China. They not only want to be close to China to earn Chinese money, but also fear to be too close to China to become a "colony" of China from culture to economy.

In contrast, on the Chinese Internet, netizens are more optimistic and appreciate the news that e-wtp is settled in Kuala Lumpur.

"Father Ma, Fang Zhe, oba, the top two join hands again to conquer Southeast Asia!"

"It seems that CEO Zanda\'s speech is really kneeling and licking Alibaba!"

"Nonsense, Alibaba is its master. It\'s strange that it doesn\'t kneel and lick. I don\'t believe you can not kneel and lick in front of your boss?"

"I think the best thing this time is that Alibaba finally stopped eating alone. Before Alibaba entered Southeast Asia, it played by itself. This time, at least it brought Jingdong vipshop!"

"Hehe, Alibaba has a competitive relationship with these companies. It\'s not because Fang Zhe and Huizhong made a match."

"Speaking of China\'s e-commerce companies, even if they are better than Alibaba tmall, they also have Huizhong\'s investment. The better China\'s e-commerce companies go to sea, the greater Huizhong\'s benefit!"

"I hope e-WTP will settle down in Europe soon, so that I can get a quick delivery of imported lipstick and perfume."

"It\'s also sang Xin. Our domestic lipstick, perfume and luxury goods are all controlled by European and American brands. They earn hundreds of billions of dollars every year."

"Domestic products should be self-improvement. After all, the foundation is too poor. In the past, it can be said that all walks of life are controlled by foreign brands. Now they have caught up with or even surpassed many. I believe that in a few decades, all kinds of Chinese brands will conquer the world!"

The settlement of e-wtp in Kuala Lumpur has accelerated the integrated development of China and Southeast Asia in the field of e-commerce and provided new help for the development of e-commerce between the two countries.

For higher-level economic and trade cooperation, such as RCEP, which has not been negotiated for four years, it is not something that enterprises such as Huizhong Alibaba can stir up and participate in.

The time entered June.

June 1, children\'s day.

As the first children\'s day after xiaoxueyi\'s birth, Fang Zhe and Feng Xue chose to charter the venue for the upcoming Jianghai Disneyland!