Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 771

As the largest R & D investment in the history of global mobile games, "news broadcast" was greatly commented and exposed in person. The game industry overlord Huizhong is the only SSS level mobile game product. "Glory of the king" has not been tested yet, and has accumulated the expectations of tens of millions of Chinese players and tens of millions of overseas players!

From the end of the last file deletion and closed beta of the king\'s glory two months ago and the opening of the public beta appointment, more than 32 million players have made an appointment for the king\'s glory through wechat games, 91 assistants, Xiaomi app store and other channels!

32 million players!

This figure not only broke the public test reservation record of all Huizhong\'s games, but also broke the public test reservation record of all games in the global game history.

The official account of the king\'s glory has not been publicly tested, and it has been painted in various social media such as games, media, micro-blog, public numbers and so on.

On the day of the public beta of the glory of the king, on the morning of December 31, tens of millions of players across the country and millions of overseas players were brushing news on various game forums, Baidu Post Bar, wechat group and microblog, waiting for the public beta of the glory of the king to open.

"The glory of the king is on service today. Has the glory of the king been on service? Why hasn\'t the glory of the king been on service yet? It\'s best to download the glory of the king and the glory of the king in advance. The countdown is 1 hour and 23 minutes, and the countdown is 1 hour and 19 minutes..."

Various topics about the glory of the king have exploded the microblog hot list, wechat group and circle of friends.

"Quickly, quickly contact the operation and maintenance group and deploy 50 groups of servers immediately!"

Li Min, the producer of "glory of the king", told his men anxiously in the game Department of Huizhong headquarters building.

According to the feedback from the operation Department, the popularity of the service of "glory of the king" today is probably better than what they estimated before!

At this moment, in Li Min\'s office area, nearly 200 people of the R & D team of the king\'s glory and the technical support team temporarily transferred from various departments are making final preparations for the official opening of the king\'s glory.

Including the person in charge of Huizhong mobile game department, technical director, Huang Zheng, the president of Huizhong game, and other senior executives of the game department, and even Fang Zhe, the No. 1 boss of Huizhong, all pay attention to the glory of the king.

At 12:00 noon, the expected glory of the king officially opened!

Players who have been booking and waiting for a long time all over the network pour into the glory of the king like a raging flood.

12: 01, the number of influx exceeded 1 million, and the first 10 groups of servers were full!

12: 19. The number of influx exceeded 5 million, and the first 50 groups of servers were full!

At 15:00 p.m., the influx exceeded 10 million, and the first 100 groups of servers were full!

Three hours, 10 million registered users! So terrible!

With the influx of a large number of players, players\' comments on the glory of the king have also spread all over the network.

"Wow! The role and scene design of the glory of the king are so beautiful, especially Diao Chan. I admit I\'m greedy for her body!"

"I just played a game. Although my teammates are a little pit, I kill very well. The striking effect of various skills has a strong sense of rhythm!"

"It\'s great to play. I use Zhao Yun carry for the whole audience!"

"Daji\'s voice is too crisp!"

"Sleeping trough, I have a queue of more than 160000 people in the first district. Do you want so many people!"

"Hahaha, it\'s new year\'s day tomorrow. As a result, several people in our project team go to work to fish and play king glory!"

"NIMA, I spent 3000 yuan and finally got Zhao Yun\'s heart and skin of the engine! It\'s so handsome!"

Many netizens share the joy and excitement of playing "glory of the king" on the Internet.

In the eyes of face watching players, the exquisite pictures, character images and special effects of "King\'s glory" are the top handsome and beautiful women.

In the ears of sound control players, the glory of the king has all kinds of character lines from cute and cute to sexy and charming, magnetic maturity and so on.

In the eyes of players who pursue competitive pleasure, the pleasure of killing carry 5 in the glory of the king is unparalleled.

Many players are obsessed with the sense of achievement of segment upgrading, and many players get relaxed in the process of opening black with their friends.

Many players have made high comments on the glory of the king. Of course, some of them are angry with their teammates. While swearing, they constantly match and play another game.

After 6 p.m., during the rush hour, people all over the country released new year\'s day, and the data of "glory of the king" ushered in a wave of peak again.

At 20:00 PM, the total registered users of "glory of the king" exceeded 15 million, and the maximum number of online users exceeded 5 million at the same time!

At 22:00 PM, the total number of registered users of "glory of the king" exceeded 17 million.

After 0:00 p.m., the total number of registrants of "glory of the king" on the opening day was as high as 18.42 million! Total number of open services, more than 180 groups!

"Glory of the king" has greatly raised many world records in the history of global games, such as the number of registrations on the day of opening service!

Late at night, many players are still staying up and excited to play the glory of the king, while Fang zhe leaned his back against the head of the bed and quietly looked at the book.


Fang Zhe\'s mobile phone on the bedside table received a new wechat message.

Fang Zhe, who had been waiting for a long time, first turned his head and looked at his sleeping wife Feng Xue. Then he gently put the book at the head of the bed and picked up his mobile phone to check.

"Rough statistics on the first day of the public beta of the glory of the king: the total number of registered users is about 18.42 million, the highest number of online users is 5.12 million, the total flow is 1.02 billion, and the total number of paying people..."

"1.02 billion!"

A faint smile appeared on Fang Zhe\'s face.

1.02 billion a day, equivalent to nearly 150 million US dollars. Such a high water level is worthy of being rated as the only SSS mobile game of Huizhong!

The one-day running water record of 1.02 billion is nearly half the gap compared with the highest one-day running water record of 1.7 billion in the previous life of the glory of the king.

However, in the previous life, "glory of the king" set a record, which has been the peak period of users and other data. Now, "glory of the king" has just opened its service, its potential is far from being fully tapped, and its peak period is far from coming!

Fang Zhe, who put down his mobile phone, fell asleep contentedly next to his wife Feng Xueshen.

On the Internet, when the glory of the king released some data on the first day of the public beta, peers in the game industry all over the country and even the world were in an uproar!

"18.42 million! 1.02 billion!"

"Is there any mistake? Is Huizhong playing a game or a money printer?"

"Kneel! Really kneel! I feel that even in the next 100 years, it is difficult for games to surpass this data!"

"It\'s terrible. No wonder Huizhong wants to grade this game as SSS! From now on, there will be another great and insurmountable monument in the game industry!"

Indeed, these two figures, like the new Mount Everest in the game industry, stand in the hearts of peers in the industry!