Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 783

Next, Li Shishi began to be cautious. Every time he dropped a son, he needed to think for a long time.

Many of the audience were experts in go, so they were patient.

The ordinary audience outside the four seasons hotel and watching the live broadcast on the Internet are not so patient.

"What, Li Shishi has not been in the 10 minutes, is he thinking or dozing?" make complaints about a Korean middle aged uncle outside Four Seasons Hotels.

"Yes, it\'s still alpha. It doesn\'t fall for more than two minutes each time. If it\'s fast, it\'s dozens of seconds."

"Can the human brain be the same as the robot brain? I heard that alpha can calculate hundreds of millions of times per second. If Li Shishi had this computing ability, he would have put alpha down!"

"That is, Li Shishi is from the Republic of Korea. You don\'t support Li Shishi and love him or not?"

As everyone talked about it, the game in the field had entered the final stage.

At this time, Li Shishi began to finish according to the previous layout. After more than two hours of war, Li Shishi\'s energy has decreased and began to make mistakes.

On the other hand, alpha doesn\'t have the problem of energy decline. Each move is accurate. It surpasses Li Shishi in a moment and wins a weak advantage.

When alpha dropped another son, Li Shishi was silent for a long time and stared at the whole chessboard.

Finally, Li Shishi put the sweaty sunspots in his hands back into the chess pot.

All the spectators and judges on the scene held their breath with his actions at the moment and dared not make any sound.

"I admit defeat!"

When Li Shishi said this, there was a deep cry of surprise at the scene.

On the referee\'s bench, fan Hui whispered with the other two referees.

After a moment, the referee sitting in the middle picked up the microphone and officially announced that alpha won the first game!

"Oh yeah!" in the audience, Mr. Liu and the surrounding alpha team members whispered congratulations. They had won one of the five innings, which established a leading edge for alpha\'s overall victory.

At the same time, outside the four seasons hotel, among the melon eaters watching the live broadcast all over the world, some cheered for alpha\'s victory and some sighed for Li Shishi\'s failure.

However, on the whole, in addition to a small number of Koreans and go colleagues, most people, especially the Chinese audience, are on the side of alpha. After all, Alpha\'s artificial intelligence identity and Chinese origin have naturally won the favor of most Chinese netizens.

"Alpha cow force! Huizhong cow force! Crush Korean stick!"

"Alfa is awesome! It is the most advanced AI of R & D!"

"Hahaha, I used to say that Fang zhe was so generous and gave us $10 million to Korean Bonzi. Now look, the bonus finally goes into his own pocket! Fang\'s richest man is really a ghost\'s confidence!"

"What is 10 million dollars? Do you know anything about it?"

"10 million US dollars is the total bonus of this game. Who wins the final total score? Although the money is remitted, if alpha wins, it doesn\'t mean that Huizhong\'s left hand falls to his right hand!"

"Tut Tut, if alpha really wants to win, Huizhong will make a global advertisement without much money. This business is really cost-effective!"

"Do you think Huizhong needs advertising upstairs???"

"The next game won\'t start until tomorrow. I really want to hurry up and watch alpha kill Li Shishi! Although I can\'t understand go, it\'s cool to look at Li Shishi\'s sad face!"

Around the world, the whole network is discussing the first game of alpha and Li Shishi. Li Shishi, a Korean chess player, also became famous around the world with this game, from the go circle to the outside.

The next day, on March 10, when alpha and Li Shishi started the game at 2 p.m., both the onlookers outside the four seasons hotel and the number of viewers watching the live broadcast all over the world were less than half more than yesterday. The attention of this century war was getting higher and higher.

In today\'s game, alpha took the lead in the sunspot, and Li Shishi also changed his chess style. At the beginning, he played very steady and steady.

As a result, Li Shishi spent more time on every move than yesterday. Both outside the four seasons hotel and the audience watching the live broadcast all over the world were depressed and scolded their mother.

"Is there a mistake? It\'s been an hour. Li Shishi has less than 20 hands. This is the rhythm to tomorrow!"

"Yes, if alpha hadn\'t been a robot, I\'m afraid I would have scolded my mother. I don\'t know what the little brother playing chess for alpha is at the moment."

"In other words, who has the contact information of this little brother? I think he is really cute. He is my favorite one!"

"Don\'t think about the flower maniac upstairs. He\'s a scientist of Huizhong alpha team with an annual salary of millions. How can you deserve him? I\'m similar to a white, beautiful and long legged one!"

"Ask for contact information upstairs [color] [color] [color]. Although I don\'t have an annual salary of one million, I also have hundreds of millions of projects to talk to you!"

The war between alpha and Li Shishi was very dull. The boring audience made all kinds of jokes on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room. The commentators or go experts invited from the live broadcast room also quoted scriptures to make an earth shaking story of the ordinary war between the two sides.

"Well, let\'s see that the chess game has entered the middle stage, and Li Shishi has another son.

Aye! Aye! Aye

Li Shishi\'s move stinks!

His move is called two-way dialing. He should have revitalized the whole chessboard, but now it seems that he has fallen into a disadvantage. It is obvious that Li Shishi has not considered the whole move enough.

No! Li Shishi, no!

Li Shiguang wanted to be stable, but how could he be stable enough to pass the alpha robot.

Alpha\'s leading edge has been established, and this chess shape is very thick. I\'m afraid it\'s even more difficult for Li Shishi to turn over the plate. "

Sure enough, as the commentary said, alpha won the second game soon after 211 hands.

Alpha wins another game!

When the referee announced the news, the alpha fans watching the game on the whole network cheered excitedly, and the words "666666" and "alpha force" were brushed on various live bullet screens.

Different from the cheering of alpha fans, although Li Shishi\'s fans\' morale is low, they still continue to cheer Li Shishi up through various channels and ways in the hope that Li Shishi can turn over against the wind.

"Li Shishi, oba, come on, you are the pride of South Korea! You will win!"

"Li Shishi, come on! 50 million people of the Republic of Korea stand with you!"

"Support brother Li Shishi. As long as brother Li Shishi can win a game, I will wear women\'s clothes live in the live studio!"