Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 774

Alpha defeated fan Hui, who won the European Go Championship for a second time, with a strong record of 5-0.

Next, after leaving piriac, the alpha team went to several European cities and countries such as Berlin, London and Russia, and challenged several famous professional chess players living in these places!

Among them, there are not only professional chess players weaker than fan Hui, but also professional three-stage and four-stage players stronger than fan Hui.

Alpha team also hopes that in this way, alpha can fight with more professional players on the spot and accumulate experience.

Subsequently, the alpha team arrived in the United States all the way west, and then flew from the United States to Japan, challenging a number of professional chess players with higher levels in these two countries.

In Japan, alpha even challenged the artificial intelligence team of many scientists and Internet companies known as Japanese go. They were shocked to learn that alpha even defeated the professional nine section chess player empress dowager inouyama Yu, who was known as the first person of Japanese go!

"I must admit that Huizhong\'s research on artificial intelligence has been at the forefront of the world. At least at present, no matter we Google, Microsoft or IBM, we can\'t do this (artificial intelligence beats professional Nine Segment chess players)!"

Robert, the head of Google x lab, wrote such a twitter.

"We judge that Huizhong\'s alpha is at least constructed with a variety of top-level technologies such as neural network, deep learning and Monte Carlo tree search.

When artificial intelligence can defeat go professional Nine Segment players, it means that it can meet 99% of the computing needs of human life.

The remaining 1% is the anthropomorphic part, which is as big a gap as the Pacific Ocean for the current level of human science and technology! "

Thomas, head of Microsoft Research, said in an interview.

"I think the outside world still praises us too much. It is undeniable that alpha is indeed the world\'s leading artificial intelligence, but it can beat go professional players because we have made some directional optimization on it.

On the road of deep learning, Alpha\'s intelligence is only a three-year-old child. I think it will take at least another ten or twenty years before alpha\'s intelligence can reach the level of human high school students.

Of course, by intelligence I mean all aspects of learning ability. Put aside intelligence, the gap between ordinary people and alpha in memory and computing power is like the gap between an ant and the Galaxy! "

Mr. Liu, leader of Huizhong alpha team who returned to China, said in an exclusive interview with nature.

Although alpha has caused an uproar in the global scientific community, because alpha\'s global challenge is very low-key, in addition to the high attention of the scientific community, many ordinary netizens are unaware of it, so they don\'t know it

Set off too many waves on the Internet.

In the Yanjing Hall of Yanjing Hotel, Fang Zhe and several core executives of Huizhong specially set up a grand banquet here to pick up the dust for the alpha team running around the world for less than half a month and celebrate the success of the whole alpha team!

Although alpha\'s Global Challenge Tour is not famous among ordinary people, it not only verifies Huizhong\'s artificial intelligence research achievements, but also greatly improves Huizhong\'s reputation in the global scientific community and makes Huizhong show its face!

If in the past, such as Google, Microsoft and other established world Internet giants, or the scientific community still had doubts about Huizhong\'s technical strength and thought that Huizhong only made its current achievements because of good luck, then now, all those who doubt Huizhong will shut up!

Huizhong has technical details matching its strength and reputation!

"Jiannan, as well as the alpha team and the whole alpha team on this business trip, first of all, I would like to thank all of you for your contributions to Huizhong future research institute and the whole Huizhong! On behalf of all executives and the whole Huizhong, I would like to propose a toast to you first!"

In the magnificent Yanjing hall, Fang Zhe, as the No. 1 boss of Huizhong, toasted and commended the whole alpha team.

Jiannan in Fang Zhe\'s mouth is Mr. Liu who led the team this time. His full name is Liu Jiannan.

Everyone at the scene got up and drank with Fang zhe!

After a glass of wine, the atmosphere on the court became lively. During this period, Zheng Siwen delivered a short speech on behalf of Huizhong executives and Liu Jiannan on behalf of alpha team.

After the celebration banquet, from the alpha team on business to the whole alpha team, they received rich bonuses, stock options and other rewards.

While the whole alpha team was overjoyed, they also began to update and upgrade alpha\'s brain with more high fighting spirit and spirit, so as to prepare alpha for the next game against world go champion Li Shishi!

According to general manager Fang\'s instructions, the next battle between alpha and Li Shishi will be in March after the alpha brain upgrade is completed.

At that time, the battle will be broadcast live on the world wide network,

Fang zhe hopes to announce to the world in this way that Huizhong has become a world-class Internet giant with advanced technical strength and inside information!

Time has stepped on the threshold of the Spring Festival in the year of the monkey.

On the last day of January, just one week before the Spring Festival holiday, the media release Hall of Huizhong culture Yanjing headquarters, a leader in China\'s entertainment industry, held a film conference to detonate the domestic film industry, entertainment circle and the whole network public opinion.

The theme of this press conference is: fish and water joys.

The movie released is the mermaid.