Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 787

In previous lives, the box office record of mermaid was 3.392 billion.

However, in this life, the box office of the mermaid has reached 4.3 billion, which is still the case that the mermaid has not been fully screened.

"Mermaid" has more than 900 million box office in this life than in the previous life!

Such box office growth is naturally due to the butterfly effect of Fang Zhe and Huizhong.

Huizhong culture, as a leading company in the film industry, the better the film, the more it can maximize the benefits of marketing.

Previously, there was the box office champion of "Thai embarrassment" of 1.62 billion, and now there is another box office champion of "Mermaid" of 4.3 billion. Many film industry practitioners hope to cooperate with Huizhong culture.

"Mr. Wang, what do you think of the box office performance of the mermaid? When do you think Huayi can make such a good film?"

At Huayi Brothers\' annual new film press conference, Wang Dong, chairman of Huayi Brothers, was asked by reporters interviewed on the spot.

"The box office performance of the mermaid really shocked many of us filmmakers.

Originally, we thought that "Thai embarrassment" was already the ceiling of Chinese films, but later a "demon hunt" came out.

Later, we thought "catching demons" was the ceiling of Chinese films, but now there is another "Mermaid".

What\'s more terrible is that the box office performance of the mermaid has exceeded that of the demon hunt by more than 18 billion!

What\'s the concept of more than 18 billion? It\'s higher than the total box office of the last box office champion "Thai embarrassing".

Except for these two or three films, no film in China can reach this box office, and even many films can\'t even reach the box office of more than 100 million.

This is terrible!

The movie "Mermaid" has nearly doubled the box office ceiling of China\'s film industry on the basis of the story of catching demons!

And I think this is also one of the greatest significance of it to bring China\'s film industry.

He told all Chinese filmmakers, you see, the Chinese market is so big, as long as you make movies well, you can still make a lot of money!

As for when Huayi will make such a good film, I can\'t guarantee.

For films, good results don\'t just mean high box office. Many bad films also have high box office.

The good performance of the film can be evaluated from the box office, artistry, reputation and other aspects. The key is to see the investors and directors. What kind of performance do you want the film to achieve? As long as it is achieved, it is a good film for the investors and directors.

Only at the audience level will we care more about the box office and reputation of the film. "

Speaking of this, Dong Wang paused for a moment, took a breath and continued:

"From the production and distribution of high box office and high reputation films emerging in China in recent years, it is not difficult to see that one of the important influencing factors is the participation of Huizhong culture.

There is a voice in the industry that as long as Huizhong culture is willing to invest in the distribution of your film, your film has become half.

Huizhong culture is very strict in the review of film scripts and film quality. It is willing to help directors and filmmakers improve and enhance, which not only ensures the reputation of films produced and distributed by Huizhong culture, but also ensures that almost every film they distribute will have a good result.

This is also where Huayi has been learning from Huizhong culture.

Of course, the strength of Huizhong culture in the field of publicity and distribution is also a major advantage that other film companies envy.

We Huayi very much hope to have more cooperation with Huizhong culture and bring more excellent films to the Chinese film industry and audience. "

At the press conference, Wang Dong, chairman of Huayi Brothers, praised Huizhong culture for a while. He almost didn\'t take a big horn and tell the media that I want to cooperate with Huizhong culture. I want to hold the thigh of Huizhong culture!

The terrible achievement of the mermaid not only pushed up the reputation of Huizhong culture, but also made more directors, film companies and other film industry practitioners come to the door one after another to pray for Huizhong culture investment or cooperation.

"Mr. He, when shooting the war wolf, you helped me invest in shooting the war wolf when everyone was not optimistic about me. If it weren\'t for you, I would almost mortgage my house to the bank to raise money.

"War wolf" can achieve more than 700 million box office results without the help of you and Huizhong culture.

So for the shooting of war wolf 2, he Shengxian specially invited Wu Jing to dinner in my evening.

Wu Jing couldn\'t believe it until he left the dinner party and drove back. The investment of war wolf 2 was hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions. He said that it was a success!

Moreover, Huizhong culture also signed a friendly minimum guarantee agreement with him.

The box office of war wolf 2 is less than 1 billion. Wu Jing\'s own Dengfeng film company has the priority of interest sharing and 70% of dividend income. For the part exceeding 1 billion, Huizhong culture enjoys these rights and 70% of dividend income.

In Wu Jing\'s view, this minimum guarantee agreement fully shows that Huizhong culture is optimistic about him and warwolf 2. At the same time, it allows him to completely let go of his hands and feet and have a big fight!

The box office scene of the mermaid continues, but the gathering culture has planted the seeds for the birth of the next box office myth.

At the same time, the seeds planted by Fang Zhe and Huizhong in the domestic private commercial aerospace field also began to take root.

On April 6, star glory Space Technology Co., Ltd. was founded by Peng Xiaobo, the backbone of the first Academy of Astronautics, and invested by Zhongying capital and Huizhong.

After more than half a year of preparation and promotion, it was finally established and put into operation in the rocket street in Yizhuang, Yanjing!