Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 776

Zhang Yuqi, Xingye and all the stars have bright eyes. Even they don\'t know whether the mysterious president Fang is really coming today!

The host patted her chest to calm her mood, and even Zhang Yuqi forgot to ask questions about the rocket launcher paper props in her hand.

After Zhang Yuqi, the camera finally gave the heroine of the film, Lin Yun, a new generation of star girl selected by Xingye from thousands of plain actresses.

Since taking the stage, Lin Yun has always been very "clever". She stands quietly beside the star, sometimes turns her head and listens to the host\'s questions or the answers of other actors. She is very cute with a smile on her face.

She wore a white sweater dotted with red diamond patterns on her upper body, like the little sister next door.

At this time, it\'s Lin Yun\'s turn to lift the skateboard he has been leaning on and say:

"This prop is a walking tool I have always used in the play. I specially brought it to the scene today. In the future, I will always keep it in my home as a souvenir!"

The host smiled at her and asked:

"Can you tell us why you always use this skateboard in the play?"

"Because I play a mermaid in the play. The fish has no feet and it\'s not very convenient to walk, so I walk on skateboard shoes!"

"Fish walk on skateboard shoes. OK, now we know a little more about the role of the hostess. Then I want to ask Xingye, can you skateboard?" the host looks at Xingye.

Xingye shook his head and said, "no, I haven\'t learned. I feel this thing is not suitable for people of my age! The most suitable thing is a child like Lin Yun!"

"Children..." the host smiled. "Xingye said that Lin Yun is a child. Indeed, as a post-95, Lin Yun is less than 20 years old this year. She also participated in the film for the first time as a plain person.

Lin Yun, what do you think is your biggest gain from shooting this film? "

"Harvest... I feel I have learned a lot, including how to perform, hanging Weiya, speaking lines, etc. and I have met many predecessors in the team, including brother Chao, sister Yu Yuqi, brother Luo Zhixiang and other senior actors in other groups.

I\'m very grateful for being able to follow Xingye and perform in such a good team at the beginning! "

Lin Yun speaks modestly.

"What do you think, Xingye? What do you think of Lin Yun?"

"She is great and talented. I hope she can make greater achievements on the road of acting!"

"Wow! Our Xingye also gave Lin Yun a lot of expectations and blessings. We also look forward to Lin Yun\'s performance in the mermaid.

Next, we will invite the last mysterious guest.

The identity of this guest is very noble, or very golden.

He is a fan of Xingye. After hearing that Xingye is coming to Yanjing for a press conference, he specially made time to come to the scene.

Some netizens joked that he could earn a sports car as long as he took a breath. "

When the host just said this, there was a startling cry under the stage. Obviously, many viewers have guessed who he is.

The moderator continued:

"Even many families do not worship the God of wealth, but his portrait.

I think everyone should have guessed who he is.

Let\'s welcome our mysterious guest, founder of Huizhong, Mr. Fang zhe with the warmest applause! "

Everyone, everyone on the scene, from the stars of the star and the mermaid on the stage to all the media and audience under the stage, looked at Fang zhe who came in from two lines of bodyguards in black at the door with warm applause and eager eyes!

Domineering! Good style!

Fang Zhe\'s appearance left a deep impression on the media audience at the scene.

At this moment, Fang zhe has become the focus of the audience.

With a faint smile on his face, Fang zhe stepped on the stage, shook hands with the stars one by one, and stood next to the star.

"You didn\'t expect it. I didn\'t expect it. Even Xingye and several leading stars didn\'t know that president Fang would come today!

The script I received before was that president Fang might come. No leader told us that president Fang was on the way until he came to power.

I was as excited as you are now. Like you, I was so close to trillions for the first time!

No, I must take this opportunity to shake hands with president Fang and get rich! "

The host said, playfully extending his hand.

Fang zhe smiled and shook her gently.

"Wow! President Fang\'s hands are so warm. I feel that I will be prosperous in the future.

There\'s not much gossip. I\'d like to ask president Fang to answer first. Everyone should be as curious as me. Why did president Fang suddenly want to attend the press conference of mermaid? "

Fang zhe picked up the microphone, looked at Xingye and joked in a magnetic voice:

"I\'m here to pursue the stars. I\'ve loved Xingye\'s films since I was a child. Now I have the opportunity to meet my idol in person!"

Hearing Fang Zhe\'s words, Xingye and all the faces on the scene showed a smile. They didn\'t expect that as Fang Zhe, they would go to the scene to chase stars in person.

"Star chaser, president Fang, you are really a man of temperament. I always thought that rich people like you are far away from us. Now it seems that we still have something in common, that is, we all like Xingye and are Xingye\'s fans.

Now I want to ask Xingye, what\'s your mood and feeling when you suddenly know that Fang is always your fan and see him in person today? "

Xingye looked at Fang Zhe and said with a smile:

"In fact, I knew Fang zhe was my fan for a long time. When Huizhong culture wanted to invest in Mermaid, they used this reason.

I\'m very happy that Fang zhe can invest in this film, and I\'m even happier that he can come to the site himself today.

I\'m naturally happy to see him. I\'m very happy. You just said that many people regard Fang zhe as the God of wealth. I think he will bring good luck to the movie Mermaid.

Let the film sell at the box office! "

"Well, I\'m sure the box office of Mermaid will sell well with Xingye and president Fang."

"Then next, I want to ask president Fang about sister Yuqi. I wonder if you have noticed sister Yuqi\'s dress today?"

"Video game girl, Daji\'s skin!" Fang zhe blurted out.

"Wow, I didn\'t expect president Fang to guess so quickly. It seems that president Fang still knows his own games very deeply.

President Fang, you may not know. Before you came, I told sister Yuqi that if president Fang saw her dress, he would thank her for inadvertently promoting the glory of the king and Daji.

President Fang, what do you want to say to sister Yuqi? "

The host\'s questions attracted the attention of everyone on the scene.