Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 785

Li Shishi\'s victory in the fourth inning shocked the audience on the spot and all over the world.

When everyone thought Li Shishi was going to be bald 5-0, Li Shishi won.

When everyone ridiculed and was not optimistic about Li Shishi\'s victory, Li Shishi won.

At the scene, the chess player acting as alpha\'s "arm" stood up and solemnly shook hands with Li Shishi.

Although he represents alpha to fight, Li Shishi represents human beings!

Li Shishi deserves his respect and praise, which at least shows that human beings can defeat even if it is stronger than alpha\'s rebellious artificial intelligence.

Human potential is infinite!

Outside the four seasons hotel, many Koreans were cheering. Li Shishi\'s victory completely reversed the decline of losing three consecutive innings.

In the fifth inning, when the last inning of the whole game began, many people "defected", hoping that Li Shishi would win another inning and win glory for mankind.

Just before the start of the game, Li Shishi put forward a request to Mr. Liu and alpha team, hoping to take the sunspot first and let alpha take the white one later.

The reason given by Li Shishi is that alpha\'s sunspot performance is not perfect. The game between the two "people" is meaningful only when he defeats alpha\'s sunspot.

As the top leader of alpha team, Mr. Liu agreed to his request.

At this time, it doesn\'t matter whether alpha wins or loses. He hopes to train alpha better.

In this game, alpha did seem to achieve the purpose of training. Li Shishi launched a small layout on the chessboard to let alpha follow step by step.

The game lasted for a long time until after 280 hands, there was little room for the whole chessboard, and Li Shishi threw in his son to admit defeat.

Alpha wins again!

The audience applauded for both the powerful alpha and the tenacious Li Shishi!

Alpha vs Li Shishi, 4:1.

With the audience and major media watching the live broadcast on the whole network, this record spread all over the world in an instant.

"Alpha vs Li Shishi, 4-1 victory!" the British times.

"Just now, Huizhong artificial intelligence robot alpha defeated world go champion alpha 4-1!" CNN.

"The dust has settled! Alpha defeated Li Shishi 4-1." people\'s daily.

The result of the battle between alpha and Li Shishi made headlines in various news media.

At the end of the competition, Mr. Liu and Alpha Group shook hands with Li Shishi and the president of the Korean Go Association.

"Mr. Li Shishi, alpha team and I sincerely invite you to visit China," Mr. Liu said politely to Li Shishi.

"Thank you for your invitation! I want to have a good rest in Korea during this time. When I have a chance in the future, I will visit China." Li Shishi also responded politely.

After the two sides exchanged greetings, they went out of the competition field together.

All of a sudden, all kinds of media reporters came up from all directions with long guns and short guns.

"Mr. Li Shishi, I\'m a KBS reporter. How do you feel after the game with alfa?"

"Mr. Liu, alpha won this century\'s eye-catching competition. How do you and alpha team feel?"

"Little brother, what\'s your feeling as alpha\'s arm in this competition?"

Various media questions besieged the people who came out of the venue.

In the past few days of the game, in order to avoid affecting the play of both sides, both sides have refused media interviews. Until now, both sides have the opportunity to face the media and express their views.

"My feeling when I compete with alpha is that alpha has strong computing power and strong control over the whole chessboard.

For human beings, it\'s amazing to think of more than ten or dozens of steps in each chess step, but alpha can consider that after hundreds of steps, which human beings can never compare.

In addition, alpha has a better characteristic than human beings, that is, a stable state.

Everyone knows that I have made several obvious mistakes in several games, but alpha rarely makes such mistakes. His every step is based on the optimal solution of the current chess game.

This is what I admire it very much.

Of course, alpha, as an artificial intelligence robot, also has its disadvantages, that is, it is not smooth enough, and its coping ability is stronger than its layout ability.

That\'s one of the reasons why I was able to beat alpha in the fourth inning.

In a word, I think the game against alpha is of great significance to me. I think it may be difficult for me to have a chance to compete with such a powerful AI robot in the future, and it has attracted the attention of so many people all over the world.

This is also a rare experience and honor for me. "

Facing the interview scenes with flashing lights, Li Shishi said a paragraph to express his feelings.

After Li Shishi finished, Mr. Liu also said to the camera on behalf of the alpha team:

"I agree with Mr. Li Shishi\'s advantages and disadvantages of alpha, but I don\'t agree with him at the end.

He said that it would be difficult for him to compete with such a powerful AI robot in the future.

I don\'t think so.

I believe that with the progress of science and technology, the ability of many ordinary computers may catch up with and surpass today\'s supercomputers in less than ten or twenty years.

Just as the computing power of ordinary computers today is stronger than that of supercomputers 20 or 30 years ago.

The development speed of science and technology is unimaginable.

At present, alpha has served as AI intelligent robots for many businesses of Huizhong, including AI in various games, even go.

At this moment, although the game between alpha and Li Shishi is over, it may also be playing chess with thousands of go players all over the world.

Of course, the alpha computing power we open to the public only accounts for less than 1% of the overall alpha computing power, because we are also afraid that if we encounter several go masters such as Mr. Li Shishi, alpha will be too busy to go down.

Therefore, there is still a lot of work to be done in the future of alpha.

We hope that one day, alpha can undertake 99% of the computing work of Huizhong and even the whole Internet with only 1% computing power.

This is our Qiwang and the goal of our whole alpha team.

Thank you! Thank you again for your interview and your coverage and attention to the game! "

The match between alpha and Li Shishi ended. Alpha Group also returned home by private plane.

At the airport, Zheng Siwen and several Huizhong executives, on behalf of Huizhong, as well as hundreds of melon eaters who heard the news, welcomed the triumphant return of alpha team.

The whole alpha team and many Chinese feel proud.

The victory of alpha team is not only the victory of Huizhong, but also China\'s victory in the field of advanced technology such as artificial intelligence.

They deserve the pride of all Chinese!

Huizhong executives and alpha team celebrated the victory at the airport. At the same time, in Meizhong Yihe women\'s and children\'s hospital near Yanjing Asian Games Village, the big boss Fang Zhe, his father Fang Jinsong, his mother Yang Xiuying and other Lao Fang\'s family gathered together.

As well as Feng Xue\'s parents, aunt and sister-in-law Wang Nan, they were anxiously waiting outside the delivery room.

Feng Xue, today, it\'s going to be produced!