Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 775

The mermaid, Stephen Chow, the king of Chinese comedy films, is another masterpiece made by the director after the journey to the West.

There is no doubt about Stephen Chow\'s position in the Chinese film world. Fans who like him can rank from Yanjing to France. Even Fang Zhe, the world\'s richest man, is also one of the fans of "Xingye".

From entering the performing arts circle in the 1980s to establishing the status of the king of Chinese comedy in the 1990s, and then to transforming the director, he directed a series of wonderful films such as Shaolin football, Kung Fu, the seventh of the Yangtze River and the journey to the West. Xingye contributed dozens of wonderful and classic films to the Chinese film world.

Good reputation and a large number of fans make Xingye a guarantee for the box office and a target pursued by many film investors.

This time, the movie "Mermaid" made by Xingye was jointly invested and shot by Huizhong culture and Xinghui company of Xingye.

"Mermaid" is a science fiction comedy. In addition to the biggest gimmick and quality box office guarantee directed by Xingye, its hero is Deng Chao, one of the hottest male stars at present.

The heroine Lin Yun was auditioned by Xingye from thousands of plain actresses in order to shoot the mermaid. She is also a new generation of "star girl".

The second male and second female in the mermaid are Luo Zhixiang, the "son of kidney deficiency" known as the master of time management. The second female is Zhang Yuqi, who became famous overnight because of her role in the female owner of the seventh Yangtze River. She is also a star girl of the previous generation.

The unique lineup of Xingye\'s director and several stars with different stories makes this film one of the most anticipated films in this year\'s Spring Festival!

At 3 p.m. on January 31, in the media release Hall of Huizhong culture headquarters, wearing a black cap and a casual star, led a group of main actors of the mermaid to the podium in the introduction hosted by the beauty and the warm applause of the audience.


Looking at the vigorous and naughty star and the leading stars of the mermaid on the stage, the beauty host couldn\'t help shouting.

"I think today, Xingye and the stars are not wearing formal clothes like me. Everyone is wearing casual clothes, and everyone\'s clothes have some patterns that fit our mermaid!"

With the introduction of the beauty host, the media cameras and the audience, the focus and eyes also began to walk on the clothes of Xingye and the stars.

Strange Mermaid patterns are printed on clothes such as the duck tongue on Xingye\'s head, the white sweater on his body and the dark green coat worn by Deng Chao.

The audience found that these patterns were different from the mermaid release poster on the electronic screen behind several people, but they didn\'t know what role these patterns played in the movie Mermaid.

In addition, the audience also found that each star except Xingye had a unique set of props in his hand.

Obviously, the beautiful host who has been guiding the press conference on the stage also found this.

However, she didn\'t immediately lead the topic to this, but chatted with Xingye first.

"Xingye, in fact, what many viewers and I are curious about is that our film does not hold a premiere or watch a film before it is released, just a short trailer.

What kind of consideration is this for? I feel quite mysterious! "Asked the hostess.

"Well, yes, just to keep the mystery and leave the audience with a sense of expectation. After watching the trailer, if you are curious and expect, welcome to the cinema!" Xingye replied briefly.

"The sense of expectation and mystery. Well, I found that several of our actors had all kinds of props in their hands and around them. I think this should also belong to the mysterious props related to this film.

I\'d like to invite brother Chao, our male number one, to show you the props in your hand. "

Under the guidance of the host\'s words, Deng Chao picked up the props and showed them to the audience and the camera.

A beard!

"A beard?"

Deng Chao put his beard under his nose in the puzzled eyes of the people.

"Super brother, what are you?"

"My present appearance is related to my role in the film. Beard is the most obvious facial image feature of this role. In fact, in the heart of the role I play, he is a child. He needs to use a beard to pretend to be mature and adult!"

Deng Chao\'s explanation made the audience curious about the role.

Next, with the introduction of the host, the audience turned their attention to Luo Zhixiang, a time management master next to Deng Chao.

The prop in Luo Zhixiang\'s hand is an inflatable hammer!

"Seeing this prop, you may not think of anything at once. I want to briefly talk about my role in the film!

I\'m not human!

Oh, I mean, the role I play is not human, which is why I was laughed at by his Q Zhang Yuqi.

"Octopus, is this an octopus with kidney deficiency?" the host asked teasingly.

"Of course not. I don\'t know whether an octopus has a kidney or not.

I used to be a childe with kidney deficiency. Ah... Bah, I\'ve never had kidney deficiency. My kidney is very good and energetic. "

Luo Zhixiang\'s funny words made everyone laugh.

After Luo Zhixiang, the speaker was Zhang Yuqi who had just been asked by Luo Zhixiang.

"Yuqi, your dress today really subverts my impression of you. I feel that you have suddenly changed from a royal sister to a video game girl!" the host joked when he looked at Zhang Yuqi\'s colorful clothes and hairstyles.

"Can\'t you see who I\'m Cosplay today?" Zhang Yuqi asked.

"Yes... No, sister Yuqi, do you play Daji\'s video game girl skin in the game of King glory?" the host guessed.

"Bingo, you guessed right! I play Daji\'s video game girl!

I am a loyal player of the glory of the king, and my favorite character is Daji.

I feel that I am just as beautiful as Daji, who brings disaster to the country and the people! "

"Wow, sister Yuqi, you are so wonderful. I didn\'t expect you to play the glory of the king. You play this role today. I think you should tell president Fang later... Well, I seem to have missed something."

Some fawns patted their chest in fear. She almost said today\'s colored eggs.

However, the leading stars on the stage and the audience can all hear it. President Fang, what president Fang, who president Fang, isn\'t that president Fang coming later?