Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 779

The spring festival activity of wechat has made wechat users all over the country happy.

At the same time, this activity is also a large-scale warm-up and exploration for wechat to launch ar games in the middle of the year.

Game player game player has been very enthusiastic about capturing AR\'s virtual characters. Even at the end of, when the event was closed by WeChat, many players left messages on micro-blog\'s official account, hoping to keep the activity.

Even if there is no red envelope, just capturing virtual characters is enough for them to have fun.

However, wechat ruthlessly turned off this activity!

At the same time, the activity page closed by wechat also left a mysterious sentence: see you in the summer vacation!

"I\'ll see you in the summer vacation!" is this sentence, which makes countless wechat players look forward to.

Many people speculate and speculate that Huizhong is likely to launch a similar ar game in the summer vacation. As for what game it is, Huizhong has remained mysterious until now.

It\'s just that news comes from the Internet from time to time that the same type of AR game "fairy treasure dream go" jointly developed by Nintendo and Huizhong will be launched this summer. Will Huizhong also introduce this game into China at that time?

Many fans of fairy treasure dream are looking forward to it!

In February after the Spring Festival, people all over the country began to resume work and production. The mermaid still continues its box office myth. From time to time, the news of breaking the box office record is hot on the microblog. According to this posture, no one knows how high its box office can reach in less than March!

But everyone knows and believes that the reason why the box office of the mermaid can be so high is not only because of Xingye, but also because Fang Zhe\'s personal visit to the press conference and the huge auxiliary distribution resources of Huizhong have played an important role.

Just like "Thai embarrassment" became the film history champion because of its participation and release a few years ago, the mermaid is no exception.

Both the film industry and the outside world have a higher evaluation of Fang Zhe\'s prestige and the terrorist distribution ability of Huizhong culture!

In addition to cow force, it can only be more cow force!

Fang Zhe\'s legendary reputation has not been too much. It seems that in front of him, there are no things that can\'t be done and problems that can\'t be solved.

With this mentality, Liang Mengsong, CEO of SMIC international, finally begged Fang zhe through Wu Yanbin, director of SMIC international through SMIC fund, after considering the two major troubles of SMIC international and still helpless for a long time.

Outside the construction site of the 12 inch wafer factory being built by SMIC at Nanning Road, Jianghai City, a convoy of several black cars stopped at the gate of the construction site.

Several people in Black got out of the car and looked around vigilantly.

Then Fang Zhe, his secretary Li Wen, and Liang Mengsong, the current CEO of SMIC, came out of the car.

"President Fang, this is the construction site of the 12 inch wafer factory we are building." Liang Mengsong introduced to Fang zhe:

"At present, the research and development of our SMIC 14nm FinFET process is progressing very smoothly. If it is fast, the research and development can be completed before summer.

According to the plan, the wafer factory here will complete the construction and clean room decoration before this autumn, enter the customer introduction stage from the end of the year to the first half of next year, and carry out risk mass production before next summer. "

Fang zhe looked at the construction site in full swing and was delighted with SMIC\'s down-to-earth drive.

But he also knew that Liang Mengsong would not find himself for no reason.

Liang Mengsong took Fang zhe around the construction site to explain. After a while, Fang zhe looked at him and asked:

"If there is any difficulty, you might as well say it. I see what I can do."

Liang Mengsong stopped and said, "there are really two big problems. I think it is difficult to solve them with my current ability and SMIC, so I want to ask you for help."

Fang zhe also stopped to look at him.

"One is about the 14nm lithography machine. Although we have placed an order with ASML in the Netherlands for a long time, we can\'t wait for ASML to deliver to us because of our low customer priority in ASML and technical blockade

14nm lithography machine, which will directly block the mass production progress of the chip.

We have also sent people to ASML and the Netherlands to lobby, but it has not helped so far. "

Liang Mengsong\'s tone is somewhat helpless. Whether in TSMC or Samsung, such things as imported lithography machines are not something he should consider as a technical person. He just needs to bow his head and do a good job in R & D. now, he has to worry about these things when he takes the position of CEO of SMIC international.

Fang zhe nodded after listening. In his opinion, there are three main reasons for SMIC\'s delay in obtaining the 14nm lithography machine delivered by ASML:

First, there are a lot of orders for ASML 14nm lithography machines, and the production capacity is limited. Whether TSMC, Samsung or grofangde, several major chip manufacturers around the world are scrambling for lithography machines that need ASML;

Second, Liang Mengsong said that the customer priority is low. TSMC is the largest customer of ASML, and Samsung and grofangde are also major customers of ASML. In contrast, SMIC, which only needs one or two lithographies, really doesn\'t see enough in front of these major customers.

Moreover, TSMC and Samsung are both shareholders of ASML, and grofangde is also a spin off of AMD, the major shareholder of ASML. They climb the relationship through the back door, and SMIC is not good enough.

Moreover, as competitors of these manufacturers, SMIC may not have the intention to join forces to suppress SMIC.

In contrast, the technical blockade of the third point is not as direct and obvious as the first two reasons.

Such difficulties have led SMIC to still be unable to obtain the 14nm lithography machine delivered by ASML.

Fang zhe knows that since ASML has received the order for SMIC\'s 14nm lithography machine, it will certainly deliver it to SMIC, but it\'s uncertain whether it will be sooner or later.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, and more likely two, three, or even four years later.

ASML can drag, but Fang Zhe and SMIC can\'t.

Because SMIC fund has signed a gambling agreement with SMIC\'s second largest shareholder Datang Telecom. If SMIC international cannot achieve mass production of 14nm next year, all SMIC shares held by SMIC will be transferred to Datang Telecom, and vice versa.

Fang zhe looked at the hot construction site in the distance. I\'m afraid that few of the workers care whether each brick they built and each cement they filled in are making contributions to China\'s chip industry. They care more, maybe wages.

Seeing this, Fang Zhe\'s eyes lit up. He couldn\'t help thinking of Marx\'s famous saying:“

If there is 100% profit, capitalists will take risks;

If there is 200% profit, capitalists will defy the law;

If there is 300% profit, then the capital owners will trample on everything in the world! "

"OK, I\'ll leave it to me. I\'ll try to let ASML\'s 14nm lithography machine lie in the plant in front of me before the fall." Fang zhe vowed.

In his mind, he already had preliminary ideas and strategies.

Liang Mengsong nodded. Although he still had doubts in his heart, looking at the self-confidence on Fang Zhe\'s face, he couldn\'t help believing that Fang zhe could handle it.

"By the way, you said there was another trouble. What is it?" Fang zhe was curious. He didn\'t know what could make Liang Mengsong so upset except the big problem of lithography machine.