Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 789

"The same feeling, our Baidu is really sick, and the disease is not clear! The disease is not clear which is more important, morality and money. The disease makes me, as a Baidu employee, feel like selling my conscience!"

"In the past, all posts in the garden were anonymous for fear of being caught by the leaders, but today, I don\'t hide. I want to say frankly: our company is really rubbish!

I\'ve said it. Leaders like to catch the pigtail. Even if the company fires me, I don\'t care. That will only make me feel more like the company\'s garbage, and I also want to thank the person who fired me for letting me escape from the garbage pile! "Wu Lei, google natural language processing department.

"The main responsibility for this is clearly in the hospital. I don\'t understand why so many of us scold our company. Do we all have the hobby of self abuse and carrying the pot?"

"You are anonymous upstairs. I don\'t know who you are, but if you are the system department, please tell me so that I can be transferred out of this department.

I really can\'t imagine that we students in Baidu should have such values. Maybe it is because of the existence of people like you that Baidu has become what it is today. "

"When is it that only the principal offender counts as a crime and the accessory offender can naturally escape the punishment of the law?

The previous hemophilia bar was sold. We have been scolded half dead by many people. My landlord almost kicked out because of this, because he had a high school classmate who happened to have hemophilia.

This happened again. If the landlord kicked me out again, I would move out silently, because I really have no face to live with him again.

I hope the company can pay attention to this incident, deeply realize the seriousness of this incident, make good corrections, and let Baidu, let each of us Baidu people, be upright in the future. "

"A female colleague of mine sent an anonymous letter directly to President Li\'s email. I suggest you send it together, hoping to attract president Li\'s attention!"

"Hehe, don\'t be naive. Robin\'s mailbox only has the right to send it to you, but not to him. Otherwise, his mailbox would have collapsed.

After staying in Baidu for three years, I have seen through the hypocrisy of this company. Goodbye to Baidu. I just submitted my resignation application. We will have fate in the future. See you in the Jianghu! "

Baidu, a 16-year-old Internet giant since its establishment in 2000, has encountered the biggest crisis since its establishment.

This crisis is not only how difficult Baidu has encountered externally, but also major problems have occurred in Baidu\'s internal staff, from morale to cohesion.

Many Baidu employees began to doubt whether they were helping the company to make money and whether they were also involved in every evil Baidu did.

This atmosphere of self doubt spread inside Baidu. Many female employees who couldn\'t live with their conscience cried. Many employees evaded their responsibilities and blindly pushed the responsibility to the public relations treatment of a hospital. They were disappointed and chose to leave.

Baidu is a big Internet company. Although it has declined a lot in recent years, it is still the largest company in the Internet industry. Its employees are excellent enough. Even if they leave Baidu, they can live well!

"Mr. Li, if we don\'t take the appropriate treatment, the hearts of Baidu will be scattered!"

Baidu Li general office, an executive who can\'t bear the deterioration of the situation, said painstakingly.

President Li is a little impatient. I don\'t know who is the first person to complain to him these days.

"OK, I see. Go ahead and get busy first." President Li waved to him.

"President Li, this" the executive also wanted to say that President Li\'s anger was completely ignited. He roared:

"I told you to be busy. What are you still doing here? Ah?

What do you want me to do? Write a letter of apology by myself? Or kneel down and kowtow to them?

I made it clear at the meeting about the causes and consequences of this matter. The main responsibility is that hospital. When we put advertisements in Baidu, it has complete qualifications, certificates and all the things required by relevant departments. It is also a third-class hospital. The doctor who guaranteed the ticket, went to CCTV and won various praise.

You and netizens don\'t go to him, they always hold on to me.

Such a big company, is it me alone?

Should I do all the ass wiping?

I raise you a bunch of rice buckets, waiting to feed pigs? "

Finally, after holding his breath for several days, President Li, who always gives people the impression of good temper, finally broke out his depression and anger!

"I\'m sorry, Mr. Li, it\'s my fault! I\'ll be busy first!" the executive\'s tone changed from low to flat. There was no anxiety in his eyes, but a little more determination and calm.

Within a few days, the executive applied for resignation. Counting the executives who had left before, this is the fourth executive to leave Baidu since the beginning of this year.

With the note personally approved by President Li, the executive left more calmly.

Originally, there was still a trace of fantasy in his heart that Li could always talk to himself again to prevent him from leaving.

Now it seems that I think too much, but I think too much of myself.

Just as president Li said after the last executive left: Baidu is a big company. Anyone can turn after leaving!

"Farewell to Baidu, I hope you can still find your original heart after you are confused!" the leaving Baidu employee said such a sentence in front of Baidu building, looking at the brightly lit Baidu building late at night.

The incident, which triggered a storm of public opinion after the death of the netizen in early April, has been boiling until early May.

In this incident, Baidu has always adhered to its own procedural justice, that is, the advertisements released by Baidu have no illegal acts. When a hospital advertised in Baidu, they have reviewed all aspects of qualifications according to the requirements of relevant departments.

In this event, they Baidu, no mistake!

Baidu is not wrong! This is a guideline from President Li to Baidu\'s public relations department.

Only on the basis of this criterion can we consider whether Baidu is imperfect and considerate in all aspects.

Baidu had no choice but to accept the accusations and accusations of the whole network, and even had some grievances. They strongly urged the relevant departments to pay attention to them by submitting application letters to the relevant competent departments of a hospital, the Internet information office and other relevant units,

Make a detailed investigation, and announce the cause and responsibility to the society, so as to clear up the grievances for Baidu.

In early May, when the public opinion heat of the incident gradually decreased and dissipated due to various reasons, an employee of Baidu left this sentence anonymously on the internal Forum:

"Baidu is not ill, it has changed!"