Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 790

Since this incident, the public\'s wind evaluation and impression of Baidu has become worse and worse.

However, google doesn\'t care much about all this, because Baidu has "monopolized" the domestic search field.

After Google withdrew from China, Baidu, which lost its competitors, became arrogant and did not eat human fireworks. Perhaps in the eyes of Baidu executives, the stock price is far more important than illusory things such as public impression.

Anyway, Chinese people have no choice but Baidu, don\'t they?


In the Netherlands in May, the weather is warm and pleasant. It is located in Rotterdam port, Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands. At this time, it has begun a busy day.

Rotterdam port is the Pearl of the Dutch economic crown and one of the engines of the Dutch economy.

In the 1960s, Rotterdam port was once the largest port in the world. Its prosperous trade has made great contributions to the economic recovery and reconstruction of the Netherlands and the whole Europe after World War II.

Today, although the world ranking of Rotterdam port has declined, it is still the largest port and trade hub in the Netherlands and Europe.

With the strategy of one belt, one road proposed by China in recent two years, Rotterdam\'s strategic position and economic status have risen again.

It\'s sunny and sunny.

Facing the warm sea breeze, a small signing ceremony is being held at euromax wharf near the west corner of Rotterdam port.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is a good day.

Today is a very, very good day.

Today, we welcome the new owner of euromax wharf, COSCO Pacific Company from Hong Kong.

Let\'s applaud! "

On the simple podium, an old white man with sparse hair and a big belly said solemnly.

The applause from the audience was sparse, and the dock employees in uniforms were lazy and listless.

"This Hong Kong company called COSCO Pacific is really a poor wretch. Old grantee didn\'t know what rhetoric he used to trick them into buying our wharf."

"Shh! Keep your voice down. In case the transaction is screwed up, old Grandet will certainly vent his resentment on us. Anyway, as long as the wharf is not bankrupt and we have wages, they will toss and toss as they like."

"That\'s true. I just pity these cheated Chinese."

"Hehe, they Chinese are not smart and deserve to be cheated."

The staff under the stage whispered and whispered.

On the stage, old grantee continued to say:

"As we all know, our euromax terminal has been one of the most advanced terminals in the whole Rotterdam port since it began operation in 2010. More than one fifth of ocean going cargo ships in the whole Rotterdam port choose to load and unload goods at our terminal..."

Standing not far from old grantee, the representative of COSCO Pacific Company smiled and watched old grantee lie with his eyes open.

They may know something more about euromax wharf than the old Grandet in front of them.

Affected by the European debt crisis and the European economic downturn, the trade transaction volume of the whole Rotterdam port has been declining in recent years, and the competition between the terminals of the port is fierce.

Euromax terminal, which missed the good time, has been in a state of loss since it was put into operation in 2010.

In addition, due to poor management and high charges, the euromax terminal, which has been operating for 6 years, has not recovered its costs, but its losses have expanded year after year.

So far, euromax wharf has changed hands three times and is the fourth buyer to COSCO Pacific.

COSCO Pacific is willing to take over this mess. Naturally, it is not naive to think that this rotten wharf can come back to life and make a lot of money in its own hands.

They bought the pier by a Chinese mainland company.

As for the reason and purpose of the mainland company buying the wharf, they don\'t know very well and don\'t want to ask. Anyway, as long as they make money and get benefits.

According to the transaction agreement reached between the mainland company and COSCO Pacific, the funds for purchasing the equity of euromax terminal and related shareholder debts will be provided by them, and COSCO Pacific will come forward and take over euromax terminal on behalf of them.

In return, COSCO Pacific will obtain the operation right of euromax terminal in the next ten years. If euromax terminal has been losing money, the loss will be borne by the continental company.

"Alas, although it\'s a port picked up for nothing, if you don\'t make some money in the past 10 years, you won\'t be busy for so long."

The representative of COSCO Pacific Company was thinking and walking on the stage. The voice of old grantee who was speaking brought him back to reality:

"Now, let\'s welcome Mr. Wang, the representative of COSCO Pacific, to deliver a speech with warm applause!"

Mr. Wang went to the podium and glanced up at the lazy and crowded dock staff under the podium.

"If you allow yourself to operate the terminal, the first thing to do is to cut half of the employees who eat and die!" Mr. Wang thought to himself. According to his understanding, one of the important reasons why euromax terminal has been losing money is the low work efficiency and high employee welfare of the terminal employees.

Mr. Wang secretly planned to deal with the dock staff, but he praised:

"I have always admired the port of Rotterdam for a long time.

It is the maritime gateway of the Netherlands and Europe, the busiest and busiest port in the Atlantic, and one of the flags of global free trade.

Euromax terminal has made an important contribution to the prosperity of Rotterdam port, and you have made an important contribution to the prosperity of euromax terminal.

Because of the excellence of euromax terminal, COSCO Pacific chose to acquire it and use our huge customer base between China and Europe to make euromax terminal more prosperous.

I promise that after our acquisition of euromax terminal, the employee benefits will remain unchanged. In addition, we will... "

On the dock, Mr. Wang painted big cakes for the dock staff, while Charles, the European head of international public policy relations in the Swiss resort of Saint Nicholas, thousands of miles away, talked and laughed with a gentle middle-aged man playing golf.

"Senator Bruce, I have good news for you. The signing ceremony of euromax is today.

The dock has now come into the hands of the Chinese! You finally don\'t have to worry about those damn loss and lazy dock workers! "

Charles said flatteringly.

After Bruce waved his club and hit the ball into the hole, he laughed:

"I knew Charles, you\'ve been in China with your brother for several years, and you really have some skills.

As long as the money for the lithography machine arrives, it can be delivered to the wharf that night. "