Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 788

Rocket street in Yizhuang is a gradually formed name near ronghua South Road in Yizhuang Economic Development Zone in the past year.

Over the past year, gaine has settled and established more than a dozen private aerospace companies here.

One of the main reasons why so many private aerospace companies choose to settle here is that the first Aerospace Institute is here.

As the cradle of talent training in the domestic aerospace system, the first Aerospace Institute can only find talents if many private aerospace companies want to develop.

In addition, relying on a series of rocket related design and R & D units or companies developed by the first Aerospace Institute, this block has also become a famous rocket block in China.

Large and small aerospace related units and companies, like the stars and the moon, take root around the first Academy of aerospace.

The star glory founded by Peng Xiaobo and invested by Huizhong also naturally settled in the rocket street.

With Peng Xiaobo\'s background of being born in the first Academy of Astronautics and the bet investment of Huizhong, a giant capital, the start of StarCraft glory is much stronger than other private aerospace companies.

Several well-known rocket experts in China were invited to serve as technical consultants of interstellar glory, and several backbone talents from the first Academy of aerospace, retired or domestic aerospace system also joined interstellar glory one after another.

With such a huge lineup and capital strength, Peng Xiaobo and many employees of interstellar glory have established strong self-confidence.

At the beginning of its establishment, Peng Xiaobo and the rocket experts of interstellar glory formulated ambitious phased goals:

"One year into sub orbit, two years into orbit! Five years to achieve rocket recovery!"

This series of goals seems to be only a simple sentence, but if it is spread, it may directly cause a shock in the domestic private aerospace field and even the global aerospace field!

Suborbital is the airspace higher than 20km and lower than 100km. At this stage, it can be realized basically as long as the country or aerospace company mastering rocket launch technology or military missile technology.

Orbiting is to launch rockets and satellites into a higher satellite orbit. There are only 13 countries in the world that master this technology!

The technical difficulty of rocket entry into orbit is equivalent to a person taking off and passing a thread through the eye of a needle at the highest point!

It can be said that the entry into orbit alone is enough to jam 99% of the world\'s commercial aerospace companies and more than 90% of countries.

The star glory, however, has the courage and confidence to set the goal of entering orbit within two years, which directly shows how powerful the star glory, which has just been established, is in the end.

"I know that many of you, like me, came out of the system.

Everyone is willing to give up the comfortable iron rice bowl in the system and choose to join Star glory. I personally and the whole company are very grateful to you.

I also know that if you are willing to join Star glory, you must have the same ideal and goal as me, that is, to provoke the important task of commercialization of China\'s private aerospace and prove the potential and strength of China\'s private aerospace to the world.

We all firmly believe that the development of private Aerospace can also make a great contribution to the overall strength of China\'s aerospace.

"One year into sub orbit, two years into orbit! Five years to achieve rocket recovery!" this is a phased goal set for the company after strict discussion and calculation with several leading technical experts of the company.

The first thing we need to do is to achieve the first small goal and strive to put rockets and satellites into sub orbit by next autumn! "

At the founding ceremony of interstellar glory, Peng Xiaobo delivered an ambitious and short speech to all employees of interstellar glory.

After listening to Peng Xiaobo\'s three ambitious goals, the employees present not only didn\'t think Peng Xiaobo was bragging, but took it for granted. Some even felt that Peng Xiaobo\'s plan was a little conservative.

"Peng Ge is too conservative. Who are the expert consultants hired by the company? They are mixed up with Qian Lao. They take the lead in building rockets. It\'s not like playing!" an employee whispered at the bottom.

After the founding ceremony, Peng Xiaobo and all the staff of star glory began to move forward at full speed towards small goals as planned. At the same time, the news of Huizhong\'s participation in the investment and establishment of star glory spread like wildfire, triggering a hot discussion on the Internet.

"I knew it! I knew it! What did I say? Fang zhe will build a rocket one day. Come now!"

"Cow force, Fang\'s richest man, chip, car making, alpha, is it finally your turn to build rockets today?"

"Baidu checked the star glory. The lineup is really strong. The founder Peng Xiaobo came out of the first Academy of Astronautics. There are several well-known rocket experts in China as technical consultants. This is really the most awesome entrepreneurial lineup I have ever seen!"

"One year into Asia orbit, two years into orbit! Five years to achieve rocket recovery! Ha ha, the company\'s planned goal is really a little * * * like!"

"If you don\'t understand upstairs, don\'t ridicule. Please go to Baidu first. It\'s easier for others to build a real rocket than you to build a wood rocket!"

"Ha ha, that guy doesn\'t understand ridicule. Do you know what the end of the national team is? It\'s not fun to achieve these three small goals with our country\'s aerospace technology strength!"

"What about rocket recycling in five years? SpaceX realized rocket recycling last year. China is always like this. It always follows people and can\'t catch up with the hot shit!"

"I wonder if the upstairs is Chinese. It took SpaceX nearly 15 years to realize rocket recovery from its establishment in 2002 to last year. Star glory realized rocket recovery within 5 years. In your eyes, you can\'t catch up with the heat by eating shit?

What else can you do except ridicule your country? "

"It\'s great. Fang Shoufu is playing with Rockets now. I feel that even if someone tells us that Fang zhe wants to go to the moon ten years later, I dare believe it!"

"Similarly, even if Fang zhe immigrated to Mars with musk for 30 years, I don\'t think it\'s strange! They like to break the impossible and create all kinds of myths!"

The establishment of interstellar glory, like a bomb, shocked the domestic private aerospace industry. Many private aerospace companies established earlier than interstellar glory, after seeing the strong entrepreneurial lineup of interstellar glory, have also summoned up their horsepower or spent a lot of money to attract experts and leaders in the industry.

There are also many venture capital funds and large companies. Seeing that even Huizhong has begun to invest in private aerospace companies, they have also begun to study and invest in private aerospace fields. In their view, there are bound to be huge business opportunities in all fields valued by Huizhong.

For a while, the "high cold" industry of private Aerospace suddenly became a pastry in the eyes of many venture capital funds and entrepreneurs!

In April, the establishment of interstellar glory promoted by Huizhong contributed to the progress of domestic aerospace industry and overall scientific and technological forces. At the same time, another well-known Internet company in China has aroused the condemnation and condemnation of netizens all over the country because of some selfish acts and adverse consequences!