Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 780

When Fang zhe suddenly mentioned that he donated his salary to the mainland education fund, Liang Mengsong showed a shy smile on his face.

"This was decided by my wife and I through consultation.

In fact, at my age, I have earned enough money. What I want to do most is to do what I like and fight for breath. "

Fang zhe turned his head, looked at Liang Mengsong\'s complex and clear eyes and said:

"Well, I promise you, Jiang Shangyi will not join SMIC!"

"President Fang, you..." Liang Mengsong felt valued and recognized in an instant.

Fang zhe raised his hand and stopped his words of thanks.

"You and Jiang Shangyi are rare chip talents. Losing any one is the loss of the mainland.

Although Jiang Shangyi will not join SMIC, I will find a way to let him work for the mainland elsewhere. Whether it is advanced manufacturing or advanced packaging, it is the chip technology needed by the mainland!

Are you all right with my arrangement? "

Fang zhe looked at Liang Mengsong faintly. Although he was asking, his eyes were indisputable.

"No problem, no problem, as long as he doesn\'t come to SMIC, it\'s easy to say!" Liang Mengsong is happy at the bottom of his heart. The mainland is very big. Jiang Shangyi will go wherever he likes as long as he doesn\'t come to SMIC.


Two days later, Wu Yanbin, the director of SMIC international, met in secret with Charles, the European head of Huizhong international public policy relations, in a teahouse on the Bund.

The committees and departments related to Huizhong international public policy relations are shadow departments parallel to the transparent Huizhong Public Relations Committee, including its capital source, personnel structure and capital flow. They are all opaque, and the general public outside rarely know and pay attention to this department.

The main role of this department is to study and dredge the policy relations, political contacts and interests of related interests in various countries around the world.

Every year, this department consumes hundreds of millions of dollars of activity funds. Although Fang zhe knows this, he never asks, because Fang zhe knows that the countless troubles encountered in the process of Huizhong globalization have been virtually eliminated because of the existence of this department.

After Wu Yanbin entered the teahouse, under the guidance of a little girl waiter, he boarded the second floor and entered a secret private room.

When he pushed the door in, there was already a blonde foreign man drinking tea and waiting.

Wu Yanbin met Charles for the first time, and Charles also met Wu Yanbin for the first time. They both had a tacit understanding. Once they changed their dressing habits in the past, it was difficult to recognize them if they were not very familiar.

"Hello, Mr. Charles, I\'m Wu Yanbin, director of SMIC. You can call me Wu." Wu Yanbin introduced himself.

"Ha, you are the Mr. Wu the boss said. My name is William Charles. Just call me charles. Sit down quickly. I just woke up before you came. You just had a taste of this pot of tea."

Charles\' tone and words surprised Wu Yanbin. He thought Charles was a cold man, but he didn\'t want to look more like a cynical and easy-going person.

Wu Yanbin thought of Charles\' identity. According to Li Wen, general secretary Fang, Charles is the brother of the former German ambassador to China. He is an expert in China in Europe and an expert in Europe in China. He can eat at both ends.

"My grandfather was German and my grandmother was French. They took refuge in Switzerland during World War II.

After the war, my father returned to West Germany to build his motherland, while my grandfather and grandmother stayed in Switzerland.

I was born in Germany, and at the age of 16, I was sent to my aunt\'s home in London to finish high school and then graduated from Manchester University.

Eight years ago, after my brother served as ambassador to China, I often came to China. Since then, I have been fascinated by Chinese culture, especially tea art.

Many people say that Japan is the country with the most prosperous tea ceremony culture, but I don\'t think so, because Japanese tea ceremony culture rises from the nobility, and all kinds of etiquette are cumbersome and complex, while Chinese tea ceremony has been integrated into the life of ordinary people.

In the Chinese classic outlaws of the marsh, teahouses and teahouses everywhere in the Song Dynasty illustrate the prosperity of Chinese tea ceremony culture. "

Charles said a lot since he was familiar with it, which brought him closer to Wu Yanbin.

Involuntarily, Wu Yanbin also opened the chatterbox and talked with him happily.

"Once, I met a very beautiful woman in a bar in Amsterdam. We had a good talk and fell in love. Later, I learned that she was the sister of Dutch Prime Minister Ruud..."

Charles talked a lot of nonsense. Later, Wu Yanbin couldn\'t tell what he said was true and what he said was false.

"Mr. Charles, let\'s talk about business. Now the lithography machine purchased by SMIC from ASML in the Netherlands has not been delivered. I don\'t know what you think can help."

Wu Yanbin interrupted Charles.

"Wow! Well, let\'s get down to business. I\'m like this. I don\'t have a door keeper. I\'m very talkative. Once I was... Well, boss has simply told me the situation over the phone.

Although this matter is difficult, it is not that there is no solution. I have always believed that there is no problem that money can\'t solve in this world. If there is, it is that money is not enough.

There are two key points to solve this problem, one is ASML, the other is the export license issued by the Dutch government... "

Charles simply told Wu Yanbin the key. Wu Yanbin listened and suddenly felt that, as he guessed, Charles\'s opinions and methods were not so glorious. Of course, the most important thing is, where can I find such a large amount of money?

Based on the current financial situation of SMIC, it is impossible to spend such a large amount of money to do such a thing, and it is impossible to write such a thing directly into the company\'s financial flow.

Charles seemed to see his tangle. He laughed twice and said:

"Boss asked you to come to me. I\'m afraid you\'ve arranged the money for a long time. Originally, SMIC should have paid the money, but SMIC\'s current situation may not be able to pay the money. Moreover, you haven\'t done similar operations. I\'m afraid the operation is not clean. It\'s not like letting us do it.

Next, what you and SMIC have to do is obey our arrangement.

Alas, I still admire boss\'s generosity and magnanimity. If I were myself, I wouldn\'t waste so much effort to help you. "

Wu Yanbin smiled and didn\'t say much. He knew that there was a gambling agreement between Xinsheng and Datang Telecom, the second largest shareholder of SMIC international. If Xinsheng didn\'t win because of the lithography machine, Fang Zhe and Xinsheng\'s previous investment in SMIC and chip industry would be wasted.

In contrast, how much more can Charles spend?

In March, Charles and his shadow Department ran around the Netherlands and even Europe, from port managers to members of Parliament, all within their "lobbying" scope.

Although there is still no news about the 14nm lithography machine delivered by ASML to SMIC, Wu Yanbin and Charles firmly believe that money is the best pass in the world!