Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 784

So far, alpha has won two games in a row. Winning another game is equivalent to winning the whole game.

So Li Shishi, who decided the outcome, came out of the room.

The crowd was instantly quiet.

"Let\'s go out to have hot pot. The food sent by the waiter is cold!" Li Shishi said in a relaxed tone, which surprised several people.

Good boy, this guy has finally adjusted his condition.

On March 13, in the fourth inning, Li Shishi lost the burden of victory and defeat after losing three innings in succession. His whole state became the best state since the fourth inning of the game.

However, compared with the previous three innings, Li Shishi played more steadily and carefully, and each step took longer.

Most of the time, the audience watching the live broadcast saw the picture: Li Shishi holding a chess piece and looking at the chessboard in a silent daze.

"What else are you playing? Just admit defeat. This Korean stick is really grinding!"

"Yes, I\'m almost sleepy. The century war is really boring. Li Shishi, can\'t you be pushed bald by alpha?"

"Alpha: I\'ll stand by for a while. He\'ll call me when he\'s finished!"

"Li Shishi: my tactic is to make moves while you doze off, so I win, [wit]"

Although the Internet and the outside world ridiculed Li Shishi constantly, it did not change Li Shishi\'s steady rhythm.

Two and a half hours later, Li Shishi had less than 17 minutes to play chess, while alpha had more than an hour to play.

Just then, a new white boy left by Li Shishi directly aroused the exclamation of go experts in the live and live commentary room:

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Li Shishi\'s move is wonderful!

Li Shishi\'s move directly cut off the layout of alpha, which can be described as a son of turning the world around!

That\'s great! Is this Li Shishi\'s chess skill as a world champion? I think Li Shishi must have thought about this step and led alpha into the game step by step!

Great, really great! "

Alpha seems to be disturbed by Li Shishi\'s move, and its whole layout is completely disintegrated.

As a last resort, alpha can only start to calculate new tricks again, which directly leads to alpha\'s difficulty and slowness for the first time since the beginning of the game!

"Sleeping slot! What\'s the matter with alpha? Why hasn\'t a word been dropped for more than ten minutes? Alpha\'s computer room won\'t be powered off and down!"

"Li Shishi is so awesome that he can\'t drag a supercomputer down!"

"Alpha: the trajectory of every molecule since the big bang! No, there are two kinds of pieces. How many pieces fall in 324 squares. No, I\'m Wali.. no, I\'m alpha."

When the chess player who has been silently playing chess as alpha\'s "arm" suddenly threw in his son to admit defeat, the audience watching the live broadcast and around the world were in an uproar!

"What? Am I right? Alpha lost?"

"My God, that handsome little brother admitted defeat on behalf of alpha!"

"What the hell, how could alpha lose? Did Huizhong\'s computer room explode? It must be, it must be!"

"Lying trough! Li Shishi is against the sky. He has won a supercomputer with hundreds of millions of operations per second on behalf of mankind!"

"Kneel! Please take my kneecap!"