Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 778

From the earliest wechat red envelope to the linkage with the Spring Festival Gala, and then to the collection of Wufu, horse racing, special effect expression package, video number, etc., the annual wechat activity has become an indispensable flavor in the hearts of Chinese people.

This year, wechat\'s Spring Festival activities met with people all over the country on the same day that Fang zhe attended the mermaid press conference on the last day of January, the week before the Spring Festival of the year of the monkey.

The theme of this year\'s wechat Spring Festival is: AR red envelope to accompany you for the New Year!

From the name, we can know that this year\'s Spring Festival activities are full of a sense of science and technology, using the most advanced AR technology of Huizhong future research institute, that is, augmented reality technology.

The simple understanding of augmented reality is to add virtual elements on the basis of reality.

More than half a year ago, when Indian leaders visited the exhibition hall of Huizhong future research institute, the running little dinosaur used AR technology.

This time, the wechat team cooperated with Gaode map team, a subsidiary of Huizhong, and deeply combined AR technology with lbs (geographic location) technology to create a new spring festival activity.

After entering the activity entrance, users will automatically load their location and a map combining virtual and reality. On the basis of reality, the whole map will add red envelopes, treasures, leaderboards and other different playing methods.

If users want to receive the red envelope, they need to go to the corresponding position in reality according to the map and scan the AR code to find the virtual role hidden nearby before they can receive the red envelope.

Once this new playing method was launched, it attracted the interest of many wechat users.

On January 31, the second day of the twelfth lunar month, Zhao Yiyi, a sophomore who had nothing to do at home during the winter vacation, thought about whether to ask her best friend out to play, and curiously opened the spring festival activity of "ar red envelope to accompany you for the new year" on wechat.

Zhao Yiyi, who always likes to grab red envelopes, looked at the red envelopes full of maps and sat up excitedly in an instant.

In their community alone, Zhao Yiyi found three red envelopes.

Zhao Yiyi tidied up, said hello to her mother and went out.

As soon as she got off the elevator and went out of the door of the unit, Zhao Yiyi went to the first red envelope. Zhao Yiyi swayed around according to the arrow on her mobile phone. Then, she found a virtual little dog sniffing in the bushes on the left.

"How cute!" Zhao Yiyi was adored by the little dog.

The dog seemed to find Zhao Yiyi looking at it. He raised his head and shouted at Zhao Yiyi twice. Then he ran to the mobile phone lens. His body became smaller and smaller. Finally, he turned into a red envelope with a dog pattern and lay quietly on Zhao Yiyi\'s mobile phone page.

Zhao Yiyi points to open a red envelope. This is a red envelope of 0.3 yuan. Although there is not much money, Zhao Yiyi is very happy to pick up a red envelope and meet a virtual cute dog.

She clicked on her mobile phone and continued to slide the map, thinking of quickly looking for the next red envelope.

Soon, Zhao Yiyi found the second red envelope at the door of the supermarket in the community. A fat cat with a red cloth tied around her neck and a white cat in a belly pocket with the words "attract money and treasure" on her chest was standing there to greet the customers entering the supermarket.

"Fortune Cat?"

When Zhao Yiyi looked at the Lucky cat, the Lucky cat also found her. It turned to say hello to Zhao Yiyi, and then ran to the mobile phone lens. Its body became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a red envelope painted with the Lucky Cat pattern.

In this red envelope, Zhao Yiyi harvested 0.4 yuan.

In this way, Zhao Yiyi found three red envelopes in the community, went out of the community along the map, began to walk along the road, looking for hidden virtual characters and red envelopes everywhere.

In a tree beside the sidewalk, Zhao Yiyi captured a monkey.

On the roadside grass, she caught another dog, this time corky.

During this period, Zhao Yiyi met many people on the road. Like himself, they all took their mobile phones everywhere to look for hidden virtual characters and red envelopes.

Everyone\'s face is full of surprises and expectations.

After a while, Zhao Yiyi followed the red envelope to the door of a KFC store. Looking at the crowded customers in the store, Zhao Yiyi was surprised.

After entering the store, Zhao Yiyi realized that many customers came here to capture a rare virtual character, uncle KFC!

The mobile phone interface indicates that consumption in the current store will greatly improve the probability of capturing KFC uncle. At this moment, there is a long line waiting at the front desk to order.

Zhao Yiyi understood that this must be a linkage activity between wechat officials and KFC, but at the thought of the virtual role of Uncle KFC, Zhao Yiyi involuntarily ranked at the end of the long queue.

Anyway, I just got a red envelope and saved more than two yuan, which was just spent!

Many people hold the same idea as Zhao Yiyi.

Since December 22, many people, like Zhao Yiyi, have taken to the streets and outdoors to look for hidden virtual characters and red envelopes.

Wechat group, circle of friends, microblog, topics and hot searches about wechat ar red envelopes have been constantly. Various virtual characters have been found and found by players, and even a trend of comparing and collecting characters has arisen.

In addition, on the map of wechat activity page, players look for lists such as the number of red envelopes and the number of characters captured, which also caused many players to compare.

Like KFC, many shopping malls, supermarkets or brands have carried out similar cooperation and publicity with wechat officials, which has greatly improved the passenger flow of their stores than in the past and the Spring Festival in previous years.

Even in the cinema, the virtual role of the mermaid has been put in. Users who have purchased movie tickets for the mermaid have greatly improved the probability of catching the mermaid. It is undeniable that this linkage activity of wechat has also set a box office record for the mermaid and made great contributions.

As for those wechat users who are unwilling to go out of their homes, they also have some fun.

Because even at home, when they open the AR scanning code of the activity interface, they will find a monkey jumping up and down. Every time they catch the monkey, they can receive a red envelope.

On New Year\'s Eve, wechat officials combined with a luxurious star lineup to send blessings to everyone. As long as wechat users call their favorite star on the activity interface, they will have the opportunity to get a full set of expression package and common language voice package of the star.

Compared with the previous wechat expression package with only pictures, the new voice package function is widely praised by many young wechat users.

"Good night, dear!" many star fans send the voice of their idol love beans to their friends and girlfriends who like the same love beans. They are very happy.

This Spring Festival, wechat official spring festival activities are not only large-scale, but also diverse. Wechat users across the country have also spent another unforgettable Internet Spring Festival in such a strong festival atmosphere.