Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 791

"The old fox!"

Charles was disgusted, but his words were more flattering:

"Mr. Bruce, you can rest assured that the money will be credited into your anonymous account at the Swiss bank in less than two hours.

But speaking of it, Mr. Bruce, you are really good. I think it is difficult to do this because of the restrictions of the Wassenaar agreement. "

Bruce glanced at him and said with some complacency:

"Of course things are difficult for others, but you\'re lucky to meet me."

"You\'re really good. I think you can be elected the leader of your party in a short time with your ability." Charles flattered.

Euromax wharf is inextricably linked with Senator Bruce in front of us.

It was Charles who commissioned COSCO Pacific to purchase euromax terminal through a mainland company to complete the "political contribution" to Bruce.

If the Wassenaar agreement is a technological blockade wall built by European and American developed countries against China and other developing countries, people like Bruce are the moths on this wall.

Charles firmly believes that there are many moths like Bruce. As long as they are given enough benefits, even if they push down the wall, it is not impossible.

In late May, euromax terminal, which was taken over by COSCO Pacific, began to show a new atmosphere of vigorous development.

The 14nm lithography machine that SMIC was unable to wait for delivery was also loaded on an ocean going freighter from here and headed for China one night in late May!

Follow the course of this ocean going cargo ship and look eastward. One of the important navigation routes is the Strait of Malacca.

At this moment, in Malaysia on the north side of the Strait of Malacca, several top leaders of China\'s Internet industry, such as founder Fang Zhe of Huizhong, President Ma of Alibaba, President Liu of Jingdong, leader Shen Ya of vipshop, CEO Shen Guojun of rookie network, CEO Li Yifei of Alipay, appeared together at a grand launching ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

The first overseas e-wtp digital hub, settled in Malaysia!

E-wtp, the full name of the world e-commerce trade platform, is jointly organized and established by Huizhong, Alibaba,, vipshop and other domestic e-commerce giants, rookie network and other logistics giants, Alipay and other payment finance giants.

In addition to mainland Internet companies, Southeast Asian e-commerce companies such as laizanda invested by Alibaba in Southeast Asia, shopee invested by JD in Southeast Asia, and some local logistics companies in Southeast Asia have also joined this platform.

For now, the purpose of Huizhong United Alibaba and other companies to establish e-wtp is to break through the obstacles for Chinese e-commerce enterprises to go to sea and use Internet big data and other means to realize more efficient logistics, payment, customs clearance and other systems.

In the long run, the goal of e-wtp is to practice and promote what Arima always says: buy globally, sell globally!

Including Fang Zhe and President Ma, who established it, all believe that e-wtp can develop into an Internet version of the WTO as long as it operates well.

On the afternoon of May 26, Malaysian leaders narB and Fang zhe attended the settlement ceremony of e-wtp at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

At the ceremony, facing the media from China, Malaysia, Southeast Asia and other countries, nalbu said with a smile:

"Today is an exciting day for our country.

We will launch an exciting grand plan with dozens of excellent enterprises in China and Malaysia!

The name of this program is e-wtp, the world e-commerce trade platform.

The Kuala Lumpur International Airport and the digital free trade zone designated around the airport will become the first super logistics and transportation hub of this platform in Malaysia and the whole Southeast Asia!

Both Huizhong and Alibaba are famous Internet companies in China and the world.

In the past, they have made great contributions to China\'s economic take-off and provided platforms and opportunities for millions of young entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

This time, they will come to Malaysia to bring more services and opportunities to Malaysian entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

We welcome them with hospitality and sincerity.

At the same time, on behalf of the Malaysian government, I will also make a commitment to provide e-wtp and all enterprises settled in the digital free trade zone with simpler and more efficient government services, looser policy environment, more preferential tax system, etc.

We will strive to build the digital free trade area into one of the best and most competitive free trade areas in Southeast Asia and even the world! "

After narB stepped down, Pierre penlong, CEO of laizanda, as a representative of Malaysian enterprises, took the stage and delivered a speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to witness the settlement of e-wtp in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia on this exciting afternoon.

First of all, on behalf of laizanda, I must thank narbu * * and the Malaysian people. Laizanda can\'t achieve today\'s achievements without your support.

At the same time, I would also like to extend a warm welcome to the Chinese guests from afar.

You have traveled thousands of miles, with the mentality of trade exchange and win-win cooperation, helped us to develop in Zanda and Malaysia, and provided many opportunities for many Malaysian entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Two years ago, before we cooperated with Alibaba, laizanda was like a toddler, growing up slowly step by step and accumulating experience.

After cooperating with Alibaba, Alibaba\'s rich experience in e-commerce for many years has provided great help for our development in Zanda.

With the help of Alibaba, our logistics speed in Malaysia and the whole Southeast Asia has increased by an average of 60% in the past year, and the order volume and transaction volume have also increased significantly.

At the same time, small and medium-sized enterprises active in laizanda have made more money, and more young people choose to join laizanda to start a business.

Last year, under the guidance of Alibaba, we held the double 11 Shopping Festival.

What is gratifying is that on the day of double 11, in just 24 hours, the transaction volume of the whole laizanda platform exceeded US $300 million!

This figure is close to 18% of the annual turnover of Zanda\'s whole platform last year!

One day creates more turnover than one month! This let me see the miracle of China\'s advanced e-commerce experience.

I also hope to bring more miracles to Zanda, Malaysia and the people of Southeast Asia!

thank you! Thank you! "

After Pierre Peng long, President Arima, as the representative of Chinese enterprises, stepped on the rostrum and began to preach a long and broad theory.