Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 786

Outside the delivery room, Fang zhe paced anxiously, waiting for the news in the delivery room.

From previous life to this life, Fang zhe finally realized the feeling of being a father for the first time.

He has been waiting for this day for decades.

In addition to the Fang family and the Feng family, Li Wen, Fang Zhe\'s secretary, and several nurses of Feng Xue\'s private escort team were all present in the corridor.

In Li Wen\'s eyes, this is the first time he has seen president Fang so anxious. Even though Huizhong has experienced all kinds of storms and difficulties in the past, he has never seen this expression on president Fang\'s face.

It was only at this moment that he remembered that president Fang was just a young father.

Several little nurses in the corridor are quietly waiting outside. This is their duty and the task assigned to them by the hospital.

At this moment, like Fang Zhe and others, they are not only worried about Feng Xue in the delivery room, but also envy Fang Zhe and Feng Xue, a perfect couple.

In order to facilitate Feng Xue\'s property inspection and get better medical care, Fang Shoufu, the richest man in Haoqi, directly invested in shares and bought their hospital!

Although they are well-known women\'s and children\'s hospitals in the United States, China Yihe is a national chain, at least here, this hospital has a surname of Fang.

Therefore, from the dean to the nurses, every medical staff did their best to take care of Feng Xue.

During Feng Xue\'s pregnancy, a specially assigned medical team went to Fang Zhe\'s house every few days to do special medical examination and care for Feng Xue. Until these days near childbirth, Feng Xue was admitted to the senior VIP delivery room of the hospital.

Looking at Fang Zhe, who had never shown this side on TV in front of the delivery room, the hearts of several nurses were also moved by his tenderness.

The light in the delivery room went out, and Fang Zhe and others waiting in the corridor immediately surrounded the door of the delivery room.

After a while, a middle-aged female doctor wearing a mask came out of the delivery room and took off her mask.

"Congratulations, mother and daughter are safe, and the child is six pounds and seven Liang." as soon as the doctor said this, Fang Zhe and the people on the scene were excited.

"Dr. Li, can I go in now?"

Seeing doctor Li nodding, Fang Zhe, who had just finished asking, rushed into the delivery room immediately.

In the delivery room, Fang zhe was intimate with Feng Xue for a moment. After confirming that she was safe, Fang Xueyi held her daughter from the nurse\'s arms with excitement.

Fang Zhe and Feng Xue\'s daughter, Fang Xueyi, who had been waiting for 10 months, finally came to the world.

At this moment, Fang zhe suddenly felt that his life had become more complete and full.

Looking at his daughter\'s delicate arms, legs and newly born wrinkled face, Fang zhe was firm in his heart. He had to use all his life to protect the little angel!


The arrival of xiaoxueyi makes Fang Zhe and Feng Xue\'s small family more complete. Feng Xue and xiaoxueyi, who accompany the confinement, have also become Fang Zhe\'s greatest fun.

Even, in order to get tired of staying at home with xiaoxueyi for a while, Fang zhe began to work at home with wechat video conference software.

On the Internet, although the news of Feng Xue\'s production was particularly low-key, the news of xiaoxueyi\'s birth was still burst out.

But this kind of thing, with the fame of Fang Zhe and his wife, can\'t hide it if you want to hide it.

As early as Feng Xue became pregnant, she was worried by countless melon eaters and calculated the production date.

Now xiaoxueyi is finally born. Although netizens don\'t know xiaoxueyi\'s appearance or even name, the news of her birth is real!

"Amazing melon, the daughter of Fang Zhefang\'s richest man has been born. Fang Zhefang is very strict about this blockade. He doesn\'t know his name yet, but an employee of disclosed that their boss Feng Xue should have given birth recently."

"I also saw some Huizhong employees disclose that Fang zhe seldom goes to the company recently. It is said that he is at home with his wife and daughter. Fang Zong is really a good Chinese man!"

"Fang zhe oba has finally become a father? I\'d like to be Xiao Fang\'s second aunt, too!"

"Fang Shoufu is a cow. I have brushed so many news that no one knows his daughter\'s name. The news blockade is too strong!"

"That\'s necessary. I heard that Fang Shoufu bought a hospital for his wife\'s prenatal examination and production! A hospital..."

"Sleeping trough! [shock] [shock] [shock] bought a hospital?"

"Yes, my girlfriend is a nurse in this hospital. It is said that their boss has become Fang zhe since October last year. After that, employee welfare has increased.

The team taking care of Feng Xue started with a salary of three times. This time Xiaofang was born, they all paid a year\'s salary as a bonus!

As for taking care of Guo Feng Xue and the midwife in the delivery room... I won\'t say. Anyway, a midwife surnamed Li in their hospital took half a year\'s annual leave and went on a global tour!

By the way, all the doctors and nurses in their hospital who have access to the materials of Fang Zhe\'s family have signed a very strict confidentiality agreement. If anyone dares to burst out Xiao Fang\'s real name... Ha ha!!! "

"Yes! Married, bought a resort in Bali, gave birth to children and bought a hospital. Is this the life of the richest man?

Then when Xiaofang goes to school, do you still have to buy a kindergarten, a primary school, a middle school, a University... And finally take over Huizhong and become the next richest man in the world? "

"Xiao Fang is the best. I have to work hard with my wife to build a son tonight. In case he grows up to hook up with Xiao Fang, won\'t I go to the peak of my life?"

"Xiao Fang wanted to eat snacks and bought a supermarket; Xiao Fang wanted to play with toys and bought a toy factory; Xiao Fang wanted to wear clothes and bought a clothing factory... This is probably the life of the world\'s richest man... Daughter..."

On the Internet, the news about Fang Zhe\'s daughter\'s birth became hot search news, which was discussed by many netizens. However, soon, the relevant news and hot search cooled down from the microblog hot search list. No matter how many people discuss this topic again, it is difficult for this hot search to rise again.

Microblogging is very good, because Fang always hopes to give his daughter a low-key and clean growth environment!

At the end of March, both the news of alpha versus Li Shishi and the birth of Fang Zhe\'s daughter gradually cooled the heat on the Internet.

The Internet is like this. New things happen every day and like the new and hate the old every day.

On the last day of March, a news that has been brushing the screen from time to time for nearly two months once again appeared on the hot search: "the box office of mermaid broke 4.3 billion!"

4.3 billion! Terrible 4.3 billion!

In nearly two months from the release of the mermaid on the first day of the new year on February 8 to today\'s March 31, the box office of the mermaid finally exceeded 4.3 billion after a secret key delay halfway!

Compared with the 2.438 billion yuan of the last Chinese film box office champion, the box office of the mermaid is now 1.862 billion yuan higher!

Terror! So terrible!

"I think in the next 10 years, I\'m afraid there will be no film box office in China\'s film industry that can surpass the mermaid and Stephen Chow!" some film industry practitioners shouted such words.