Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 782

"Girl, this is really a model of alpha. It was shot in the exhibition hall of Huizhong future research institute when my nephew traveled to China.

There are similar pictures on the Internet. If you don\'t believe it, search on the Internet! "

Outside the four seasons hotel in Seoul, South Korea, a small vendor selling alpha models painstakingly introduced to the female customers in front.

The female customers she solicited looked at the plastic arms on the stalls in front of her and drew a black line on her forehead.

"Cheat the ghost, uncle, if you save money, you can get a complete robot body. What\'s an arm..." the girl\'s heart was full of disgust. She looked around. The alpha models in other stalls were much more attractive than this broken arm.

There are square robot models, robot Wali and EVA models, as well as robot cats, transformers and so on. How to see, the arms put by the stall owner are a little scary and selling rags and parts.

"Uncle is right. This is indeed one of alpha\'s models.

The real body of alpha is a supercomputer with a computing power of more than 1 billion times per second, and the model sold by uncle is what alpha looks like in the exhibition hall of Huizhong future research institute.

Its body is a fist guessing robot. As long as you guess with it two or three times, it\'s difficult for you to win it again!

You see, I am concerned about the official account of WeChat future research institute, which has its photos.

A little fresh meat with glasses and a young and wise face suddenly appeared in front of the booth and approached the girl with a mobile phone in his hand.

When the girl looked at it, the photos on her mobile phone were really similar to the arms on the booth.

She looked up again at the nosy little fresh meat.

For a moment, the girl smiled sweetly like eating honey: "Oh, hee hee, it\'s true. What do you do, oba? You know a lot! I also want to know this knowledge. Why don\'t I add your wechat!"

"I am a graduate student majoring in computer science at Seoul University, but I intend to apply for an exchange place at Anyang University of technology in China this year."

"Well, what a coincidence. My home is near Seoul University..."

The stall owner looked at the young men and women flirting with each other in front of his stall. What\'s more annoying is that the two men left without taking care of his business at all.

In the four seasons hotel, the alpha team led by Mr. Liu again attracted the attention of the audience and invited guests.

The seats around the competition site were full of people, including go masters from all over the world, well-known experts in the field of artificial intelligence, university professors and scholars.

On the front bench, three referees, two men and one woman, have been seated. One of the male referees is fan Hui, the first person in the go world to challenge alpha.

Fan Hui is famous all over the world for his first challenge to alpha, and he himself is honored to be invited as the referee of the century war.

At this time, fan Hui, sitting on the referee\'s bench, was complacent about his wise decision two months ago. He seemed to have foreseen that Li Shishi would be crushed by alpha later, so everyone would only remember that he was the first person to challenge alpha. Who cares whether he lost or won?

As the alpha "arm", he is still the young member of the alpha group who has been the alpha "arm" before. Because of the alpha fire, he also leaked his face in front of the global audience!

Li Shishi, sitting opposite him, has a slight beard and looks a little serious and dignified.

At this moment, both of them are preparing and resting before the game. A big war is about to begin!

At 10 a.m., alpha and Li Shishi officially went to war.

In the first game, Li Shishi took the lead.

In order to face alpha, Li Shishi has made full preparations before. He knows that alpha has a great disadvantage or weakness, that is, he is not good at new layout and playing methods, because alpha\'s go technology is accumulated and learned according to the existing go routines. It is easier to win against alpha with new layout and routines.

Therefore, as soon as Li Shishi came up, he adopted an unprecedented new layout. The chessboard was chaotic and complex. The audience who knew go at the scene were very bright. They also felt that Li Shishi\'s tactics were very effective.

Sure enough, alpha didn\'t keep up with Li Shishi\'s rhythm. After Li Shishi completed the layout in the previous paragraph, alpha had fallen into the disadvantage of.

The audience and guests at the scene whispered to each other and expressed their views. They didn\'t dare to speak too loudly to avoid disturbing the two people playing chess.

Outside the four seasons hotel, a burst of cheers broke out among the crowd watching the battle through the outdoor TV wall. Obviously, there are also many people who know chess.

Around the world, viewers watching live TV, CCTV and webcast also applauded Li Shishi\'s advantages or played 666 bullets!

"Well, now the situation on the chessboard is that Li Shishi has completed the layout and has the upper hand. Alpha obviously can\'t touch the way and can only follow Li Shishi\'s rhythm.

Li Shishi was victorious.

However, the next middle game is the key to deciding the outcome of this game. When there are more pieces on the chessboard, the computing power of the human brain is often not as comprehensive as that of the robot.

We hope Li Shishi can keep his current leading edge and look forward to alpha\'s wonderful performance. "

Two hosts on CCTV WeChat official account are commentary for more than 20 million live audience.

As the war continues, more and more people pour into the live studio through various channels.

In the middle stage, Alpha\'s execution began to become tough. Mr. Liu in the audience looked at this scene with a faint smile on his face.

It\'s alpha\'s current method to make great efforts to perform miracles and kill the teacher with random fists.

This is also one of the main contents of alpha\'s experience and upgrading after his narrow victory over empress dowager jingshanyu more than a month ago.

Alpha\'s tough method is actually to use its strong computing power to directly calculate which position has the highest winning interest rate through exhaustive method and Monte Carlo tree search method.

It sounds very simple, but the computing power it consumes is amazing. Just think about the story of the king putting rice on the chessboard!

Alpha\'s tough moves disrupted Li Shishi\'s rhythm. He could only barely maintain the previous layout and wanted to maintain the previous leading edge.

But the actual result is that Li Shishi\'s leading edge over alpha is weakening a little.

Li Shishi began to sweat on his forehead!